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LUlxIUA ommedated in the Tbroaga Pnllman...

LUlxIUA ommedated in the Tbroaga Pnllman... image
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LUlxIUA ommedated in the Tbroaga Pnllman Buffet Sleeping Cars L raming ver the Unes of tbc Louisvllle & Nashvllle Railroad. IThis line runs doublé daily J_4 (mornlog and evealog departurei solid trains from CincinDiuti and Loulsvllle to tbe priny-y cipal Southern cltles. I ThJ Une aHords two routes v- Ata polnts in tbe Southwest, vla y Memphis and via New Orleans. Tais line has doublé daily sleeping car service to Jacksoo- rille, and tbe only tbrough line of sleepers to TUomasville and Lrf r This line bas foar daily trains ■_ between Cincinnati and Louis1 Nvllk in eacb direction. TbU Une has three daily trains brtween Cincinnati and Lexlngsy Dtoo in each direction. i. 27 miles sbortest to Kooit vilk and Carollaa points. y-v Winter Tourists' Tickets at j lW round trip rateson sale from hout November I st, good tlll A May31st. Uk Pull information checrfully furntshed pon pplication to y JACK3ON SMITH, Dlv. Pan. Agt., Qnclnniti. 0. W C. P.ATMORE, Gen'l Pan. Agt., LouIcvllU, Ky. J Write for description of w THE QULF COASI ..THE.. ELDREDGE "B" A trlctly high-grade Family Sewlng Machine, pouesslng all modern improvementii. SüRANTEED EQÜAL TO THE BEST PtIcb very reasonable. Obtaln them from yuur local desier and make comparisons. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURA CO, BELVIDERE. ILL. Complexion Preservad trm. DR. HEBRA'S áÉ5í% VIOLA GREAM ?W, Removes Frecklot, Pimpln C i Liver Moles Blkokheads, J Sunburn and Tin, and rc v?a-. atores the aklu to lts j&. fsfflíSk nal fresones, produoing a, LmlLxf'silliPXL' clear and healtby 9V?. iPli J- ' plexion. Superior to all face - weparatlons and perfectly harmless. At all OruggiLts,or malled íor 50cts. Seud for Circular. VTOLA 8K1N 80AP i impi, ïocompvtbh M ■ Ain purlfjto &oftp, uoequiJed fbr the toilt, And without a firal tor ths Duraet?. Abaolutcl; pure mud ddicftUlj medlomM. At drutdiUta, prtce 25 Cen. G.C. BITTNERACO.Joudo.O. ' "■ ■1ttttttMMtMOIIMIII It III Ui Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules are pounded from a prescription widely used by the best j ca! authorities and are sented in a form that is i coming the fashion everywhere. Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and ■ ache. One tabule taken at the ; first symptom of indigestión, i biliousness, dizziness, distress i after eating, or depression of spirits, wilTsurely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Price, 50 cents a box. Ripans Tabules may be obtained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. Tr frt tampU aAdrrtt RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. J IBn, J.V . L """B Attfnc; of Kram BUSINESS CARDS. p E. WILLIAM8, Atliirnrj at I.hw, Hilan, Ule) Money loaned for outside parties. All ese! b minees given prompt attention. W. S. MOORE, DENTÍST ! Work donein all forms of moder. dentisrry Crown and Bridge work a speclalty. Satisfaction Guarenteed. (U. or M. Gradúate.) 27 South Main St,, - - Ann A rbor Wfl. W. NiCHOLS, Dental Pañorsl OVER SAV1NGS BANKOPPOS1TE COURT HOUSE S0UA1ÏE. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor and Builder 1. Kitimates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. Rísidenck and Shop, 21 Geddes-a-YP. Choice Meats AT Cor. WaxliliiK lon-Ht and riftb-ave. Our alm is to please our customers by alwaye handling the very Cholcest Meats that the markei afiords OIL AND GASOLINE BROMT TO YOUR DOOR Without bothering to order every time you are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali upon me at S. W. Corner of E. Washington and S. 5th Ave. , and leave your order and I ccili keeplyoulsurmlied at loivest ratet. ,_ M. GOODALE. LUMBER! 0 all kinds for all purposes at Lowest Prices Also LATH and SH INGLES. If you are in need of anything in the line of Lumber, Lath and Shinylei cali and get our prices and see our stock. P. L. BOD MER, 11814 SOITH IflAIN ST Ann Arbor, Jllrli. EfiEflT ROCK ISLAHD ROUTE BEST LINE TO THE WEST Superó Dining Car Service $6.oo - TO- CALIFORNIA Is the Sleeping Car Rate on the Phillips-Rock Island Tourist Excursions, f rom Chicago and kindred points to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The cars have upholstered spring seats, are Pullman build, and appointments perfect. These Tourist Excursions are popular, and run twice a week, under the personal guidance of a Phillips manager who accompanies party all the way. A car leaves Chicago every Tuesday, running via Kangas City, Ft. Worth and El Paso to Los Angeles, a route renowned for its clement weather, low altitude and complete freedom from snow bloc kades. A through car to San Francisco and Los Angeles also leaves Chicago every Thursday, and runs over the faraed Scenic Route (D. & R. G.) the only line through Salt Lake. Address, or cali on A. PHILLIPS & CO., 104 Clark Streef , For reservation and rates Chicago. JMi. SEBASTIAN, G. F. A., Chicaeo. ARGUS ROOK BINDERY BLAÜK..BOOKS OF EYERY DESCRIPTIOH Manufactured on short notice. Collection'and Pocket Wallets, " MedicalrSurgical and Opera Glass Cases Made and repaired. We also mako a specialty o( repairing, cleaning and rebinding old booka of every description. Shoe Repairing! None better in the city. All work promptly done. Moderate prim. Open all the year round, i solicit hare of your patronage. THOMAS SPEECHLY,


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