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Mr. Wm. Whaley is quite 111. Mr. E. Case is quite ill with throat trouble. Miss Alma Sill will visit Detroit friends for a few days. The D. of R. social was a pleasant affair Thursday evening. Feb. 14, is Valen tine day and editor Smith has a fine line at nis store. Miss Wheeler, of Vernon, is the guest of Geo. Minto for a few weeks. Mrs. Wm. Taylor is still living but their in little hope for her recovery. Miss Imo Whitmarsh visited friends in Ann Arbor from Friday until Monday. Miss Mattie Smith is the guest of Mrs. Alice Ilill at Union City for a few days. Themometer has registered from 4 to 9 degrees below zero for the last ten days. Mrs. Minto entertained a lady friend from Ann Arbor from Saturday until Monday. Miss M. Cady attended the Choral Union concert at Ann Arbor Friday evening. Sleighing is not so good this week, it is worn rather thin. More snow this way please. The Eastern Star chapter will indulge in a social at the Masonic Temde the 14th of February. Mrs. T. T. Lacy bas rented part of her house on west Main-st. to Mrs. G. Scheihauf and faruily. Mr. Cease returned Friday from a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs. McCoy at Loganport, Iowa. The Baptist ladies will hold their tea social at the residence of Mrs. Frank Leonard's on County-st. Tuesday afternoon. The L. O. T. M. gave Mrs. Pyle a surprise party Saturday evening at her residence on Main-st. the occasion beiiig her birthday. Mrs. Richard Gauntlett the mother of F. Gauntlett of this place and the sister of A. D Jackson, died last week, and the funeral was held Thursday at their residence in Detroit. Mrs. J. and Mr. C. Ganntlett, Mrs. F. Wilson, Mrs. Jackson, Mr. O. Stimpson and Mr. McMillan went down to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. L. Eldridge, of Quincy, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mell Barnes last week. Mr. aad Mrs. Barnes gave a card party in their home Monday evening, and Tuesday evening a select dance was given for them in the I. O. O. F. parlors about twenty couple were present and all had a deiightful time. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge have returned to their home in Quincy. Last Wednesday was a charming time for a ride but not so pleasant for a stroll. Notwithstanding this fact Mr. and Mrs. E. Gay took an impromtu stroll making a virtue of necessity and this was the why of it. The horse took Freneh leave after tipping the occnpants out of the rutter.No one was hurt but there was quite a lot of scars and, well no we will not say for honest sure, but we rarae near saying swears, the cutter is divided up into a number of small pieces, relies can be had if called for. win ruoKi laki:. Mr. C. Webor, of Chelsea, is visiting his son Henry. Mrs. H. L. Dodge left for her home in Laingsburg on Friday. Lumbard'8 Orchestra played atOrchard Lake on Tuesday evening. Mr. Frank Barker and daughter Carrie spent Friday in Ann Arbor. Miss Carpenter, of Chilson, spent the Sabbath with the Misses Lumbard. Mr. Mack, of Grand Rapids, Post Office Inspector, was in town last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Todd, returned last week fi'om their visit with Diamondale friends. Mr. James Burnett, son-in-law of W. Wilson has gone boiore the class in U. üf M. for treatment. Mr. Garian P. Stafford, and wife, of Flint, were the yuests of F. W. Butterüeld and wife last week. Mr. Henry 1'. Dodge sports a bran new cutter. It is quite a svvell a,ffair, though not a swell body. While John King was shoeing a horse one day last week, it kicked him and now lie is nursing a brokon arm. No services in the church here next Sunday evening, to give an opportunity to all to attend quarterly meeting services at Hamburg. Mr. Freeman Shuart, of Dixboro, spent part of last week with friends here preparatory to erecting a new barn in the Webster place. Mr. Jay Green, and wife, of Superior, and Mr. Geo. Holmes and wife, of Dexter, 8pent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Holmes. The play given by the Good Templars on Saturday evening was a grand success and the society take this opportunity of thanking Prof. Lumbard's Orchestra for the splendid music which they donated to thern for the occasion. About $15.00 was realized. The people in this vicinity had the opportunity of listening to one the finest temperance lectures ever delivered at this place on Thursday evening, by the Hon. Jas. M. Dunn, of Milwaukee, Wis., who held a large audience for an hour and a half in the M. E. church. The lecture was given under the auspicesof the I. O. G. T's. GEDDES. Mr. and Mrs. Gayhl, of Willis, spent Sunday with Levi Andrews. Miss líate Boland, of Detroit, sundied with Mrs. Frank Monahan. The M. C. R. R. is still harvestiDg ice on the pond just east of here. M. R. Randall, of Galesburg, is the guest of Miss Bridget O'Conner. Miss Nellie Duggan, of Willis, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Monahan. Mrs. H. J. Cook, of Grand Rapids, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schlee. Two or three sleigh loads from this vicinity stopped to warm their feet at Chas. Rashes. Divison-st. Aun Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Critenden gave a progressive pedro party last Thursday night, a good time and everyone winners is reported. Orrie Keedle says he aint doing a thing but saw ice day times and Iook after the numerous parties at night and no let up in sight. Mrs. J. Monahan gave a party to please his sister, Nellie Duggan. Nellie says she thinks the days are short enough but the nights are a jnere nothing. WEBSTER. Mr. Willie Alexander entertained a number of Dexterites last Friday. The next attraction in the C. E. course wiil be a recital by Miss Cady and Miss Thompson on Feb 15th. Nobody should fail to be present. The Webster Arena last Friday night debated the question of classical and mathematical education, deciding in favor ot the latter. The next will be a debate on the government's financial policy at Mr. Williams, Feb. 16. Mr. Vladimiroff last Saturday night gave a very interesting lecture on "Oriental iife in oriental countries. " He dwelt upon Turkey, Russia and Bulgaria in which latter he lives, but is now in attendauce at the U. of M. He spoke of the despotic will of Russia, the horrors of exile Iife, and the ancient ideas which are taught in Turkey today. Then leaving these topics he spoke of his home land. It is a country patterned after our, accept strong nationalism is adopted. PITTSFIELD. Mrs. M. F. Case is visiting friends in New York state. The county atlas men have begun work in Pittsfield. The young people enjoyed a dance at Mr. Walter Lathrop's the other evening. Mr, and Mrs. V. C. Nichols entertained a sleigh load of friends Saturday night. The diptheria siege, at Mr. Humes, is reported ended. The scourge has made sad havoc in that home. Over ninety Maccabees from Ann Arbor came out in a sleigh toenjoy Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rose. The north and south roads are almost impassible on account of the deep drifts. The moter line looks almost like a canal from Lathrop's corners to the junction. SAL.E1TI TOWN. A baby boy has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Shankland. Mrs. R. A. Lewis, of Charlotte, is visiting her brother, J. L. McCormick. Mr. and Mrs. John Munn entertained a large company of their friends at dinner Friday. Mrs. Edith Warn returned to her home in Pontiac VVednesday. She was accompanied by her brother Delbert. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Savery were called to Doxter Tuesday by the death of Mrs. Savery 's father, Mr. Rogers. Harold, the bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLaren, died Thursday of typhid pneumonia, aged one year and twenty days. The funeral services were held at the house Saturday, where Rev. Conrad spoke words of comfort to the sorrowing parents from the text, "He will gather the lambs in his arms, he will carry them in his bossom. " The remains were intorred in the Lapham cemetery. DELHI 1ILL. Coopers are at work again for a while at least. Farmers are hauling logs to the saw mili thus improving the good sleighing. Mr. Orville Davis who came to his parents golden wedding has returned to his home in Alma. Mrs. Walter Roost who was detained on account of beingsick, hasrecovered sutKcient to return to her home in Ann Arbor. Tuesday morning the mercury registered 15 degrees below zero. Two ytjars ago it went as low as 22 degrees btlow. We will not ask for it to go any lovver this winter. Wülter Koost, of Ann Arbor, and his bister Mary, of Delhi, went to Willianiston to attend the funeral of their cousin (Mr. Burkley) who was killed by the R. R. snow plow.


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