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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1869, luider the General Banking Law of tuis State. CAPITAL, $59,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $1,000,000 11 ■■ i n M . Qu li ins, Trustess, Lvlies and other persons will flnd this Bank a Safe and Convenient Plaa tomakt Deposite and do Business. Interest is alloived at tlie rale of i PER CE. 'l'. ',,i uil 8avinga Deposüsof $1.00 a?ci upwards, according to the ruhsot iu bank, and interest compounded semi-annuzlly. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. Secured by unincumbered reul estute and oüier good securities. DIREC1ORS: Christian Jfacfc. W. D. Harriman, William 'Deubel, David ainsey, Daniel Hiscock, W. B. Smithand L. Gruner. OFFICERS: Christian Mad; President; W. D. Hanimin, Vice-P resident: Chat E. Hiscock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK At Aun Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business. December 19, 18&4. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts SI 19 122 85 r, ■. . „. , UABILITIES. Stocks, Bonds. Mortgage, ' aP' al S.tocJ PaIi lu W.0O1 OC etc 4988!3fñ ï".urjlu.s,r'inci ' v inr Overrirafts 's 8 65 {- 'divlded profiis SU.ÍO7 1 Banking hom e 2OfiK 00 I)lvldendi, unpaid 238 i)f Furniture, Fixtures and _ Safety Deposit Vaults. . . 9.855 72 „ OUier Keal Estáte 6 497 07 'urujiia. Current Expenses and Taxes paid 4,585 31 „,o„ Banks and Bankere t 1,125 34 VyAsn Certificaten of deposit 106 767 90 Due from banks in reserve Commercial deposits IAS IK 01 -ities $10S,T9? 71 Savlngs deposits 607,742 59-1910 820 84 Bu from other banks and bankera 1,189 50 une trom Wai-htrnaw iii-wonsi' County 11.118 1"! ïl.133.906 1.) Check and cash Items. . . 850. 75 Nickies and pecnièa 24159 State of Michigan, Cousty of VVashienaw, en OolQ ('Oi n 35,400 00 Sllvercoin. ....... ... 2,000 00 I. Chas. K. HiscocK.Cashierof theabive namei Notes8'! .. a"On . it.615 00-tl7;U12 70 Bink'1 S' swear that the aVve state ' ! mentís true, to the best of ray knowled(? anri 1,133,906 15 belief. CIÍ A.9. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Correct -Attest: Christias Mack, W. D. Harrimas, L. Griinkr, Directirs. Subscribed and sioorn to bef ore me tils in -i iay of December, 1834. MICHA EL J. FRITZ, ___ Notary Public.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register