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Beautiful Women Give Some Won= derful Information Concerning Female Beauty. We do not Think 0 it WÜl Take Women Long to Act Upon This Idea. Tho poot and plulosopher, Ralph VValdo Emerson says : "If eyes were made for seeing, Then beauty is its'own excuse for being. " Beauty of feature and elegance of form have ever been the desiro of the fominine mind. And it is a perfectly laudable and natural ambition. Women are born to sway the hearts and minds of men as much by their beauty and attractivencss, as by the subtler charm8 of goodness and purity. And yet, how few women attain the beauty which should be th3irs, and in thosu few who are beautiful, how qirickly their beauty fades! This is wrong1. Women are aaturally beautiful - at least of pleasing and attractive appearanoe und in nearly all the cases where women lack these physical charms, the fault is their own. Good looks and boautiful forma are nntirely dependent upon good health. One must have strong nerves and pure blood to be beautiful. Failing to have these, is to fail of good looks and fine figure, and the woman who becomes broken in health, even in the slightest degrec, will see beauty gradually fade. The moment women realizo this, that rnomont will they understand thát physical beauty is a matter withintheirown control. And just how it is so, is told by Mrs. Francés Lytlc, of 2 Hunter Ave., Kochester, N. Y.. ' I was very pale and delicate." she says. "and had no color, and had fcmale weakness with leucorrhoja, and.sufïcred great pain at my pcriods. I am now well, thanks to Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nervc remedy. My face is plump and my cheeks red, and my complexion pure. When I began the use of this remedy, I only weighed 81 poundp, and now I weigh 113 poundsand amstill gaining. Dr. Groene's Nervura blood and nervc remedy is a waadcrful medicino. I havo not had any troublo since I began taking it. '" Miss Emma Maria tt, oí Oxford, N. J , says : "I have been a sufferer for ten years, and the victim of a largo tumor weighing twenty pounds, whieh 1 had ' ed, and I suffered untold agony formany ' monthsafter. "I tried the skill of many physicians, all of whoni attorly failed to give me any relief. "I then used that wonderf ui medicine, Dr. Greene's Xervura blood and nerve remedy, and after using a few bottles I was entirely cured. "To those who have been sufforing from various diseases, and have failed to find any relief, I am, to-day, a living tostimony and witness to the wonderful and marvelous curativo powers of this great medicine. To persons suffering from Tarious disoases, I earnestly recommend the use of this remedy if they would be cured. For further information I well wiüingly. cheerfully, afid promptly rospond. Miss Dolia T. Shca, of 210 LexingtonStreet, East Boston, Mass., inakes th following statement : "About seren years ago I bogan t feel very uncomfortablc after eating, 60 much so that I found it impossible t keep the lightest food on my gtomach. I grew worse for throe months, so I waê obliged to give ip work and go to the hospital. "Itried many remedies and doctors, but they did ine no gfood. A friend advised me to try Dr. Greene's Nervur blood and nervfe remedy. "I began using it. &nd after a week feit much better. When I had taken four bottles the weakness in my stomach was all gono, and I could eat thing without distress, while a short time before I fouDd it impossible for weeks at a time to evon drink a glass of milkand keep it in my stomach. "1 was unable to wear anythingbut a loóse dress, and I did not go out of the house for months at a time. I am pow cured of my tvoubles, and am well and strong. My cure is wonderful. Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and norve remedy has done what the hospitals, doctors and other medicines could not do. "It ia a splendid medicine, and I urge evory suffering person to use it. I love to think of the good it is doing, and wish everyone who is not perfect! y well, ; would take it."' Miss Rose McC'arthy, of 347 East 87thst., New York City, writes as follows : Por a long timo I was troubled wlth ncrvousness and violent headachos. I would lie awake nearly all night, and was in constant mi&ory. Previous to this, my complexion was a vcry healthy color, but now it became very bad. "Itook three bottlesof Dr. Grcone'i Xervura blood and norvo remody and was entirely cured. My nervousness and hoadaches left mo, my good complexión returned, and I slept serfectly. I can safely say to everybody who is suffering. just givo it a trial, and you will bc cured. I hope my statement will find relief for many people who do not know the benefit of such a wonderful medicine."' It is thu evident that women can get well- can secure perfect health, strong ñervos and pure blood by using the great vital restorative, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. If, therefore, women will maintain their health and strength by this remarkable medicine, we will fruarantee them beauty of (ace and forra, the bright oyes, pink cheek and clear complexion of youth, and the rounded form, graceful lines and elastic step of vigorous physical development. This remedy can bo used without hesitation byall, as it is purely vegetable and is endorsed and prescribed by physicians; indtied, it is the prescription and discovery of our most successful physician in curing nervous and chronic diseasos. Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th St., New York City, who can be consulted at any time. without charge, personally or by letter.


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