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I Made $75.00 in a Week. I have bougttt sovoral platina machines, but thcy were either not large e.iough f aorac artioles they did not work easy, and I have never made much money until I obtained the Practical Platin Dynamo. ïhis is the électriual machine use in all the great gold and silvorplatinjr faetones, and does the work every time. No sooner did people' hear that I had this eléctrica! Dynamo, than I had more spoons, knives," forks, and jowelry than I could plate in a month. ïhe first week 1 eleared $31.50, and the second week 1 clearcd $75.00, and I think by the lirst of February I will have a thousand dollars in cash and gire my favm considerable attention toa. The PlatingDynamo is the thing to use, and you can learn to uso it in about an hour. Anyone can write to W. P. Harrison & Co., Columbus, Ohio, who make these machines, for circulara. As this is my first lucky streak, I gave my experience, hoping others may be beneflted as much as I have been. Chi ld ren Cry for öitchr's Castoria, "BV THEIIt WORKS TB SIIAM. KSOW THKM.' FIKST NATIONM, KXCIIANGE BANK Port Huron, Micta,, Dec. 'H, 1884. WH, ('ahoon, Eaq., Eepresenting tlie Mich., Mutual Life IiiMirance Co. Detroit, Micliigau. DearSir: - I beg to acknowledged the recelptof SJOOO. In paymont of an Endowment policy niaturingon the liOth. of this month with your Company. Allow mo to express my tnanks for your promptness in settlenient. t conslder this one of tlie best investmeiits ever made by me. and It convinces me that the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company is a well manaxed, sound, conservatlve Company. Yours very truly, H. B. Babnum. Casliier. Our Agent B. J. Conrad wil give all deslred Information regarding the varioua contracta wiitten, oryou can write the Home üflice. O. K. Lookeh, Pres't. Jas. H.Cummi.vs, Scr-'y. is Notlce to Credltors. STATE OK MICHIGAN, ■ COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. f Notice is hereby elven, that ly au order of the Probate Court for tlie County of Wasliteuaw.madeon theTlhdayof January, A. D.1HÜ5, six months f rom that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims agaiust the estáte of Samuel 1,. Lucas, late of said county, deceased, and that all cieditors f said deceased are requlred to preaeni their claims to said probate court, at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowanee, on or before the 8th day of July next, and that such claims will be heard before said court, on the Rth day of April, and on tlie 8th day of July noxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. (48,) Uated. An n Arbor January 8, A. T. 181. J. WILLAKD BABBITT.Judge of Probate. ÊARHS Cnr Cnía In Sovlhetn Virginia rW OdlC and nichigar',. Also some Very 0hoiC6 Tracts of TIHBERED LANDS In Cnllfomlft. Mlmnnrl Tonnmnrn. N, Carolina and Virginia. For Lists and Full Eártlculan;, Cali on or , IRA ABBOTT, Real Estáte and Excursión Agent 417 II i o l KI ILUIM., Telephone 447. dktkoit, iíIK'h. HFTPrTlVCft Brtjht man waated fm Uïïl I BLO I IV CO ryrrj-lociililvtooppr ate undcr LbMi ucdens. Civil and crlDitna-l detectlT wurk. Tiocatlng debtort, collttlnï debts and i . rinclennr. For part len lar addreü wit a i AntfilcHD Dft-flff A znvy, 1 iid) m tin polli, lm!.


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