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HEART DISEASE. A Fluttering, No Appetite, Could not Sleep, Wind on Stotnach. "For a long timo I had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered almost incessantly. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I would be compelled to sit up ín bed and belch gas f rom my stomach until I thought every minute would be my last. There was a fceling of oppression about my heart. and I was afraid to draw a f uil breath. I could not sweer a room without resting. My husband induced me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and am happy to say it has cured me. I now have a splendid appetite and sleep well. lts effect was iruly marvelous." & MRS. HARRY E. STARR, Pottsville, Pa. '■ Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sol d on a positive puarantee that the ürst bottle will Deneflt. AH druggists sell it at $1, 6 bottles for $5, or itwill besent, prepaid, on receipt of prlce bj the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. The American Hotel Under nevv managementand everything new. Fine table at moderate rato by the week. Take your meals here while your family is out of the city. Elegant Sunday dinners. Central Location. M. STABLER, Prop ADIRÖNBA !■■■■ TRAÖE MARK iiiiimi HeartflTiii POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Nervous Prostration, Sleeidessnes tm4 mente of Ui .. rrous System. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. I'uroly Vegetable, guaranteed l'ree Irom opiaten. 100 full slze doses, 50c. .]. I). litnleij. Uereiring Teller, Grand Jiapidu, lMici.) savingt Mank, eays he cannot say too much. in favor of "Adir onda," Wlieeler's Jleari and Nerve uure. For Sale by all Srugglsts. FRANKLIN H0USÍ1 DETROIT MICH. It i8 well before leaving home, whether for business or pleasure, to decide upon a hotel and thereby avoid confusión. When you visit Detroit we would be plea,sed to have you stop at the old ''Franklin House," cor. Lamed and Bates Sts., where you willhaveagood meal and a clean bed at moderate rates. The house has been renovated f rom top to bottom, and is now in first-class condltlon. Eespectfully, H. H. JAMES. MealH, 35c. Lodgings, 50. Per Iay, SI. 50. A!ME=QRIM, Sïïfffivii That distressing pain, usually HmSÍk'JiJj " one side of the licad.kiiowH jBffiAm as 1'K III l lll: ifxñ SV qulckly ri'üi'ved and permaI Mr$lilf - nently cared by TBM 4Ê? DR' WHITEHALL'S W ME-GRIM-INE. -ifi Cas&fe and sure (ure for all yheaüaciiefi, neuralgias or otber pain ful nerrous attacks in any prt of the body. Bold by Qltgglsls. Pain hns no show wfto Pr Miles' Paia Pilis Monthly Painscured bv Dr Miles' Pain Pilis. Th iyf;)tc' Ner maatit . ,11 imeefat 1O lfl Pain Pilla ston Heodaehe 4 CHOICE ROSES Mi Cat. and Cnltural Dlrectlons 80 ii. l Rose and pkt. Seed witli Catalogue. 10 ets. WOT. B. KICHI, ll.,:o::. (iiaiiibcrsburg, Pa. Always mention this paper wlien you write me. DETÉilTIVF Brlghtmenwamedln " fcw I I V (-Cl everylocsiitytooperate uniiiT lostructioru. Civil aml criminal (letectlvo irork. Locotlng debton, cullectins debts nnil commercial correapondence. Forpartlcularsaddren wita talnp, Amei'tcan Detective Affeiicv. latiluiiupoll, I nd. Lumber! Lumber! Lumber I Ir you contémplate building cali at FERDON LumberYard COR. FOURTH AND DEPOT STS. And got your figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guaran teo VERY LOW PRICES ! Give us a cali we will máke it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KEECH, Supt. HASKINS' LIVERY Feed and Boarding Stable, WEST HURÓN AND ASHLEY STS. Carriages to let. Jo w.s bdardeil at reasonable rate. Fx'-.ecial care taken to keep boarders in good order. COflE AND SEE 1T" ■■mn_a Walker's Colnmbian LiYery, 32 TE. JEFFEHSON ST. Horses Boarded, KackstoTrains. Orders for Drives, Receptions, etc., etc., px-omptly attended to. Carriages to let at reasonable rates. - Good horses. E. C. MORRIS SAFE CO. (Incorporated.) Capital - S25O.000. Successors to E. C. Morris & Co. 64 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass. Fire and ■ Bnrglai Proof Safes. Bank Knfcs, Bank VutiK. Bank uult Door, and IrpoNlt Works ot all kinds. TJte Beat Safe in the World. 1SO,OCO in use. Alwayn preserve tlteir amiente. ChHmpJen Keroi I In all I lic 4. real Flres One of tlie largest and best equlpped factorles in tbe country has just been erected near Boston, fitted with the latestand moet Improved tools, whlch render lacllltles for manul'acturing the best work at Ui lowest prices, unequalled by any other concern in the country, Our aim is to givo the best construction and roost lmprovemenls lor the leastarnount of money. Kstimates and speciüicatlons furnished upon aplpication. Al;i:M WaïTED. HUMPHRE7S' Dl'. Humpbrevs' SpecifleB ore scientiilcally and carefully prepareii Remedies, used for yeara in private praetice and ior over thirty years by the people with entlre succetü. Every single Speciflo a special cure for the disease namod. ï- CI'RES. PRICRi. 1- FeTers, Congestiang, Inflammatlons.. .25 íí- Wormn Worm Fever, Worm Colic !5 3- Teethlnut Colic, Crj ing, Wnkef ulness .25 4- Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7- Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8- Neuralgia Toothache, Faceache 'e, 9- Headachro, Slck Headach, Vértigo.. .25 1U- Dyspcpsia. Bilioueuess, Constipation. .25 11- Huppressea orPniofil Pcriodg ... .25 12- White, Too Profuse Periods 25 13- Cronp, Laringitis, Hoarseness 25 14- Salt Kheum, Erysipelas, Eruptlons. . .25 15- Bheumalism. Kheumatic Pains 25 16- Malaria, Chüls, Fever and Ague 25 1-Caiarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head. .25 20-VboupiuK Cough 25 27- Kidaey Diseases 25 28-Kervons Debility 1.00 30- llrlnary Weakness 25 34- SorcTbroat, Qulncy, UlceratedThroat.25 M n-" )1 DR. HUMPHREYS' CDItl OCP new specific for bnlr, O . Put up in snvll bottle of pleasant pellets, Just flt youi vest pocket. Sold by DrucgiütB, or Bent reiiiia on recipt of price. Da. HuvrHBKTS' Manual f U4 pnRes, i haii.eii (Rkü. ■Dim Ra.eo.tiii n niiihi, si., imwwut SPBCIPICS.


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