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Right Arm Paralyzedl Saved from St. Vitus Dance. "Our daughter, Blanche, now flfteen years oí agre, had been terribly afflicted with nervousness, and had lost the entire use of her right arm. We feared St. Vitus dance, and tried the best physicians, with no benefit. She has taken three bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine and has gained 31 pounds. Her nervousuess and symptomsof St. Vitus dance are entireiy gone, she attends school regularly, and has recovered complete use oí her arm, her appetiteissplendid." MRS. E. R. BULLOCK, Brighton. N. Y. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. " Dr. Miles' Ncrvine 19 sold on a positiva guarantee that the first bottle -will benefit. Alldrufrsistsseü itatSl, 6 bottlca forïó, or it will bo sent. prepaiti, on rcceint of pricö by the Dr. Miles Jeuieal Co., Elthart lnd. i'DV. S'DAV. '8r"DW '"iW ' WA! PEFFER'S NERV1GOR DIO It HCts powerfully and qnlckly. Curos when al OtberefaU. Younemen rcKain lost nmnhoml; olü au'u rCOTCT yout hf ui TlBor. Abulii(rlv Ouuraiiíeea to cure AeiTotiniieiS, lont V Itnlltv f .nioteney, N .stliU y K.i1k!oiiii, I.rnit l'o er, ther scx, í HiHnii Mcinury, fVuxtliiK IÍ1'i'i anilall elf ceta of srlf abuse or excesses and 'ion. WiirüsolrlnsanUyand eonsumption Don t let (lrujíKiNtH impuso aworihloss suhstitute On you becuuro ityickls aKri'iiteriiroMt. lnaiston hav ing PF.FFEIÍ-S XF.KVIOOR.orsend for it. Can be carried to vest pticket. lJrnpüid. plain wrap pr, KI per box, or t'ir S. with ii. Poaltlve Wrltten 4narantee Co Cure orKcfund the Money. J'amnlilotfreo. Sold by drupeists. Address PKFi'KIS 1EI)1CAL AÍS'X, Chicago, ín. Sold by John Moore. New i DIETAS I AND SCHANTZ, I 48 S. STATE ST., ISECOND F LOOR.] Fine Merchant Tailoring ! I WE GUARANTEE FIRST-GLASS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. ■ï 7 E keep on hand samples W of all the LATEST and BEST ÜTYLES of FOREIGN and DOME STIC GOODS. Cali and inspect them. REPAIRIN6 NEATLY DONE! AIko . lea 11 i uk and l'1-.-.-iii-m ELECTRIC TELEPHONE tLX Solt) ontriclit. no rent, no royalty. Adapted PLl to City, Villmieor Country. Needcd in evpry t-mJsiii home, shop, store nnd office. GreHlet conven oL5ñs' pnce nnd biwt geiler on earth. Vil AirniM Irom 85 ÍOSSO prr dar. ' i h Me in a residence meanB a sale to all the LS - naiuhhor. Fine instrumenta, no toy, vork 3' nnywhere, any diatanre. Completó, rendy lor 1 f ue when Bhipped. Can be pat up by nny c;ni U I noYeroutot order, no Kpnirina, la a lift : tima. Unrnmted. A money maker, "rite - JUW. P. Harrisnn & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus. 0 J3Otroit T. i - ■- '- PnGe_sduGed TO 75 Cents a Ysar. Unsurpasscdas a Ne-.vstfip!". Unrivalediii Popular Interest. Smtndlv Refi'ibücan. . . . Au Agent wanted In every Township In Michigan, to whom liberal terms will be giTen. THE TfTBUNE . - Datro!?. About Knives. A cheap Pocket-knife can be bou at every Store, but it is not the kind you want. One dollar is the lowest price that & really good knife can be sold for. This Jiloumn is placed in this paper to adveri the very best Pocket-knife ever sold. It is J. C. Tidmarsh's Sheffielc! Steel Knife. Never buy a knife only because i looks well. Jf blades are not the Sheffield steel they will soon bend, na matter hovv they will look. StilL yor want a fine-looking knife. The United States law provides th. only samples to agents and to the trade will be admitted free of duty. You can, therefore, see the advantage that I havo in sending samples to agents over those who deal in Sheffield gooás in America. # I am an advertising agent ! I am entrusted with a certain amount to spend advertising these knives (the best value ever seen in America at One Dollar each). Now, the knife is its own best advertiseinent. Imagine a Pocket-knife (3i inches long) with the most beautifully-grained voi-y handle- genuino Afrioan ivory and with two blades of the very best Sheffield steel that will last a lifetime and cut like a razor. The tips of the lüindles are heavily plated with sterling silvrr. And thon a wry nice chamoifi [eather caso goes with each knifts Nowj vrould it not be easy work selling this knife at One Dollar i I know it would, for it looks as if ii were worth two dollars. And so it is if you compare it with the value offered in the ordinary Store ts i ot this knife its own bost advertiseincnt. You can make $4 per day Belling these knives. This is a genuine straigtforward statement, 'ibis counting that you show it to ox]$ twelve buyera every day. And e one that sees it will gay it is good value for $1. The knives are sold to you at $8 per dozen ; you sell them at U each. I determined to use large sum of advertising money entrusted to me in sending out free samples to those who promise to act is agents for the sal' these knives. I will send you a tree sample, bui you must sign the promise at the fooi of this column, and make a deposit to show that in asking for the knife jou are acting in g-ood faith. The deposit that I ask of you is 44 cents about half the wholesale cost of the knife. and less than one-third what you would have to pay for a knife like it, if you bought one. i_ v Send the money by a Postal Order or one-cent stamps for 44cts., and put a five-cent stamp on the letter, which must not weigh more thau one-haü ounee. The deposit of 44 cents will be placed to your credit, and will be deducted from your first order at the dozen rate I am an advertising agent, contraetor and publisher with one of the largost Advertising businesses in the world.and I absolutely guarantee to send, postage paid and duty free, the knife described above free to anyone who signs the promise below, and sends it with the deposit as stated. Let me advise you not to part with your samplü, even if you should lose a sale at $1 by rufusing, as it will take time to replace it. I could not send you another even if you sent the f uil $1. After the sample they can only bo suppliedtoyouby tho dozen as there U duty on them to be paid. Any English Banket1 can give yon information about my high standing, or write to the publisher of this paper who knows that I do a large anö straightforward advertising business, and that I do exactly as I say. ' I have taken this pace in this paper For three years ! The tirst one answeiing this advertisement after this number of the paper has come out will, if :ie likes, have his name printed in tfail spaco as agent for those knives. # Tho Editor of the Springfleld (Ohio. .Vu Era writes, in his paper of June 29, 1894:- "I have received a sample tnife from Mr. Sears, and am very much pleased with it. He is the ownet of a very largo advertising business in London, and is, I believe, perfectly esponsible and straightforward." Sign your name and address to the ollowing, cut it out and send it with Jostal Order or stamps for U eenta, and you will roceivo by return of post the beautiful knife as described above. F. W. SEARS, Advertisinq Aqent and contraötob, wholesale k advebtising departement, 138 Fleet Street, London. 3ear SlR, - I faithfully promise on my and honour to show the Sample Knife ■ou have promised to send me to om or more of my friends, thoreby constiuting myself an agent. This wil; nake me "'in the trade" as far ■"ocket-cutlery is concerned. By )romise I am entitled to a sample of 'Our beautiful Dollar i'ockct-knife with chamois leather case, to bo sent me post-paid and duty fret', i also enlose 44 cents Postal Order or stamps, which please hold for me until I send 'ou an order at the dozen ratO. Name Address Addnss all letten In F. W. SEARS, Wholesale Knife Adivertisement Dept., 138 FLEET ST, LOXDOX. "'


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