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■HgL%ffjipHE WOMAN &tt?&9jh II - wlio takes the surest Sapawl1 1' H way to pain a beautiful W I ■ color and a wholcsome kjS Ü'H skin wj11 not take the Hm" vj Èïffl cosiuetics, paints and [li(V'f'l,VloJwrortwrinki?d face, ImísJ Jk f 'duH eyes and hollow " ' cheeks, together with low spirits, follow the derangemeuts, irregularities and weaknesses peculiar to the sex All women require a tonic and nervine at some period of their lives. Whether sufferiiig from nervousness, dizziness, faintness, displacement of womanly organs, catarrhal inflanimation of the lining metnbranes, bearing-down sensations, or general debility, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription reaches the origin of the trouble and corrects it. It's a medicine which was discovered and used by an eminent physician for many years in all cases of ' female complaint," and those painful disorders that afflict womankind. If women are over■worked, run-down, tired or sleepless, if they are irritable, morbid and suffer from back-ache, they should turn to the right means for a permanent cure. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription fits just such cases, for it regulates and strengthens the special functions, builds up and invigorates the entire female system. iHSflüiftrtr DISEASE OF WOMB. ML & Mts. Cora S. Wilson, of 9 Carlislc, Sullivan Co., ná., KKl Í ■writes : "I cannot s:iy too Kr 1 tnuch for Dr. Pierce's ms Sk L Torite Prescription. I feel ffl y F I it my duty to say to all (iA t men who are suffering from & ffamk any disease of the uterus J that it is the best medicine IV ''J on earth for thera to use; i.l W I cannot praise it too 7V:yK5Bff' ly for the good it did me. ry % rtlWi' If any one doubts this, give Jv fji!'. them my name and ad" dress." Mrs. Wilson. A pamphlet, containing a vast number of testimoniáis with reproduced photographs of those cured and giving full name and address of each, will be mailed to any address free ; or, Dr. Pierce's large Treatise ( 168 pages ) profusely illustrated with wood engravings and colored plates mailed post paid on receipt of 10 cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. EBERBACH DRUG CO, Mnifiaiiure the Following Árdeles: C P. Un', i a ij Powder, a pure Cream of Tarter Powder 2Se lb. ÜZ and l'ellow Cake Color 10 oz 20c bol. Glicerinr with Lavander for the hands and face 25c bot. JFrayrant Halm for chapped hands and face 25c bot. ƒ; Restorer, keepsthe hair f rom falling out 75c bot. Jïloom of Jioses for the compexion 5 and 10c pkgs. Toiletine for the complexion 5 and 10e pks. Tootlt JfVsi 25c bot Tan and FreckU taalt 25c bot. Sweet Clover Bufter Color wül not become rancid or give any taste to the butter IO. IS, 20, 4., and 50c bot. JPotlltry Powder for contagious poultrj diseases 25c pkg. THE EBERBACH DRUG & CHEMICAL CQMPANY, ANX AliBOR, - MICH. mortgage Salo. Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage exeuted by Alexander W. Hamiltoa and May Hale Hamilton to the Farmers' and Mechanica' Bank of Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated the tt day of April, 1891, and recorded in the office of the KegisterofDeeds for the county of Washtenaw and State of vJichigan, on the 22nd day of April, 1891, in Liber"jof mortgages, on page 257, and which, said mortgage, was duly assigned by deed of assignment by the said Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank to Andiow J. Sawyer, on the 9th day of June, 1893, and which .said assignment was duly recorded in the oöice of the Kegister of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw. on the öth davof Pebruary, 1895, in Liber 12 "f assignments of mortcages, at page 99, by which said default u e ipower of sale contained in said mortgage bas become operative, and no suit or proeeedings in law havinr b en instituted to recover the debt Eecui'ed % eaid mortgage or any part therxf, ind the sum of one thousanri alaetyone dollars and sixty-tive w ntfl ueing due for principal and interes t, a il the further sum of twenty dollt rs a il nineteen cents, being due for laxes jpaid in accordance with the provisioes of said mortgage, and the further sum of twenty-tive dollars, as solicitor'sand attorneys f ees, being due es provided for in said mortgage, making a total of ■eieren hundred and thiriy-six dollars aad eighty-four cents, at the date of ■.tJais notice, being claiired to be due on said mortgage. Notice is thereforo hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises tlmrein describe, or soma part thereof, at public vendue, on the llthday of May, 1895, ai 10 o' look a.m. of said day,at the west front do r. )f the Jouit House in the City of Ann Arbor in said County, that boing the place of holding the Circuit Court lor said County. The premises are deseribcd in said mortgage asfollows, to-wit: All that certain ptece or pareul of land situated and being in the city of Ann Arber, County of Washtenaw and átate of Michigan and described as follows, to-wit: Lot number tour (4) in Block number one (1) of Hamilton and Rose and Sheehan's Addition to the City and'township of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan. Dated, Feb. "th, 1895. A. J. Sawyer, Assignee of Mortgagee Farmer's and Mechanics Bank. Lorenzo Sawyer, Atty. for AssiüüJe. t2


Old News
Ann Arbor Register