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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Orgaulzed 1869, under the General Banking I,a ol thla State. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $1,000,000 ButtKessMe, Gwrdiana, Trustees, La lies and otiier persons tcill find this Bank a Safe and Convenient Place to make Deposite and do Business. Interest is allowed at the ratt of 4 PER CEN1 on all Savings Deposito, of $1.00 and upwards, according to (lie rules of the bank. and vnteresi compounded semi-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. Secured by unincumbered rea.1 estáte and other good si-curitles. DIEEClOliS: Christian Mark, W. I). Harriman, William 'Deubel, David Rinsey, Daniel Hïscocfc, W. Ö. Smüh and L. Qrwner. ■ OFFICE HS: Chiinttan Made, President; W. !. Harriman, President; Chas E. Htëcock, Cashier; M. J. Früst, Assi&tant Cashier. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at thejclose of business, ÍMay 7th, 1894. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loaneaiirt Discounts Ï452.O41 45 Capital Stock paid In 150.000 00 Stocks, Bonds. Mortgages, Surplus fund 150,009 00 etc 523,351 78 Undivided proflts Iets CurOverdrafts 2.196 17 rent expenses. Interest Banking house 20,500 00 and Taxes paid 15,876 93 Furniture, and Fixtures... 0.267 82 Dividends uupaid 889 00 Other Real fetato 6,497 07 DEPOS1TS. CASH. Banks and Ban kers f 4.490,?!) Commercial deposits 203,060 58 Savlnjj Certifícales of deDue from bauks in reserve o1?8"", 101,987 45 eities. 119,839 03 Payings deposits 669.197 90- 980,736 52 Due from other banks and bankers 25 00 ' I Chpcks and cash items ... 1.S62 i)9 Total 81,196 952 43 Nickles and pennies 368 51 mntSi"'..".".".'.'.:.'."". .'800 00 State of Michigan, Coünty of lNotesand alionaI Bank 28,914 00-183,108 66 L Chas. E. HiscocK.Cashierof theabove namei Bank, do solemnly swear that the ábove statement is true, to the best of, my knowledge and 11,196,952 45 belief. CHA8. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Correct- AtteRt: Cbristian Mack, W. D. Harriman, L. Gri-xer, Directora. Subscribed and sworn to bef ore me this ïï'i day of December, tt&t. MICIIAEL ■. VRlTZ, Notary PuOitc.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register