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SS Chronic Nervousness Could Not Sleep, Nervous Headaches. Gentlemen:- I have been taking your Resto rati ve Nervine for the past three months and I cannot say enough ia its praise. It has Saved fly Life, for I had almost given up hope of ever being well again. I was a chronic suöerer írom nervousness and could not sleep. I was also troubled with nervous headache, and had tried doctors in vain, until I used your Nervlne. Yours truly. MBS. M. WOOD, Klngwood, III. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Dr. Miles' Nervina ia sold on a positiva ruarantee that the flrst bottle wlll benefit. All druRBlsts si-I 1 lt at 11, 6 bottles for f5, or lt wlll besent, prepaid, on recelpt of prlce by the Dr. Uilen' Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. WHAT PEFFER'S NERVIGOR DID. It acts ppwerfully and qulckly. Cures wher. all otbersfail. ïouiifïmen regain lot manhood'oid aion recuveryouthlulThjor. AWluteiy OuursuteCMl to cure NrrvonmeH, I.o.t Vltull t r. lmjiotenoy,NIhtIyKmli.Ion.iI.otIoer; elther Ks, t bIIIbk Mtraory, Waatlng Dl. . ?nali tfti-U otSilf abuit or UMHl and mauention. Wurdsotf lnssnltyand comumption Don t k-t drupefst simpóse aworihlesasubatitute on vou because ItyicldsBjrroaterprodt. Inslston hTInu FEFFER'l SfEKVieoK. orsend for lt. tan be carrled In Test jMcket. Prepiid, plaln wrt per, 1 per box, or íor S, wlth A PoiltlvV WrlttentíuuranteetoOiire or KrruitU the Sold by John Moore. New m - Firm DIETAS AND SCHANTZ. I 48 ,S. STATE 5T., ISBCOND FL00B.1 Fine I Merchant Tailoring! I WE 6UARANTEE FIRST-GUSS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. WE_keep on hand samples of all the LATEST and BEST STYLES of FOREIQN and D0MEST1C GOODS. Cali and inspect them. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE! Also 1 Irauluu' and Preslng IIIMIII IN II ■■■ " ANDREW E. GIBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. No. 10 E. Huron St. ARBOR Hl II. it IJ 3lt W7eckly tribune Price fledüced TO 75 Cents a Ysar. Unsurpassedas a Newsaper. UnrivaUdin Popular Interest. Soundlv Republiean. . . . An Agent wanted in erery f wnshlp in Mlrlilgan, to wbom liberal term win be gUen. THE TRIBUNE - . Oalralt. About Knives. A eheap Pocket-knife can be bough . at every Store, but it is not the kioc you want. ♦ One dollar is the lowest price that ia really good knife can be sold for. This Jiloumn is placed in this paper to adverise the very best Pocket-knife ever sold. It is J. C. Tidmarsh's Shefflclfiteel Knife. Never buy a knife only because il looks well. Jf blades are not the bea Sheffield steel they will soon bend, nc matter how they will look. Still, yor want a finc-looking knife. Tho United States law provides íhfc only samples to agents and to the trad will be admitted free of duty. Yai can, therefore, see the advantage thaI have in sending samples to agent? over those who deal in Sheffield good in America. # I am an advertising agent! I am entrusted with a certain ainount to spend advertising these knives (the beet value ever seen in America at One Dollar each). Now, the knife is lts own best advertisement. Imagine a Pocket-knife (3i inches long) with the most beautifully-grained vory handle- genuine African ivory and with two blades of the very best Sheffleld steel that will last a lifetime and cut like a razor. The tips of the handles are heavily plated with sterking silver. And then a very nio chamois leather case goes with e&öL knife Now, would it not be easy wort selling this knife at One Dollar each? I know it would, for it looks as if it were worth two dollars. And so it is if you compare it witfe the value offered in the ordinary Store Is not this knife its own best advettisement. You can make $4 per day sellin? these knives. This is a genuine ant straiijtforward statement. 'Jhis St counting that you show it to only twelve buyers every day. And every one that soes it will say it is gooè value for $1. The knives are sold te you at $8 per dozen ; you sell them at tl each. # I determined to use large sutn of aëvertising money entrusted to me ir sending out free samples to those whe promise to act as agents for the sale o' these knives I will send you a rree sample, bm . you must sign the promiso at the foot I of this column, and make a deposit te I show that in asking for tho knife yor I are acting in good faith. The deposit that I ask of you is i I cents about half the wholesale cost o? I the knife, and less than one-third wha1 I you would havo to pay for a knife lite I ít, if you bought one. l : Send the money by a Postal Order ot I one-cent stamps for 44ets., and put & I five-cent stamp on the letter, which I must not weigh more than one-hali I ounce. The deposit of 44 cents will be ploesë I to your credit, and will be deduoteé I from your first oi-der at the dozen rate ♦ I am an advertising agent, oontractor and publisher with one of the largest I ifdvertising businesses in the worldand I absolutely guarantee to send, postale paid and duty free, the knife described above free to anyone who signs the promiso below, and sends it with the I deposit as stated. Let me advise you not to part with your sample, even if you should lose a sale at $1 by refusing, as it will take time tó replace it. I could not send you another even if you sent the full $1. Af ter the sample they can only be supplied to you by the dozen as there iL duty on thein to be paid. Any English Banker can givo y.n information about my high standing, or write to the publisher of this paper who knows tttat I do a large anó straightforward advertising business, and that I do exaotly as I say. I have taken this pace in this paper for three years ! The iirst one answering this advertisement af ter this number of the paper has come out will, ir he likes, have his name printed in thk space as agent for these knives. ♦ The Editor of the Springjichl (Ohioj Xeic Era writes, in his paper of June 29, 1894: - '■! havo received a sampk knife from Mr. Sears, and am veiry much pleased with it, He is theownt of a very large advertising business in London, and is, I believe. perfect] v responsible and straightforward " , Sign your name and address to the following, cut it out and send it with Postal Order or stamps for 44 cents, and you will receive by return of post tho beautiful knife as described above. F. W. SEARS, Advertising Agent axd Contractor, Wholesale Knife Advertising Department, 138 Fleet Street, London. Dear Sir,- I faithfully promiso on my and honour to show the Sample Knife you have promised to send me to one or more of my friends, thereby constitnting myself an agont. This will make me "in the trade" as far m Pocket-eutlery is concerned. I3y this promise I am ontitled to a sample of your beautiful Dollar Pocket-knife with ehamois leathor case, to be sent me po8t-paid and duty free. I also endose 44 cents Postal Order or etampe, which picase hold for me until I send you an order at the dozun rat e. Name Address _ j Address all letters to F. W. SEARS, WüoiesaJe Knife Adiyertisement Dept, 138 FLEET ST., LONDON, ENG.


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