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(JROSSMAN & gCHLENKER 5JOIES s AND ryJl wo. (y j) Best ÏT)tt}e IJ UOFfCD .SN OVER ONE lin STOVES HARDWARE. io West Liberty Street. HARNESS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. Fly Nets, Whips, Lap Dsters, Heave Cure, Hoof Cure, . Bonner's Horse Cloaner, Barn Dust, etc. ; also repairing of all kinds at FRED. THEURER'S, 12 W. LIBERTY ST. Mary F. Miley, DEALER IN PA mp y ART EMBROIDERY, rnnno GERMANTOWN YARNS, bUUliö STAMPING. V1XD A Fine Une. NNb Be Sure To See it. mFashionable Trimming Ui" by MISS MABEL M V R V CORSON, whose skill is il Li il I ■ acknouiedged by all. No. 30 East Washington Street. 1 SUPERIORITY I RELIABILITY Are Uie qualitics rendering I FOUNTAIN I PENS So popular. To introduce we will send you a sample of ourNo. 1 $2.50Fountain pen on recelpt of $1.25 on j 90 days trial. Finest quality H I of 16-kt. gold pens. GuarWP antee, wlth eacli pon, of sure flow, no dropping. Pp Ágents Wanted. Address, CHECK PUNCH CO., Wt 941 F. St. N. W„ V Washington, D. C. 25 HOUR SOLID YESTIBLE TRAIN - WITH - PULLMAN DMWING-R00M SLEEPERS. CINCINNATI - TO - JACKSONVILLE WITHOUT CHANGE -VIA THE - SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Leaving Cincinnati at 8 :30 a. m. i'assengers are only ONE NIQHT OUT n reaching the principa.. FLORIDA RESORTS. Train leaving Cincinnati at 8:00 p m ■unes union Pullman Sleeping car to I Jacksonville without change. W. A. Turk, C. A. Bensoter. Gen'l Pass. Agt. Ass't Gen'l. Pass. Act. Washington, D. C. Knoxville, Tenn. THE ADVERTISËRS F0RJ895. MORNING, EVEN ING, SBNDAY AND i:iki,i i iiiiions. Aggressive Bepubhcan Jaurnals oj the Ilighest Class. Commercial Advertiser. Established 1797. Published every evenineNew York'i oldest CTening newspaper. Subscriptlon piice, $6.00. MorniDg Advertiser. Published every morning. The leadin Kepubliean newspaper of the day. Clean and fearless. Subscripüon price, 13.00 per Sunday Advertiser. New Y..rk's most popular Sunday newspaper. The only Republican 2-c nt Sunday papr in the United Sta' es. 20 to 36 pages. Subtcription yice, 81.00 per year, As an Advertising Medium The ADVERTISËRS have no superior. Samples free. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal commlssions. Addrcss, THE l I IC I IM IC. 29 Park Kou . New York. The Sunday Sun. The first of American Nmvspapers, CHAÏtLES A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, tlie American Idea, the American Spirit. The first, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by Mail $6 a year.. Daily and Sunday, by Mail.. 8 'L The Weekly i " The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper ia the world. Price: 5c a Copy. By Mail, $2 a year. Address THE SUN, New York. CHEAP EXCÜRSIONS VIA Missouri Pacific Ry. AND Iron Mountain Route, TO THE West, South and South West. Lan ls For Sale In Arliansas. Texas, and Pecas Valley N. IVL Throufh Pullman Buffet And Totirist Sleepers To Texas and California, Daily Front Chicago, WRITE TO" H. D. ARMSTRONG, T. P. A., Mo. Pac. Ry. JACKSOPi, IK II. W L. Douclas S3 SHñF ISTHEBEST. J) WflVL FIT FOB AKING, PfcS. COEDOVAN, JP?: Tjk FRENCHiENAMELLEOCALF. Wfc ,4350 fine nALF&KANGARoa MMH&mI 3-s-P01-ICE,3 soles. Sfc-. iÉJ j -EXTRA "S. MiS2-$l- BüYS'SCHOOLSHOEa Over One Million Pecple wear tha W. L. Dougias $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They glve the best value for the money. I hey equal custom shoes in style and fit. Fhsir wearing qualities are unsurpassed Pr„em S ae uni(lrm.- stampeJ on sole. hrprn $i to $3 saved over other makes If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by. WW. KI2ÜVI1AKDT. ü.ofm7s1ayÑ6"parlqrs' AND BATH ROO1IS Ladies' Artistic Kair Dressing and Bath Rooms UP STAIRS. S0 S. State SU, Xcxi to Sheehan's. OTH. A: MUS. J. K. TKOJ ANOUSKI CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora Sfi"Pwats??i' "''S a,n lio"est opinión writetS MUNN & CO., who have had néarly lihy rearaHLjB AND. CUIDE t POBltry BuKrif 189 ■B Oontains over I9U fine ilfu.ti-.tion. ,hoÍJL9kBine aphotonf the largest hennery n tha BS V ' Gt best nlou. iornoultrhouBe. ■ ure remed lesand recipe for all diaMea JTTL. ' als? "■■Wc Information on the kitchea TMTtiTI ÍSÍ S?"r.B?t for only 10 cents. Joia Baujcter, Jr., P. 0. Box i freeport, W.


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