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For Sale Cheap. My house in the Fifth wardof the city of Ann Arbor on the corner of Traver and Pontiae streets. A good place for a wood or coal yard, adjoining railroad side track. William Action. 50 Wanted. The undersigned wishes to rent a farm of from 80 to 100 acres. Would prefer location near Ann Arbor. A farm ready stocked desired. Enquire of Herman Schallhorn, 29, 13th street, Ann Arbor. 51 OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. WANTED. T7ANTED- A tenant to work my farm on T T shares at Scio. George A. Peters. 50 W'AIVTEI- Apples by the Ann Arbor Fruit and Vlnegar Co. j?otf FOR SALE. HOISES FOU SALE OR RENT-Eeal Estáte bought a ndsold. Fire Insurance In first-classeompanies, Cali and consult me before decidiug. I believe I can accommodate ynu. Mary L. Iiamlltoii, room 11, Hamilton Block. 07ti LOR SAlTfc OR KXOHAN(iE-A splë dld 40 acre farm in town of Lodi: Wül be sold cheap or exchanged for house and lot in Aim Arbor. Enquire of W. Osius. Box 1B61 '-"y 44tf ÏWR SALE-A SJl.Ou Humphrey's Homoeopatine Medecine Case for family use, will be solo at a bargain ut John Moore's Drug More. It Is something every. famlly ought to liaT. Here is a bargain for the flrst purchaser who applies. Itwill besold at a big discount. 40tf I7OR SALE-New Safe. Will besold at a 1 bargain. Enquire of S. A. Moran, Register Office. ;ijíf LOR SAL1Í : - Haying decided to remove trom Ann Arbor, ] offer, tor resiüence on the coraer of Monroc and Packard streete. Perms t.nii the purcbaser. 6 per 'iiit. Interest on deferred paymente. I ateo ofter tor sale, lot tó, Tappan Park Addition H. M. Taber. - lftt SALE _ Mrs. Perkin's farm", i' bo acres, a mllea cast of Saline ï miles aoatnoiAnn Arbor, known as the Kello'-K farm. 81x acres good bearlng peach on-hard? house, i):ni], stock and well water in abundiChool wiiiiin ',. i.illc. Pricc reasonable terms easy, cali on premlses or s. Ingallsst., Ann Arhor. 7,4, f 1MH SA LE-Kitmogan & Richards are siTMlng liaili'rt hay and straw at Wholesale prices. No. 9 Detroit St. 841 f IpÖK SAILE-f iio uudersigned wiifseïl Uu: splendld farm of Hanson Sesslon (to cU,.v the estáte) laylng on sectlon two township of Northfleld, consistingof SU acres of land for thesvmofseven thousand dollars whichla les toan tUS per aere. Nowisthe timetoget a bargain, flrst come Bret served. E. Trcadwniand 11 B. Besslong, Executorsof Banson Seswlon. Datod, Ann Arbor, Dec. 26, ïms. t:;i f tK.T ruil NAi.K-120 Acres of miles (rom city, or will exchange for city dVod arty. ünquire at No. 3 E. Libertv-8t__S'PRi"? ÜA KMTrtK na I.K:-The Bulïock or üverett t farm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, contatalrg 109 acres house and baras, stock anrt well water in abundan, tunber; school and church witbiu a mileland naturally the best; all seeded down Pricé audtermsreaaonable. Cali on or addres: Androw K. .Maynard-st., Ann Arboi. Mi;h. 45 FOR RENT. Hoi hes to BENT Severa! áougeswlth tnqaern Improirements, unfurnlshed rooms f,rs,„allfa,„ili,-s.a1 .vasonalX ri ' èi ï, ■ '- líl:i1 Estáte Agent Maln-st. Snd Boor, Besldence E. Wllliam-st. -{1 Rooms rorughthouseiceeplng and íurnlsn ed rooms ap iv ,,, Rooml, thlrd floori Haruilton block. Modern convenlences iucludingateam heat iste 1 i -.'. -V., "?,:-'n "■- (::i" ?Poor ddress, j. i. 1 aimer, se 1 hompson-at., ::: LOST: Mra Hennlng, ho does laundry work, lost bundie ÓTclOthlng last" ,myi" ■■'.' VaJu" th,f same "' '"■" home to wash. rhe flnder will recelve reward If e wmieavesameattoeofflc of The Register, Om


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Ann Arbor Register