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Probate Ordor. OTATE OF mi i lllCAN, i "OOOHTÏ O WASHTENAW. f Atasesslon of the Probate Court tor the couuiy of Washtenaw, 1 t ! 1 - 1 1 at the Probate Office In tlie City of Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the tenth day of January, In year one thonsand elght hundred and nlnety-'five. Present, J. Wlllard Hubbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter oí the estáte of Wiiliam II. llaniilion, deceased. Oh readlns nul Bltng the petitlon, duly venfled, of Siary H. Hamllton, praylngthat she may be llcensed tosell the l:i! : whereof sald deceased dled seized. Thereupoo II Isordered, that Tuesday, the I2tbdayof February next,atteno'clocklntbe foreaoon, be asslgned tor the hearing of aaid petltion, and that the heirsatlaw o deceased, and all other persons lnterested In sald estáte, are required to appear at b session of sald Oourt, then to be bolden al the Probate Office, In the City of Aun Arljor, in sald Oöunty, and show cause, if any there be why Uie 'praye. of snid pel il ioncr hould nol begranted: And it Is further ordered, llin sala petltloner give nottce to the persons lnterested in sald estáte, of the pendency of sairt petitlon, and the hearing thereof, by causingacopy of this order to be published in The Ann AhbOB Hkcistkh, a newspaper prlnted and circulatlng In sald county three successive weeks previous to said 'day of hearing. J.WILLIABD HABBITT, IA true Copy.l Judge of Probate. W. G. DOTY Probate Register. 50 Probate Order. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, I aQ QCOUNTY OF WASHTKXAW. ( SSAta session of the Probate Oourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office m the City of Ann Arbor, on Frlday the llth day of January, in the 3rear one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Present, J. WUliard Babbitt, Judg! of Probate. In the. matter of the estáte of Lconard D. Hosier, incompetent. On reading and filing the petition, duly veritlfied, of said Leonard I). Kosier alleging among other things tliat he has recovered his mental competeney and praying that John I'. Lawrence heretofore duly appolnted his gaurdian may be dischargea of hls trust as such and. the control and management of the estáte ot petitioner turned over to him the ,-ail pötitioner. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tlie llth day of Febrnary ne.t, at ten o'cloek In the forenoon, be asslgned for the hearing of suid petitlon, and that the nest of kin of said Incompetent, and all other persons lnterested in said estáte, are required to ap pear at a session of said court then to te holden at tlie Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any there be, why tlie prayer of the petltloner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to tlie persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petitioner, and the hearing thereof. by causing a copy of thls order to be published in the. ann Arbor REGISTER, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three BUCcasslve weeks previous t o said day of hearing. j. wiLLAKD hauhitt, A truc copy ) Judge of Probate. W. G. Doty, Probate Register. ö Jlortgage Sale. Default having been made in the conoitions of a raortgage executcl by Michael Itobison and Diana Kobison, his wife to Adah '.. Treadwell bearing date November 5, A. D. 1889. and recorded in the ollice of the liegiater of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, Xoveinber 5. A. D. 1889 in Liber 73 of Mortgages on page 33H, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage became operative, and no snit or proceedlng in law or equity haviüg been instituted to recover tlie debt, secured by taid mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of fourteea hundred and live dollars and fortyone cents ($1,405.41) being now chiimed to be due on said mortgage, notice is therrfore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the rnortgaged remises therein described or some part thereof, to wit : All of the following described land situated in the townshipof Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, vit: Begiuning at the South East corner of the West half of the South East quarter of section No. one, in township Xo. two, South, in Eange No. six East; running thence North on the quarter line to the North East corner of said lot; thence West on the line sixty rods; thence South parallel with the east line to the south line of said seution and the Forest road thence East sixty rods on the line to the place of beginning containing sixty acres of land more or less. At public veinlue on Friday, the 29th day of Marcb next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, at the East front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County of VVashtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in said County. Üuted January 2, A. 1). 1815. Ad.ui Z. Tkeadwei.i,, Mortgagee. Noah w. Cheeteh, Attorney. ."iT lliirliiüi' NhIi . Dofault having been made in the con ditions of a eortain mortgago made by Kandolph K. Fellows and Kmi'y H., his wife, and Pyron V. Fellowá and Kosetta H., his wife, to Warren Kimble, W. H. Webb and Mrs. D. B. Morgan, as trustees of the First Universaüst C'hurch of Manchester, Michigan, and to their suecessors in office, dated December 24th, 1885, and racorded in tho office of the Kegister of Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw, and Stato of Michigan o nhe ïth day of January, 188fi, in Libo 66 of mortgages, on page 158, on whichmortgage there is claimed to be due a the date of this notice the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars and an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars, and no suit or proceedings at law having been instituted to recover th monoys secured by said mortgago or any part thoreof. 'lherofore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statutes in such caso made and provided, notice is hereby givon that on Tuesday, the tweUtfa day of Fooruary, A. D. 1895, at one o'clock in the afternoon, we shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being tho place where the Circuit Court for the said Conrity ui V:t-jif-n;i'.v g holden) the premises deucx'iuod iii suid niortgage to pay tho amount due on said tnortgage, with sevon per cent. interest, and all lejal costs, the premises being described in said mortgago as tho undivided twofifths and the undivided two-thirds of one-fifth of all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Sharon, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to-wit: - The north cast quartor of the south east quarter of seo tion number thirty-two of said township. Dated, Nov.Sth, 1894. Wakken Kimble, Sarah K. Javnes, EMILY E. l'AKk'KL, Trustees of said C'hurch, Moitgagoes. A. J. Waters, Attorney for Mortgagees. (50) QPIN A I weakness casily cared by OrlllAL Vr. Miles' Nerve Plasten. AH drugglsts guárante lr. Miles' Pain PTIJ.cï +.OStOT 3'i'lCb'v 1)po wrt 1 j.i Order for Appearance. STATE OF HIOHIGAN I OOITHTT Washtknaw f8' Anne Hogan, Complainarif, vs. Chris tina Güshenan, Catherine Heines, Margaret Ülancy, Defendantp. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw in Chancery at Ann Arlor on the 3rd day of Weceuï ber A D. 1894. In this cause itappearing from amdavit on file, that the defendant Marg.aret Clanr.y is not a resident of thig State, but resides at St. Louis in the iState of Missouri, on taotion of Lawrer.(v & Huttertield Complainanfs Solicitors, it is orden d that the said lefendant Margaret ('lancy cause her appearance to be entered herein, within tour nionths from the date of this order, and in case of her appearance that she cause her answer to the Complaints Bill of Complaint to be Oled. and a eopy thereof to be served on said Complainant's Solicitors, within twen. ty days after service on her of .: copy of said bill, and notice of this order, and that in default thereof, said bill be taken as confessed by the said nonresident Defendant. And it is further ordered, that within twenty days the said Coinplainant cause a notice of this order, to be published in The Ann Arbor Register a newspaper printed, published and circulating in eounty, and that such publicatioa be.continued there at least once in each week, for six weeks in succession, or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said non-resident Defendant, at least twenty days before the time above preserijjed for her appearance. Dated, Dec. 3rd. A. D. I8M. E. D. Kinne. Circuit Judge. L.AWRENCE i; BUTTERFIELD, 47 Complainaut's Solicitors. Order tor Appearance State of Michigan. The twenty-socond Judieal Circuit in Chanoery. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of VVashtenaw in Chancery at Ann Ann Arbor,on the 31st day of December 1894, wherein. Augustus L. Webster, trustee, is complainant, and Scottie A. Wood and Mai-y E Phillips are deiendan ts. In this cause it appearing; from the return of the sheriff of said County of VVashtenaw and from affidavit on tile, that said defendants, Scottie A. Wood and Mary E. Phillips, are not residents sf said State of Michigan, but are residents of other States in the United States. Therefore, on motion of Noah W. Cheever, solictor for complainant, it is ordered that said defendants, Scottio A. Wood and Mary 10. Phillips, enter their appearance in said cause on or before four months from the date of this order, and that within twenty days the complainant cause this order to be püblished in the ANN Arbor KegisTER, a newspaper printed, püblished and circulating in said County, said publieation to be coutinued once in cach week for six woeks in sueeession. üatud, Doe. 31, 1894: E. O. K ix nik. Circuit Judge. Noah W. Cheever, Solictor for Complainant. 50 CHanrery IVotloo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I Cor.NTY or Washtenaw . f8 Tn tho circuit court for the County of Washtenaw in chancery. Bernard Goodman, vs. Ida Kate Goodman, defendant. Bult pending for the circuit court for tho County of Washtenaw in chancery at the city of Ann Arbor on the l"th day of December A. D. 1894. In this cause it appearing from atlidavit on tilo that the said defendant Ida Kate Goodman is not a resident of this state, but resides in the state of New York. On motion of M. .1. Cavanaugh solicitar for eomplainant, it is ordered that the said defendant Ida Kate Goodman cause her appearance to bo entered herein within four months from the date of this order, and in case of her appearance that she cause her answer to complain ant's bill of complaint to be filed, and a copy thereof to be served on complainant's solictor, within twenty days aftcr service on her of a copy of said bill, and nitico of this order, and that in default thereof. said bill be taken as confessed by said non-resident defendant. And it is further ordered that within twenty days tho said complainant cause a notice of this order to bo püblished in The Ann Aruor Register, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in said county and such I publicatioB be continued there at least once in each week, for six weeks in sucsession, or that he cause a copy of this : order to be personally served on said J non-resident defandant, at least twenty , days before the timo above preseribed for her appearance. AI. .1. Cavanaugh, ■ Complainants' Solicitor. E. D. Kinnk, 60 Circuit Judge. j Probate Order. UTATE OF MIOHIGAN, l„ k-'COCNTYOF WASHTEXAW. 1 At a session of the Probate Ccurt for ' the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Ann f Arbor, on Wednesday the 20th ('ay of l December in the year on thousand : eight hundred and ninety-four. J Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of ' Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ashel Carey, deceased. f On reading and filinar the petition. .l dnly verifind, of .T:m' K. (in-. i-.''■ ii_: tti;i' i '!'■ iiii.iiiiiiHiraiiou oi said es' late m.iy be granted to herself or some other suitable person. Í1 Thereupon it is ordered, that Monl day, the 21st day of January next, at ten oclockin the forenoon, beassigned for the hearing of said petition, and J; that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said esttite, are required to appear at a ses" sion of said Court, then to be holden at P the Probate OfHce, in the City of Ann l Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, L why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further or= dered, that said petitioner give notice " to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and J: the hearing thereof, by causing a copy " of this order to be published in the " Asn Arbor Bbgistzb a newspaper printed and circulated in said connty three successive weeks previous to said " day of hearing. , ( true copy.) J. willard Babbitt, Judge of Prol Wm. O. Doty, Pro I ' ■ Mortgage Foreclosure. Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by Marah A. Hogers to Aretus Dunn of tho , city of Ann Arbor Michigan, datett March 4th. 1893 and recorded in the of1 liceof the Register of Deeds for Wash , tenaw county un the 6th day of March, ■ 1893, in Liber 81 of mortgage, on page 118. on whieh mortgage there is now ■ claimed to bc duo the suin of two thousand two hundred and twenty-five doli j lars and geventy cents the whole amount i of said mortgage having become due and payable on account of the non payment of interest) bei-i les an attorney's jfeejof twenty-fivo dollars provided for in said mortgage and no suit at law or proceeding in equity having beon instituted to recover tha money secured by said rnortgago or any part thereof. Now therefore by virtue of the power of sale eontained in said mortgage and the provisions of the statue in such cases made and provided notice is hereby giren that on Saturday the 26th day of January, 1895, at 10 o'cloek in the forenoon at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenaw) there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder the premises described in said mor-tgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage together with interest ttereon from tho date of this notice at the rate of six per cent. and the amount of said attorney's fee-covenauted for in mortgage. The premises described in said mortgage to be sold as aforesaid are described as follows : The west hal of the northwest quarter and the wet t half of the southwest quarter of section twentyone (21) in the township of ScjOj Washtenaw Courity, Michigan. Dated, November! 1894. Aretus Dunn, Mortgagee. , Thompson & H arriman, ■ " Attornies for Mortgagee. (49) Chaneery Salet In persuance and by a virtue of á decree of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in Chancery, made and entered ' on the third day of December, A. D. 1894, in a certain cause therein pending wherein William Marquardt is Complainant, and William L. Marquardt, Marie Marquardt and Henrietta Seigmand are defendants. Notice is hereby elven that on Saturday the 19th day of .January A. D. 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, Ishallsell at public auction or vendue, to tho highest bidder, at the Huron streetentrance to the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in aid County of Washtenaw, that the building in which the Circuit Court of Washtenaw County is held, the following' described land and premises, sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor, County of State of Michigan viz: the Nbrth eleven feet oí. - lot two (2, block live (.",) R. S. Sinith's second addition, and the south fortyfour feet of fractional Iota geven (7) and. eight (8) block flve (5), of 11. S. Smith's second addition, being on the east side of Forcst Avenue, BO-called in said city. Dated Ann Arbor, Dec. tith, 1894. Fatrick McKernan, Circuit ( 'oraissioner, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Silas B. Spier, (47) Solicitar for Complainant. ortsagc Sale. Whereas, d.-ranlt having been mude in the conditiorm of a certrtin inorttcage made and execu ed ty Elizi Crofoot of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan to Sarah E. Sheehan of said citv. county and Btnte.dated the twenty-sixth day of July, one thousand eight hundred imd eighty-eight and recorded in the ollice of the Register of Deeds,forthe County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the twenty-sixth day of Julyohe thousand eight hundred and eightyeight, in Liber s iventy-'hree of mortgages, on pugHtw.) hundred and forty-fiVe on which mortgage there is claimed to be dun at the date of thin notice the sura of one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine dollars and fifty-six cents, and an attorney feeof tbirty-five dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law having been instituted to recover the moneys secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; Now, therefore by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortsrage, and the statue in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Saturday the thirtieth day of M;uch A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninetyBve, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, I ■shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the South front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, (that being the place vvhere the Sircuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is holden),the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof is may be necessary to pay the amount iue on said mortgage, with seven per ;ent. interest, and all legal costs torether with ati attorney's fee of thirtyive dollars covenanted for therein, .he premises being described in said Dortgage as all those certain pieces or arcels of land sitúate in the Village of ialine in the County of Washtenaw ind State of Michigan, known, boundid and described as follows to-wit: teing the east part of lot number hree and southerly parts of Iota numler.sixteen and seventeen in section luruber ten in the Village of Saline .foresaid, and more particularly decribed as follows to-wit: Commencng at a point in the north line of the ,'hicago rond, po palled, two chains resteny iiuia me corner of said Chingo and Ann Arbor roads and running henee northerly and parallel with the aid Ann Arbor road two chains and iinety-nine links, thence westerly and larallel with the said Chicago road vventy-nine feet and six inches to the ast liheof a lot owned by one Mason, henee northerly and parallel with the aid Ann Arbor road two chains and inety-nine links to the north line of aid Chicago road, thence easterly along he line of said Chicago road twentyine feet and six inches to the place of eginning. Saving and excepting a ight of way along the west line of aid lands for certain persons who ow lawfully may use and make use of he same. )ated, Januarv :'rd, 1895. Sarah E. Sheeh.i n. Thos D. K' Atty for Mo 't


Old News
Ann Arbor Register