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FiiU ot with starch and gloss serenEt I The Unen collar starts the mom; Full ot at noontime it is seen All willed, ivrinkled and orlorn. That's what you must expect of i such a collar ; it's the linen of it. I The stand-up collars won 't stand ■ up, and the turn-down collars will I wilt down. The easy, cheap, andl pleasaut way out of this is to wear ■ " Celluloid " Collars and Cüffs. These goods are made by covering linen collars or cuffs on both sides with"CELLULOiD," thus making them strong and durable, and waterproof, not affected by heat or moisture. There are no other waterproof goods made this way, consequently none thatcan wearso well. When soiled simply wipe them off with a wet cloth. Every piece of the gcuuiae is stamped like this : #ifc. TRADf 1 PLluloID ■ Insist tipon goods so marked if you expect full satisfaction , and if y our dealer does not keep them , send direct tousenclosingamount and we will mail sample. State size. and whether a stand-up or ■urned-down collar is wanted. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair. The CELLULOID COMPANY 427-29 Broadway. NewYork. The American Hotel Under new management and ev-erythingnew. Fine table board at moderate rate by the week. Take your meals here while your family is out of the city. Elegant Sunday dinners. Central Location. M. STABLER, Prop )ÏRONQA Merve f POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Nervous Prostration, Sletitleesness and all derangemmta of t14 Xervoiis DylUm. ünexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, giiaraniced Tfee Ironi opiatex. 100 full slze dose, SOe Iiailey. üeceiring TtUer, Grand Hapidx (Mieh.) iaringn Mank, says he eannot sai Inrt muchinfavorof "Adtrondar WAederS uear' and Nen-e Cure. ' For Sale by all Sftlggists, I FRANKLIN HOUSE] DETROIT MICH. It is well before leaving home, whether for business or pleasure, to decide upon a hotel and thereoy avoid confusión. When you Tisit Detroit we wculd be pleased to have you stop at the old ''Frank lin House," cor. Lamed and Bates Sta., where you will haveagood meal and a clean bed at moderate rates. The house has been renovated f rom top to bottom, and is now in flrst-class condition. Kespectfully, H. H. JAMES. Melr, 35c. I.odgingB, 50. Per Day, SI. 50. ME-GRIM, ,.'$%■' That disIrcssiiiK ptiln, usually ÉL'f. . t "" oneside of the head.known MJP&W !ls. Slt'K HKAHAtHK ö$...w f (luickly relicved and pcrma" j: uently cured by te % DR. WHITEHALL'S fffl ME-6RIM-INE, V a and sure cure for all V t. iitaUachcs, neuralgias or other püiuful nervous attacks V in any part of the body. Sold by drngglsts. ""SB PARKER'S I glPS HAIR BALSAM ■■PHClctnsr nd twaatiñei the halr. jB Proiiiotc# A lnxuriftnt gToWth. = wBNcver S%x% to Reatore Griv ISiGkA"." - i Hair to iU Touthful Color. K&wlfvB Curoi tc4ip ditfasei ft hair iiUinfi. KB 2 "$I.U0 IMiggiaU Wfk I-unfTi, Debüity, Indigcitlon, rin,Tke iotime.AOcta. HINDERCORNS. TIïp m: v irf mrr for Comí 3toDi__U bia.il5cvt Drucrirti. or fllfeCOX h CO-, Ñ. Y. BREAKFAST-SUPPER EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMröRTING. COC O A BOILING VATER OR MILK. Lumber ! Lumber! Lumber! Il ou contémplate building cali at FERDON Lumber Yard COR. FOURTH AND DEPOT STS. And get your figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICES ! Give us a cali we will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KF.ECH, Supt. M. N. BILBIE, TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN! Pupil of EMIL, SA URET, BERLÍN, GERMAJTÏ. Rooms at the ANN ARBOR 0R6AN CO.'S 51 S. Main Street. HASKINS' LIVERY Peetl and Boarding Stable, wyuüBöyiDJiHiam Carriogti to let. ffortit boardéd al reaaonnble rute. Especial care taken to keep boardert in nood order. COriE AND SEE l T.s -- . Walker's Columbian Liïery, 3a e. i i:fi i:nso st. Horses'Boarded, Hacks to Trains. Orders for Drives, Receptions, etc., etc., promptly attended to. Carriages to let at reasonable rates.- Good horses. E. C, MORRIS SAFE CO. (Incorpora ted.) Capital - S25O.000. Successors to K. C. Morbis & Co. 64 Sudbury St., Boston, MasS. Fire and Bnrglai Proof Safes. IKhi 'itpyti ■ r -■ v?aílknN"fe"f Ba"k ". Bank In kii.L?orB and OeP8" wk of 27ie Bwi Sae in the World. 150,000 in use. Alwayt preserve üteir contente. Oinmpton ReeoFdJn all ttaereat Flrr Onaofthelafitestand best equipped factorles tn SmÍÍSÍS lia8-l",Rt "e erecti ear Bwtoï . fitleS ?„ i ,c Ves for manufacturiDg the boet work at SV lhecounti?S'UneqUaUed by any oer conrernta IPfc.tes an" 'reasSSmr HUMPHRBYS' Dr. Huraphrrvs' Speriflcs aro sclentincally and carefully prepared Remedie, used tor jen In private practlce and for over thlrty yenn by the people wlth entire auccesf. Every single Speclflc special cure for the alíense named. i-Vfven, CongcsUoDB, Inflammations ,ü3 Si-WormH, Worm Fever, Worm Collo .afl ?ïee"'n" Cr"ln. Wakefulne .35 4- Diarrhea, of Chlldren or Adults ag 7-Coacha, Colds, Bronchitis (3 8- Menracla, Toothache, Faceache S„ 9-BeadacheB, Slck Heaílache, Vértigo. . .2JJ 10 DyxpppHlR. BIlloufiirM, Coniitlpatlon. .afi 1 1 SopprohHcd or Pnmful Periode... .a5 1'- White, Too Profiwe Perlod .aj 13- Cronp, l.nry ngilin. Hoarscoess !aa 14-Salt lihfum, Errsljiclag, Eruptlons. . .33 15 -Khenmatism, Khemnatlc I'alns 35 16 Malaria, ChUta, Fever andAgue... . .35 18-Calarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .35 30 Whooping ( oiiKb ..5 Sr-Kidney Oiaeases ai 38-Nerrn ltebility "1 o 0-ürinarj Weaknena .35 34-SorpThroal, Qulncy,riceratedThroat.35 " 77 M DS. HUMPHREYS' pnin ncr tl NEW SPECIFIC FOR faKIP, 25C. Putur In smnll bottles of pleasant pellets, Juut flt yom vaet pocket. old M nrneil, or int prfi.ia on 'r c.i t „f p, „ ■„. III KPIIKKTS EKD.CO., 111 113 W11li SI., MVUL SPBCIPIOS.


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