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Late Legislature

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te.- Sixteenth Oay-Owinj.' to the death of Senator J. W. Vfalta. business was transactea. Conourrent resolutlons were adopted in sulogy af the deoeased. Senator Brundage spoke at some lenffüi m words of appreciation and praise of the deoeased. Ssnatot Kllpatrlok uiso spoke brlefly, is dld Senators Clapp and MoLaughlln. President Milnes, who has fcnown the Senator throughout hls legislativo experience, alao spoke in praise of hle public services and private eharacter. House.- A protest from the Trades Council of Detroit against the Thompson healüi board bill was referred. Petitionsforthe subml of a prohibition amendment continued to pour in and Kep. Kedfern saya hls bill for this pur 1 11 pass the House by a volé of 5 to 1. Kep. Smiley would InoreaM the M. X. ; n il compamea and arm two coinpanies with (JatUng Runs. A woman's department at the Agrlcultural college is beinii petitioned for. Rep. liraharu has a bill to force plank road comoanies to keep their highways In ood condttlon. He would also make the oounües responlble for their insane sent to state instltutlons. The committee on ways and meaos tavorablj reported the bill to appropriate $20,000 for markinif the positions of Union troops on the battletields of Chickamauga and G'hattanooga. au action whlch was afterward ratilted in committeo of the whole. Kep. Matthews' bill providin for probate record of persons becomlng sane after being adjudged of unsound miiid. was ulso agreed to in eommutee of the whole. Before the House adjourned. Rep. Saxto& rlsing to a question of privilege, announced the death of Gen. J. W. Watts, of öenate, of wlioiu he spoke in terms of He moved thit the House adjourn out of respect to a memoer of the Senate. Tbere was no opposition. llills introduced: Incorporatlne villaje of Watervliet: appropriatinj; #).7' tur Marquette prison improvemeuts: prohlblting steek oompanies, except mining and railroads. liling artk-lcs or commencing business until all sloek is paid in: to prolübit killing or sale of cjuuil; tixingsalary of prosecuting attorney of Wayneeounty at $5.000; allowiug attorney fee injustice court cases; limiting appeais frotn justicecourts; Increasing oivü jurlsdlotlon of ustices of the peace; lixing telephone rentáis (atia.öOto $3 per month; for guardlng hules cut in the ice; ameudiiiK law relatlve to ofrnses against property; tor normal school in upper península: chani-'iiu' term of oftice of members of the legislatura; for constitutional ameinlment fixlug salaries of luembei of the legislatura al r?.iO pel si-siou.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register