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A Girl Makes $212.16 in a Month. I read in your valuable papor how one of your subscribers made money in the plating business, but I can beat that and I am only a girl. I sent and got the new Gray PÍater and cleared $212 lo in one month. Can any of your readers beat this? You can get spoons, forks and jewelry to píate at every house. Some big artioles I had sent and plated at the factory. There is plenty of work to do both in the city and country, and why should any pereon be peor and out of employment when such an opportunity is at hand. Anybody can get my plater by wiiting to Gray & Co. Plating Works, Columbus, Ohio. They do all kinds of plating and will teach the art. My plater has a lathe, wheels, tools and materials for polishing - a nice little work shop, I hope my expersence will holp others. A lili ArDor Town uuciis. The Republicans of the town of Ann Arbor wlll hold a caucus at the Conrt House in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday. Feb. 9, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing five delegates to attend the Republican county convention to be held at the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, Feb. 12th, 1895. Dated, Ann Arbor Jan. 26th, 1895. I. N. S. Poster, C. A. Pryor, John Keppler. Town Committee. OUR SEEDS GROW ARE HIGH IN OUALITV and MODERATE IN PRIVE. Send for our Seed Catalogue with Valuable Cultural Directions. ITS FREE. THE LOHRMAN SEED CO., 73 Gratiot Ave., - Detroit, Micli. THE ART AMATEUR. Bent and Largent 1'raiiral Art IHagazliir. The oniy Art Periódica) awardcd a Mcdal at the World's Fair.) Inraluable to uil nho ir,th to make their living by art or make thfir hornee beautijul rUn lUG. we wlll send to anyg j one mentlonlng H i i .-, publicatton a I III e Bpeclmen copy, wlth superb colorí I plates (for eopylng or fTiimlng) andl U Ui B rapplementary pages of desl ns (reguler prlcc, 3öc.) ör forStoe. we willsend alsu "Palntlng lor It. uii.n, i (90 pa ONT AG CE M IIKS. 23 l'iilon Square, N. Y TELAÑITHÜTÉL7 CHICAGO. Michigan Ave. Boulevard and Jackson BI n ets. Krom iil' Lake Michigan. Witliin two blocka of the Center of llie City Entire new managemenl mcl popular príces. Over 00,000 has been expenSlng in r modeltng and ref urnighing the House makIdb ii one oí the most complete and comfortable hotels In l liicago. Steam heal and electrlc llghl in every room. Fifty-flve l)ath1 oms, Elevatoi and evry modern convenlence Eiooms, with meals, f rom 12.00 por dav uuwards. J Rooms, vit Hout tneaïsi trom 11.00 Der duv upwarda. y AM meals 76 eents each. A rery desirabre hotel tor ladles vlsltln the city unattended, .-iucI spi dal care will ! giren them. JDABB d M1LL1GAN. BAS. W. I1AIIII. Fpurteen yeara proprietor of the Commer2,al Hotel, Chica CHAS. V. .IIILLIGAN, Five yeara proprletorof Hyde Park Hote] (. hlcago.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register