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The Pavement Around The Court

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house square showed a woeful laok of attention during the past week. No attempt to speak of was made to keep it clear of snow drifts. The whole trouble is because the city and county authorities both claim that it is tho other's duty to clean the walk. The present legislatura will undoubtedly tinker with the congressional and senatorial apportionmont of the statu - Argus. They vvould soaroely be doing their duty if they did not mido a lot of the tinkering dono Ín this matter by the last democratie legislatura. The governor of Wisconsin, in his message to the legislature of that state' takes the ground that studente should have the right to vote where they are attending school. ïhis principal was carried out in this state, in a measure, when the amendment to the state constitution was adopted permitting those at the soldier"s home to vote at Grand Rapids. _______ The attitude taken by some of the párente of the young Araericas who were suspended from the High School for maintaining a secret society organi.ation is truly amazing. We wonder what the father or mother can be thinking who will uphold a son or daughtor in disobeying a rule of the institution to which such a one is sent for an education, and especially when the breaking of the rule is done by uniting with an organization, some features of which are. to say the least, questionable. The action of the teachers in the High School ip suspending a number of students for violating the rules of the Schoal Board and membcrs of .secret societies, is certainly a commendable one. The idea of boys and girls in their teens apeing their seniors in sueh things, and being carried away with their fad to such an cxtent that they are shamefully negleeting their studies, should be stopped at once, The attempt of one of the societies in the High School in trying to organize a branch order at Monroe was certainly oarrying the matter beyond all limits. These boys' mothors would serve theie kids right if they would take thom home and give them a good spanking and than seud them back to school. The Register has been condemned ontheone hand apd praised on tho other; abused by some and coraplimonted by just as many ot.her ; has lost a few subseribers and gained as many new ones, all because it has admittod to its columns during the past fow weeks eertain Communications relative to smoking, drinking, and athlotic sports in the High School and Univorsity. We have been asked,"Vhy did we publish such articles?" It was not because we neccssarily endorsed all that tho Communications contained for wc do not. It was because we bolievod they wouldopenup a discussion on certain subjocts where a liberal exehangc of ideas would be beueücial. Tuero can be uo question that many of the cvüs mentioned by our correspondent are gi-ievous ones. and it is sheor nonsense to argüe that a coat of whitewash is the proper reme dy. A frank open discussion will do more good in exposing and removing whatever evils may exist than all the whitewaeh that was ever used. Itmust be cxpocUnl that in a discussion of this kind both bides will make unreasonablc and io8sibly sometimes untruo statements, but the real nature of all such assertions will, of course, be pointedout by the opposition and thus become harmless. The columns of The Register aro always open to thé Communications of reputable citizens who may wish to discuss any legitímate subject. lts space is also just as tree for the use of any one vho may wish to reply to any thing the paper may conuiin, pioviding, of course, we know in every instance who the writer is, and that be does not overstap the limitsof decency and self-respeet, and does not make statements which he is not able to prove.


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Ann Arbor Register