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Mrs. J. Blakeslee is on the sick list. Electric lights tor Milan in the near future. The trost has hurt the fruit in this vieinity to some extent. Mrs. Doersom and children left for Canada the last of the week. Mrs. Chas. Sill entertained guests irom out of town the first of the week. Mr. Chas. Woolcott and family, of Ann Arbor, are visiting Milan friènds Miss. C'ady returned to her school Monday after a short visit in Ann Arbor. Mr. H. J. Zimmerman is repairinghis house on Wabash-st. with a coat of paint. Mr. G. R. (iauntlett, of Detroit, is the guest of his son, Fred Gauntlett and family. Miss Lelia Kelley was the guest of Mrs. .T. Burg, at Ann Arbor,during the May Festival. The Epworth League wilt give a fine entertainment at the Opera House tomoiTow evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fuller, from the Macón, aré guests of Atty. G. I!. Williams this week. Mrs. WilktoeOD, of Vernon, Mich.j Ie the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Geo. Minto, this week. Mr. and Mrs. McKey and family, have moved into one of Mr. E. A. lïeynolds houses on First-st. Mrs. Watson Sly and daughter. of Ann Arbor. are the (jnestaof Mr. and Mrs. Josiah De.xtii , Mrs. Allie Mains, of Detroit, was the guest of her parents, Dr. and Mr. .1. C'. Harper, over Sunday. Miss Imo Wbitmarsh was the guest of Mrs. W. W, Watts during the May Festival at Ann Arbor. Mrs. E. Walte returned to her home in Soio Friday aftera weeks' visit with her Bister, Mrs. J. C. llarper. Mr. J. II. Searte, of Toledo, was in town the last of the week getting subseribers for the Toledo News. Mr. Ira Remington left for Wiston the last of the week where he will visit a daughter for a few weeks before he returns to Grand Itapids. Editor A. 15. Smith and wife. Mesdames Minto. Hinkley, Allen and Bluckmer, Mieses Whitmarsh, Kelly, Allen, Cady and others, attended the May Festival at Ann Arbor. Mr. V. H. Whitmarsh and Mr. A. E. Putman are putting down a drive wel] on the line between their lots on west ilain-st. They have struck gas and water 140 feet below the Burface. HAIiBH 1VN. Mi's. H. C. Parker is entertaining hei mother Mrs. Bignell, of Jacksón. The Union concert will be held ai Peebles church next Sunday afternoon Mrs. Luther Bussy entertained the Ladies' Aid Society last week Friday. Mrs. Edith Wam, of Pontiac, is visitin- her paVents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cole. Mrs. Haitie Van Aken. of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Wither. The Epworth League of Laphams church are preparing exercises for Childrens Day. Mrs. A. C. Curtis spent last vveekwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McOormick, of Ann Arbor. Mr. John Rénwick who has been very sick for the past four weeks with pneumonía is slowly recovering, but Mrs. Eten wiek is still very low. CHELSE A . Miss Winifred Potts. of Jackson, spent Sunday with friends heiv. Mr. Pred Thompson, of Jackson. called on Chelsea friends Monday. Miss Tressa Bacon has returned from a few weeks visit with Detroit friends. Mr. and Mre. Geo. Gillam, of Harrisville, Mioh., ai-e the puesta of Mrs. Gillam and family. A laFge numbor trom here attended the May Festsval at Ann Arbor Friday and Saturdsy. Mrs. L. E. Sparkg, and daughter Erma Belle have been spending a few days in Jackson. Miss Nellie Hall is spending a few weeks with friends and relatives in Grand Rapids and Verraontville. -Mrs. Snow of St. Ignaee who has been spending sometime with Jas. Harrington and family, left for their home lust week. Fred Vogle was here the latter part of last week packing his household goods preparatory to moving to Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss May Sparks entertained over Sunday the Misses Maude Moore, Agnes Masson, Nellie Gibsonand Maude PurviS of Jackson. I.lts iilt. Mrs. WInslow, of Charlotte, is visiting relatives here. Mr. Hubbard oeeupied the pulpit here last Sunday and gave an excellent diseourse on the parable of the shower. Yes, Webster is to have Children's Day so they say. The date will be announced later. Everyone should keep watoh, and come and hear and s.'e what he can. A great many Webeter ()dl Fellows spent a rousing good time at Hamburg lodge last Wednesday evening. Hamburg knowa how to be hospitable. ïhe Odd Fellows ure highly elated over it. Don't forget the social Saturday evenLne, June lst. It will bc a strawberry, and Lee oream festival, and the place is Mr. Edwin Bali's, A pleasant program is arranged. The proceeda will be elven to the churoh. If you want to help as well as enjoy .yourself, come and bring a (riend with you. Since my last communication vrork here has been delayed on account of the heavy rains. The heavy frosts have utterly destroyed grapes and strawberries out in blow. bcans and oucumbers. Peas have still escaped. Potatoes and corn are anxiously awaiting the rongWkling procesa to subslde. 'I YNCIIFSTF.U. A great deal of corn has been planted here. Sbaron vs. Manchester ball game next Saturday. The last week of school in the Cowon District. E. l'ierce teaehes. The Houke vs. Watters case was tried at Ann Arbor laat Tuesday. W III I MOICI LIKI!. Misa Lizzie McNally, of Jackson, i visiting her párente. Miss M. Stiles is preparing to give a musical in the near future. Miss Rachel Campbell spent Sundaj with her párente in Dixboro. Gardens in this vicinity wer'e all de stroyed by frost Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Masón, of Detroit are the guests of relatives here. John Weismire and Lillian Lumbart visited friends in Dixboro Sunday. Mr. T. Holmes will leave Thursday to visit her daughter in St. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roper, of Toledo, spent Sunday with friends and relatives here. Rev. Blackford, of South Lyon, watthe guest of Rev. B. Gibson one day last week. Mr. J. G Pray spent last week with his brothers Chas, in Lansing and Fred in BayCity. Misaea Margaret Dodge and Edith Burke, pf Laingsburg, are the guests of H. P. Dodge and wifc. Last Tuesday night dogs got into a nocK ot sneep to Kobt. Kearney throe miles south-west of hen:. Mrs. Oatrander, who has been visitliig her son, Wm. Orr, agent at this place, loft for her home in Dundee Sunday. Ahout 100 men turned out and assistöd in paising the new barn on the f ï;il - cock farm Tuesday afternoon, and with Mi-. Freeraan Shuart at the houd it went up with a rush. Regular Sunday preacblng service has been changed trom morning to 7 :30 in the everring. Epworth League meeting every Thursday evening-, and Siinday School at 10 o'eloek Sunday. The wedding bella out loud and clear last Tuesday when Miss Martha and Mr. Poster Brown we re married at the home of the bride 's parents. Both bride and grooru are well known in this eommunity. and have the best wishes of all. (Ormeded out last a-eek-.) Mrs. Martin Kapp is seriously ill. Miss fana Schlimmer is the guest of ïer brother Ed. in Hamburg. Mrs. Snell, sr., is slowly reeovering inder the care of Dr. E. Smith. Mr. Frank Barker and family gpeni Sunday with friends in Brighton. The Mlgsea [da Deghle and Louise Dalkey returned home SaturJay. Mr. Cbllda of Aun Arbor spent Sunday with his brother, E. R. Fields in town, H. P. Dodge has erected a new porcfa on his store and has everytMng looking top. Mr. and Mi-s. T. Holmea gpeni Priday and Saturday with her son Jay Green in Superior. Mrs. Hanby and daughter Vera, ■ turned [ron their visit with Dixboro friends on Saturday. D. P. Smith, of Clifton Bouse, has purchased a new sail Ixiat which he launched in Whitmore Lake last Friday. It is a beauty. Miss Francés Lombard visitod frienda in Milford on Wüdnesday. l'rof Lumbard is preparing to build a new upright on his house. Mr. Geo. and .Miss Martha Larender, entertained a party of young (rienda ftt their home on Tuesday evening-. All report a very enjoyable time. Phili K. Smith. dent' student, in U. of M. spent the Sabbath with his parenta in (Jreen Oak. Misses Hatch, Lynch and Garbeo also of U. of M. were his guests and attended the I. O. G. T. meeting here on Saturday evening. DLHI SHAS. M i'. Orville Davis, of Alma, arrived last Friday night to make short visit his relatives here. Mr. Neeman was at Mrs. Eliza Davis one day lapt week to visit his little daughter who is stopping there for a while. The dead fish are found in the river here too. They have been seen, too, almost dead. There seems to be a disease them. Only the suckers and red lins are affected. Delhi citizens are in a state of rejoicing. Last Sunday when the new "time table" carne into effect, they found that the Grand Rapids was to stop on sig-nal. It it had not been on Sunday, they vvould have cheered lustily for the M. O. R. R. but they are peacóable, law abiding citizens in Delhi. W EST rn i'mmi.ii. Mrs. C. E. Sperry returned last Thursday. Mrs. Bassett. of Plymouth, is a g-uest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Hanford. Mrs. Wm. Boston, of Nashville vas a „mest of h(r daughter, Mrs. Mable Sperry over Sunday. School was olosed for a few daye week on account of the sickness of the ,eacher, Miss Lena Malloy. Clinton Almendinser thi-ew a snowall on the 14th of May bo as tn rememer tin; snow storm of that day. tu lio ico. The recent fi-osts have done considerable damage to fruit in this vieinity. Mr. and Mrs, I. B. Eldert, of Detroit, apent Saturday and Sunday at Mr. i;. Townscnds. . A young daughter has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Carrahei. Miss Eethel Austin, of Salem, Í3 spending a few weeks vvith her aunt, Mrs. P.L. Townsend. A Gi-aphaphone concert will be held in the church, tomorrow evening foithe benefit of the Sunday school. The Register would like a good correspondent in each of the followinglocalities: Ypsilanti, Stony t'reek, VVhittíiker, York, and Dexter.


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