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State Legislature

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Sexatk. -Fourth ö.iv.- A petition was presented from Shiawassee county asking for a prohibitory liquor law. Gov. Rieh transmltted documents in the matter of the removal of state offleers. Bills noticed: To repcal act authorizing Catholic bishope in Michigan lo . hold property In trust for the use of the chureh ; exempt ironi taxation; for the incorporation of Royal Orange lodges in the state: to repeal the act penuitting pólice Justlces of Detroit to commit chüdren to the house of the Good Shephent in Detroit; to amend building and loan association laws; to amend the constitution relative to the election of representativos to the legislature. so as to permit the división of large citiea into representalive districts; to placo a statue of the h.te Austin Blair. Michigan' war governor, in Statuary hall in the capitol al Washington, at a oost not to exceed mO.OOO; for a constitutional amendment providlng an educalional qualitication for voters. stipulating that clectors mut be able to re-ad and write: a caucus reform bill which Is very striot in all tts provislons and applies to cities of orer 20.000 lnhahitants. Bills ïntroduced: Requiriuz secretary of state and deputy ; to give bonds: providing fur the taxaiionof palace, dining nd sleeping car corporationi ' Joint business in the state: providlng for hearing chancery causee in open court and settling cases on appeal; repealing Detroit & Saline Plank road incorporatiou net; to tax ehurch pruperty. Uousk. -The apportionment of ulerks to standing coinmitleos created home discussion. Gov. RUn Kut to the House the report of the municipal corporalion eommission. All municiixilitios i have been divided into olasses. Detroit havlng one class ail to itseli, as only those citieB havlng a population of more thua ljO.000 are included. The report salil the cornimssion isstill considerinii the bilis for the charters of second class cities. hut bilis were submitted for illa(res and cities of lesis than 10,000 popuiation. These büls make verv few changes'in the law for the incorporation of vUlages and small cities. Bills not leed: For the re-apportionment of the state into eongressional. senatorial and representative districts; for uniform texl books in the public schools: to repeal tax on mortgages: to previde lor the taxation of ! lands owned by churches and charitable institutlons- buildings remaining exempl: for constitutional amendment to reduce the time for ntroduoing bilis In the legislatura from 50 to 30 days: to place the clerk of the supreme court on an annual sala ry of S2.'tíO and have his [ees, which amount to Ü2.000 to $18.000 annually, turned Into the state tfeasury, also providing üiat the clerk shall be appointed once in two years by the court instead of by the chief justice at the pleasure of the court, as now; Bilis introduced: For oonstitutional amendment to take salaries-of state offleers from oonstitution, allowing them to be tixed by legislature; amcndlng law for ncorporation of Kas light companies; to permil coinmitment of patienU from other state to private institutions, hospital.? and home in Michigan: to amend charter of Detroit relative to electric lichting commission: ameiitiiug general tax law; providing for raising salaries oí state offleers: amendlng dairy and food coniuiisaion law. (ving greáter autliority: providlng for the examinatiuu and appraisal of public school lands, swaiup lands. etc. ; amendlnif law relative to Agricultura college lands. to allow the sale of same; a general insolveney law. Rbxatb- Flfth day- L,arïe nuinbers of bilis continue to be noticeJ daily. The most important nut on this day beiug an aMauk upon tho contract syten ot employing convicts. Il provides that all work done by the inmutes of penal institutions in the state shall be on the state account plan. Resolutions were adoptad instructing committees not to report any charter bilU unttl the meamires framed by the municipal charter commission are disposed of; provldlug for a select committee of three to investígale the printihg and distribution of public documents. Hills iutroduced: Making an auproprlation for the Michigan Pioneer and Historical societv: autíioriiut; appointmeut sí a clerk to iudge of probate, caucus law by requiring reglstration: providing fox inspection of building and loan associatiun.s; striking out portiou ot law periuittinu building and loan assockitious to levy tines on members without having such praetice considered usury; repealing act exempting building and loan associalions from taxation: to repeal act incorpcraling Michigan (,'entral and brtng the company under general law: to submlt amendment to people to provide for indetermüiate sentences; ïepealing law permittiiiK justkes of the peace lo seod children to the house of Good Shepherd in Detroit; providing for appointment of Detroit pólice commission by governor; primary electlon bill; providing educatioual qualitlcatlons for voters; doing away with cuuiulathe system of eleutlng representatives in Detroit and havinx them elocted by district: pure food bill: íor a normal school at Mt. Pleasaut: repealing luw permittlnf Roman Catholic bLshops ot MÁChifctau aud their successors to hoid prooerty In trust.' for use ot the church. HovsE- Bills introduced: Por incorporation of villages; for incorporal iou of cities of the fourth clans: amending law relative to probate courts: for additioual judge for Third judicial circuit- Wayne co-jnty; for stenographer for FourtoeiUh judicial circuit; OOBffrewAoaa] apportionment; senatorial apportionnienl: for bulletiniiifr arrival of jjassenger trains at stations: amending general tax law: pure fond bilí; a normal school at Mt. Pleasant: for additional buildings for asylum at N'ewberry: to change name of Newberrv asvlum: providing for marine hospital and dry doek at SÍ Marys falls; to pay monej of Oaeeosed persons to county treasurers in rertaiu cases: incorporating village of Crystal City. Bsnzie county; for amendment limitinsi introduction of bilis to legislature to 30 days: ameiulini; game law- providing that the open aeason for deer shall be from Dot. 3.". to NTov 25. that all uou-resident hunters must get a ;r from the county clerU, resident humers must have a M-cen't 1 Ícense. Sesate.- Slxth day. - A short sessioa. Bills itttroduced and reteiTerl: Aroending railroad law relative to condemnation proceedhigs; amending building and loan associatlon lav; repealing tax exemption clausc, of building and loan assocjation law: jrovldiiiK for uxamluation ot natlnnal buildini; and Unn assoolatlons by labor cominissioner; for incorporation of Orange lodges; for constitutional amendment for indetermiuate sentenues: for iucorporation of villages: for incorporation of cities of fourth class. House.- Tbe Hrst redi debate over legislative muiters was a warm one. It carne on Ihe concurrent resolution, previously the Senate, lnstructing committees navlng charge of city charter bilis not to report any special churter bilis until the general ones framed by the luunicipal i'orijoraUón commlKsion had been dlsposd of. While uearly all the members who spoke on the cjuestion disclaimed auy hostility to the general büls or any desire to ignore the work of the commission each had particular and urgent reasons why speciai bilis from his own locality shoud have immediate hearing. It was ünally declded to give a special hour next week to the conslderatlon of the resolulion. The tirst bill reported from a committee was Rep. Redtern's bill amending the law relating to the election of schhool conimissioners. Il increases the term of office from Iwo to four years, makes a change in the law relating to oe appointment of school examiners and provides for teachers' examinations on a basis of popuiation- two each year In the smaller diatriots a;d up to six in the Utrger. Among the most imuortanl bilis noticed was oie to provide that the term of office of members of the state legislature sh'Ol be four years instead of two, and that the terms o.' half of the members ot each house shall expire every two years, thus insuring a large body ot experienced men in each session. At the Hrst election to be held under this plan half the members would be elected for two years and the other half for four. Another resolution will provide a flxed salary for members, uniform in the two houses Bills introduced and ried: To amend act of 1889 relative to mutual provident associationstö amend law relating to the electio of school commissioners: amend laws relatlng to the publlcation and distribution of stato douuraents; to amend game luw. to provide for the vaeation of cometerles In townsnlps; to provide suitableoutbuildings foi se liool houses. amending general tax law: for county teachers' instltutes: amending law relative to fraternal Booieties; amending law relative to care of juvi-nile offenders: prohibiting use of fourwheeled cars on all railr Is In the Btate to establish and regúlate sale and ose of railroati mlleage books; oreatlng legal department tor city of Detroit: authorlzing land oommissioner to selldead and fallen tinibcr on state lands prohibitiiiK talimg of iish from Kalan rlvereicept by hook and line: for an assessor and a board of review for city ..f [ron Mouñtaiii; revislngand oonsolldating laws relative to PUDUC instruction and primiir, bc


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