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F I O R 1 1) A TriVtl ' beft ac L J IV 1 1 JA c.aa4ate4 in the Tkreoik Pallasa Buffet Sleplat Cars LninalBi cr the Unes ef tfee LoáisWlle k Naskvllie Kailroad. IThis Une runs doublé daily JLv (morning and eveniag dcpartare) solid trains from CinclnDnati and Louisville to the prlngy cipal Southern citles. I Tbis line affords two routes - Ato points in the Southwest, via -j y Mempliis and via New Orleans. This Une has doublé daily sleeping car service to Jacksonw vilie, and the only through line A of sleepers to Thomasville and JL Tampa. This Une has four daily trains L betweea Ciocianati and Louis1 Nville n each direction. Tbls line bas three daily trains betweea Cincinnati and sy Dton n each direction. I. 27 miles shortest to Knoxville and Carolina points. t Winter Tourists' Tickets at J low round trip rateson sale from about November lst, good till A May31st. j Full information cheerfully furnished upon spplication to - _ JACKSON SMITH, Div. Pass. Agt„ Cinclnnatl. 0. W C. P.ATMORE, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Louisville, Ky, J Write for dcscription of tW THE GULF CQASl ..THE.. EIDREDBE "B" A strictly high-grade Family Srwing Machine, possesKlng all modera impróvements. GüARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST Prices very reasonable. Obtaln lli.m frum yuur local dealer and make comparisuns. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURIN6 CO, BELVIDERE. ILL. Complexión Preservad zp DR. HEBRA'S Ê VIOLA CREAM fQfè Bemovci Freckles, Pimpïes, F KS Liver - Molos, Blackhuada, V Sunburn and Tan. and re _ stores tho fibiu to its ,1 iW& nal frcshness, produoius a fef'fti!Wlc; Clear and healihy i(K". XifffS,' pleilon. Superior totllínrn " -31 ' 55' prepuratioiiS and perfectly hRrmles3. At all Cruggists, or mailed ioT 50uU. öend íor Circular. VIOUV SKIN SOAP ia Imply 1o,mp.rtóla u ■kin imriiy!ng ioap, iu.tciuo.1'"'. fr fhn toilet. And without a rival íor the uursory. AUetnteW tmn aud delicatelj medicated. i Jru;viH(A, Prioa 2rj Ctrts G. C. BITTNER &. CO., Toledo. O. ' " tt -tit tlMIMMIHltllMIHIMIIHHtt Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules are compounded from a prescription widelyused by the best cal authorities and are preÍ sented in a form Ihat is i coming the fashion :: where. i Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the Iiver, i stomach and intestines; cure I dyspepsia, habitual con'stipaí tion.offensivebreathandheadV ache. One tabule taken at the : firstsymptom of indigestión, ! biliousness, dizziness, distress ' ; after eating, or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. j Price, 50 cents a box. Ripahs Tabules may be obtained of nearest druggist; or j by mail on receipt of price. For free sample addresa RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YOI-K. w4imntmtttliiHiltlii ♦♦♦♦■ N W. AVER & SON. 'ti auu.u.'izcd avéotM BUSINESS CARD5. . 1 K. WILLIAM8, Korm-y Hl I. im, Milán, Ule' Money loaned for outside partiee. All exf b ïsineas Riveu prompt attentiou. W. S. MOORE, DENTIST ! Work done Ín al] forms of moder dentfetry Crown and ridge work a specialty. 3aiifaction Guarmnteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 27 South Main St., - - Ann rbor wn. w. nichols, Dental Parlors ! OVER SAVINGS BANK OPPO81TE COUBT HOUSE SOUAliE. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor and Builder! E .timates furnished on al] kinds of Architecture Residente and Shof, 21 Geddes-ayp. Choice Meats Cor. Wfuthington-nt and fillli-inc. Our alm Is to please our customere by alwayt hïiirtling the very Ghoicest Meats that the markei afiords OIL AND GASOLINE BROUGHT TO YOUR DOOR ïï ithout buthering to order every time you are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali iipon me al 8. 1t Corner of E. WaahingIhii nni s. hth Ave., and leave your order and 1 will keep uu ntpptitd al lowent raten. M. GOODALE. LUMBER ! Of all kinds for all purposes at Lowest Prices Also LATH and SHINQLES. If you are in need of anythhig in the line of Lumoer, Lath and Shinglet cali and gel uur prices and see our stock. P. L. BODMER, 11 8V4 Ml! I II MAIN ST Ann Arbor, Mtch. GREAT ROCK MP ROUTE BEST LINE TO THE WEST Supero Dlnlng Car Service $6.oo - TO- CALIFORNIA Is the Sleeping Car Rate on the (Phillips-Kock Island Tourist Exeursions. f rom Chicago and kindred points to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The cars have upholstered spring seats, are Pullman build, and appointments perfect. These Touvist Exeursions are popular, and run twice a week, under the personal guidance of a Phillips managOT who aceompanies party all the way. A car leayes Chicago every Tuesday, running via Kansas City, Ft. Worth and El Paso to Los Angeles, a route renowned for its clement weather, lovv altitude and complete freedom from snow blockades. A through car to San Francisco and Los Angeles also leaves Chicago every Thursday, and mms over the famed Bcenic Route (D. & R. G.) the only line through Salt Lake. Address, or cali on A. VllllAAl'S ,t CO„ 104 Clark lit reet. For reservation and ratos Chicago. .!. SKBAST1A1V, Ci. P. A., hlcajio. A ROOK glNDERY BLANK BOOKS OF EYERY DESCRIPTION Manufactured on short notice. Collection' and Pocket Wallets, Medical, Surgical and Opera Glass Cases Made and repaired. We also make a specialty of repairing-, eleaning and rebinding old books of every description. 5hoe Repairing! None better in the city. All work promptly done. Moderato priro. Opeo all the year round, i solicit -hare of your patronage. THOMAS SPEECHLY, EuKtLtbcrt) , IMeur si-iir.


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