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Rcdnced Hato for PeoplCs Party ClIIIVI'Uillllli On account of this Convention, the 0. & W. M. and D. L. & N. lines will sell iickets to Greenville and return on eb'y. 5th and Gth., at one and onethird fare. Return limit Fob'y. Tth. Geo. DeHaven, G. P. A. 49 Dn you cookf If so, Prof. Bre?s has something to say to you on page eleven of his vxek's issue. IVORY ÓOAPJ) MT FlOATS BE5T POR SHIRTS. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE CO., OINTI. 1 SUPERIORITY AND 1 REL1ABSLITY Are the qualities rendering our 1 FOUNTAIN 1 PENS So populiir. To introduce we will send you a sample I of ourNo. 1 SÜ.óOl'ountaln pon on receipt of $1.25 on I 90days ti-ial. Flnost qttality of 16-kt. gold pens. Guarantee, witli eacb pen, of JJ sure flow, no dropping. Agents Wanted. H Address, CHECK PUNCH CO., ff 94! F, St, N. W„ Y Washington, D.C. 25 HOUR SOLID YEST1BLE TRAIN - WITH - PULLMAN DMWING-ROOM SLEEPERS. CINCINNATI - TO - JACKSONYILLE WITHOUT CHANGE -VIA THE - SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Leaving Cincinnati at 8:30 a. m. Passengers are only ONENIQHT OUT In reaching the principal, FLORIDA RESORTS. Train leaving Cincinnati at 8:00 p. m. carnes unión Pullman Sleeping car to Jacksonville without change. W. A. Turk, C. A. Bensoter. Gen'l Pass. Agrt. Ass't Gen'l. Pass. Agt. Washington, D. C. Knoxville, Tenn. LELAND HOTEL, CHICAGO. Michigan Ave. Boulevard and Jacksou Streets. Fronttng Lake Michigan. Wlthln two blocWs of the Center of the City. Entlre uew management and popular prices. Ovor ilOO.000 lias been expending in remodellng and rofurnLihing the House, makIna It oné of tho most complete and comfortable hotels In Chicago. Steam heat and electric llght In every room. Fifty-flve bathrooms. Elevator and every modern convenlenco. líooms, wlth mcals, f rom 13.00 por day upwards. Rooms, witnout meals, from $1.00 per day upwards. All meals 75 een ts each. A vcry deslrahh' hotel for ladles vlsitlug the city uimtteiided, and special care will be given them. DABB & MILLIGAN. OH AS. W. DABB. Fourteen yeaw proprietor of the Commer2.ul Hotel, Chicftgo. CHAS. F. 'I I l.i.K. n. Flveyeare proprietor óf Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago. THE ADVERTÏSERS F0RJ895. 'lOIIMNt,. EVEN ING, SIJNDAY ANIF WEEKLÏ IÏIHTIONS. Aggressive Republtean Jowrnals oj the. Highest Class. Commercial Adyertiser. Estoblishert 1797. Publishd pverv pveningNew York's oldent evening uewspaperSubscription pi ice, S6.00. Morning Advertiser, PnbHshel every rnornini. The Irarting Republioan uewspaper of the day. Clean and fearless. Subscrip ion prlce, $3 00 per jear. Sunday Advertiser. New Y -rk's most popujar Punay newspaper. The only Republican . c ut Sunday papr in the United 9ta f!-. 20 to 36 pages. Suh'cnption p'ice, 51.00 per year, As an AdYertisiDg Medium The ADVERTÏSERS have no superior. Samples free. Agents wanted everywhere. Lineral commlssions. Addrcss, TÏI1! ADVERTISER, 29 Park Ron', New York The Sunday Sun. The first, of American Newapapers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The Afnerican Constituí ion, the American Ilei, the American, Spirit. The first, Jast, tnl all the time, forever. Daily, by Mail $6 a year. Daily and Sunday, by Mail.. 8 " The Weekly ; 1 " The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Kewspaper i tl. e world. Price : 5c a Copy. By Mail, $2 a year. .1.1 ii- THE M . New York. CHEAP EXCÜRSIONS VIA Missouri Pacific Ry, AXD Iron Mountain Route, TO THE West, South and South West. La tul For Sale In ArL'ansas. Texas, and Pecas Valley N. M. Through Pullman Buffet And Tourist Sleepers To Texas and California, Daily From Chicago. WIÍITE TO H. D. ARMSTRONG, T. P. A., Mo. Pac. Ry. JACKSON, MU II. W.L.Douclas CL CUAB7 ISTHEBEST. WtfynVkFITFOR AKINGr. j0SLa. coedovan. f; FRENCHiENAMELLEDCALF.' Ép i43-0 FNE ALf &KANGAR0a WSSbrnS ♦3s-POUCC.3sole:s. Nafe. JsBav j " -extra E"S. Eli s2.I.7-5BOYS'SCHOOLSHOESL feOBS S END FOR CATALOGUE ' 1_ D O U G L. A_a- - ■'■ BR0CKTON..MASS. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satlsfactory They glve the best valué for the money. They equal custom shoes in style and nt. Thelr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prlces are uniform,- stamped on solé. From $i to $3 saved over other makes. ií your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by n. ni imimiiii. ü. ÖF M. SHAYING PARLORS AND II VI' II UOO'IV Ladies' Artistic Hair Dressing and Bath Rooms UP STAIRS. SO 'S. State St., Next to Sheehan'H. MR. Sc DIRS, J. It. IIIOJIMIUAKI lpAVEATSJRADEMARK W COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT t For prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to M II N N de CO., who haTe had nearlT aft j reara' zperienoe In the patent business. Communications strlctlj oonfldentlal. A Handbook of Information concernln Patenta and now to obtain them sent frec. Also a catalogue of mechanlcal and scienltnc books sent free. Patent taken turongh Munn & Co. reoelT special notloeinthe Sctentlflc American, and thus are brought widelr beforethe public wlth. put oost to the Inrentor. Thi splendld paper. Issued weeklr, elegantly lllnstrated, has br far tha largeat clrcniatlon of any scientifle work in the wond. 93 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition.montn ly. Í60 a year. Single Copies, 45 cents. Every number contains beau. tifnl platea, Ín colore, and photograpbs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracta. Address MUNN L CO., NEW YOHK, 361 BUOADWAT. f 'NEW paCATALOGUE AND CUIDE to Foultro Bilten for 1896. Contains over 130 finO ilfustrations ahowI ing a photo of the largest hennerj Ín th f west. GiToa best planiforpoultry hoases, Bure remedies and recipes for all dise&sea, ) bIbo valaablc information onthe kitchea and llower garden sent for only 10 cents. Joba Bawfacr, nH 7 0. Box i fregón, XU.


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