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I.ittle Drops of Water. The childish ditty beginning "Little drops of water" is very forcibly in the mind of a Boston printer. He occupies rooms just over a dealer in fancy goods, on a sido street that runs from Tremont, off the Common. About two weeks ago one of the devils employed by the printer was taken with a fit while he was washing at the sink, and feil in a heap on the floor. The result was that the plush department of the down-stairs merchant was deluged, the glove boxes, photograph albums, etc., being badly warped. A storm followed, which was cleared away by the payment of nominal damages. Last week the proprietor of the printing office himself was in the office one evening, and being thirsty went to the fauoet. But the water had been shut off, and, no stream the opening of the stopcock, he forgot to close it, and went home. The water was turned on before mornipg, and then carne a repetition oí the former experience. It was no use for the type-man to point to the fact that the second flood had warped the plush goods back to their original shape. The printer was moving when last heard from Did you ever see one of the famous waterproof Interlinea Collars or CuFs ? It's very easy to teil, for they are all marked this way ËLLULOIO ■ AíARK. ïney are tne only Interlinea Collars and Cuffs, and are made of linen, covered with waterproof " Celluloid. " They '11 stand right by you day in and day out. and they are all marked this way Tu Mark. The first cost is the only cost, for they keep clean a long time, and when soiled you can clean them in a minute by simply wiping off with a wet cloth - that is the kind marked this way 1Y TRAOf _ These collars and cjiffs will outlast ix linen ones. Tfic wcarer escapes laundry trials and laundry bilis - no chafbd ueck and no wilting down f you eet a collar marked this way ,-XÍL te. TRA Of p5LLLULOQ HTI Ask your dealer first, and take nothing that has not above trade inark, if you dcsire perfect satisfaction. All others are imitations absolutely. If you can 't find collars or cuffs marked this way, we will send you a sample postpaid on receipt of price. Collars, 25 ets. each. Cuffs 50 ets. pair. Give your size and say whether standup or turned-down collar is wanted. 427-29 Broadwar, NEW YORK. The American Hotel Under new managementand everything new. Fine table board at moderate rate by the week. Take your meals here while vour family is out of the city" Elegant Sunday dinners. Central Location. MLjTABLER, Prop ADIRONDA ■ TRADE MARK ■irniwim Wh e O1 or'sJi He art 1 Oj NerVe - POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Nervous Prostration, SUeplestnet and all derangements of the A'ervoue System. ünexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaraiiteed lree iViuii ohiii'. 100 full slze doses, 50e. U.D, Bailtij. Itecririnn Teller, Grand Baptds, (Micti.) Savmgt Mank. says he cannot. tav too mueh in faror of "AMrontta," Wheeiers Ilear' and Nene Uure. For Sale by all Drnggists. FBANKLIN HOUSÊl DETROIT MICH. It is well before leaving home, whether f or business or pleasure, to decide upou a hotel and thereoy avoíd confusión. When you Tisit Detroit we would be pleased to have you stop at the old " Franklln House," cor. Lamed and Batos Sts., where you willhaveagood meal and a clean bed at moderate rates. The house has been renovated f rom top to bottom, and is now in first-class coaditiou. Respectfully, H. H. JAMES. Meals, :!5c. I.udgings, 60. FerDay, 81.50. jÉgé ME-QRIM, j%ff7Jyl)ïïK$ That tlistrosiii pain. usually ááEtíMÉt, ' unoside of liciul.known JttttmQiKP " SICK HKADACHK fESEii ; rjnickiy relieved and pcrma■Rí3Tlwr nontly curt'd by % F DR. WHITEHALL'S ftSgík Mt"GnlM"INE in. - :i :i im l surc cure tor :ill j-; bk;id;n'h('s, neuralgias or other palnful nervous attacka . tn any part of the body. Sold h. drvjcgtsts. Lumber ! Lumber! Lumber ! Il -Ou contémplate building cali at FERDON Lumber Yard COR. FOURTH AND DEPIT STS. And get your figures for all Knds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICS ! Give us a cali we will maket to your interest, as our large and wil gracfed stock fully sustains our assertm. JAME5 TOLBERTProp. T. J. KEECH, Supt. M. N. BIZME, TEACHER OF THE VIOLIjí! Pupil of EMIL SAUET, BERLÍN, GERVIANÏ. Rooms at the ANN ARBOR ORGA CCS, 51 S. Main Street. x HASKINS' LIYERir Feed and Boarding Stab, WEST HURÓN AND ASHLKTS. pe Varriagea to let. Hortes boarded at reasonable rale, i Especial, care taken to keen boarders nood order. J COHE AND SEE 1T' JJ32 E. .1 II i.kson SI Horses Boarded, Hacks to aills' Orders for Drives, Rece' nS' la j. etc., etc., promptly atten Carriages to let at reas rates. - Good horses. E. C, MORRIS SAFE ' (Incorpora ted.) Capital - $250,000. Successors to E. C. Moeris & O ss 64 Sudbury St, Boston, - " Fire and Bnrglai Proof ,es olí CJBank SiMVk, Bank VaultN I ot a!kind8?r8' a"d B"witk The Beet Safe ín the World. im,000 ín i Alway jn-eserve theír contenté, -eg Champion RecotdinalltheOreatl in Oneofthelapftestand best equipped factor4"1 asas" and rïsïssiSiSïë" HtJMPHRBYÜ Dr. Humphreya' Specifica are sclentlflcall'n carefully prepareu Remedies, used for ye)e private practiee and for over thlrty years bc people wlth ntire succes?. Erery single Sp. a special cure for the disease named "■ MO. CI'RES 5 1-Fcver, Congestiens, Inflammations ' Ï-Worm, Worm Fever, Worm Collc 5 3-Teethlng Collc, Crylng, Wakefulnesa 5 4-Diarrbea, of Chlldren or Adult 5 7- Couarus, Colds, Bronchitis 8-SenralnIa, Toothache, Faccacha 5 9-Headache, Slck Headache, Vertlg' . 5 lü-Dyspepsia, Blliou-ness, Constlpatlon. 11- Sappressea Periodg ' l'-i-Whltes, Too Proftise Perlods " '. 5 13- Croup, I.arj ngitl, Hoarseness .... '. 5 14-Salt lihium. Eryslpelaa, Emptlons. . ï 15 Khcuniatinni, Rheumatlc Paíns ï 16-Malaria, Chllls, Fever and Ague 19-Caiarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head Í O Whooping Congb 5 27-Kidney Diseaneit ) 8-Nervon Debility ti 30-Urinary Weakneaa "" 34-8ore Tbroal, Qulncy, Dlcerated Throat " 7-711 DR. HUMPHREYS1 nnin nf II NEW SPECIFIC FOR GRIP, % Put up In small bottles of pleasaut pellets jus your vest pocket. Sold b.v Driieii.t, or rut pre,. IJ on im-Hpt of D w. Hninun' KTOt nu pun umin, mis Hcarmxn ï, MtwTd SPBOIPICS lJ


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