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Sehatk. BSthi :. The Redfcrn pure rood bill: relative to appeals from the ordersol pret reimburalng Kaloo for consti i rtain sewe' ui 11 in the [ng the tlm ertam for impvuvrineiits a! the noi mi for insani porat:onof manufacturing 01 ppropriati for the bome for ( mituleit at to the incorporation of inutual ins-. paules: authorizing the commiit oip't;rom otter states to private retreatu m Mich : shenffs shan recelve a salar. I by I no beard of supervisors: , the lo;r tax bo as to provide that pups of three montli and over shall I authorizing d oertain ca hold eourt in circuits other than thelr own: prohibillng corporations f rom fon-1 ti taKi Barnard prlmi ry el et oa biii prohibiting delegates to con i om giving proxies; for the holding of Eusl i d&lrymeD's assolure in oertlfying to deeds and other written Instruments conform with a provosed uniformity in all the States; proviüiiig that thero shall be pólice matroos In towns of over 10.000 [nhabitants: oreating the o.;;ee of state Btatistlolan and prescribáis.' the duties of the incumbent thereof. The removal of Uie ü. of M. homeopathie departmeht to Detroit was recommended bv the appropriations eommutee wilh an appropriation of 4SÍ5.000. -Mr. MeLaughlin made a molion to reconsider the vote by which the Senate postponed indeflnltely his bill for the exemptiqn of mortgages frojn taxation in cities. His motion was tost. BOUSB. Bills passed: Regulating legal procedure in 'proreedings ïor diseovery'' in actions in courts of record and providing for the production of books and papers: prohibiting the assemblage of armed companies without permission from the commander-in-chief : providing that the manufacturera of baskets or other packages for the shipment of peaches, grapes, and plums. shall mark on such packages the eapacity of each in pounds: creating the township of Gratiot from territory nowincludedin Grosse Pointe Wayne countv: appropriating $77.624.90 for the state public school at L'oldwater: relativo to admitting foreign corporations to do business in this state: prescribing that certain reports shall be made by building and loan associations to the secretary of state. The bill requiring reports of mortgages to be made and Donovans ventilation bill were killed. When the Johnson pure food bill came from the Senate it was laid away indetinitely, the farmer element claiming that all the provisions of benefit to them having been stricken out in the Senate they have no further use for it. Senate.- 86th day.- Bills passed: Extending the anti-fusion law so as to cover locai elections: for the removai of the U. of M. homeopathie department to Detroit: making the county instead of the township the unit ín affording relief to old soldiers: e.xempting Marquette county from the operation of the good roadlaws; prohibiting the use of the Super cent clause in insurance policies: fcr the reeovery of premiums paid to unauthorized insurance compames; bill relative to fees of Wayne county oStcers. The bill appropriating SS.000 for a working home for the blind at Sasinaw. and the bill reducing the number of members in the lower house to 64, the constitucional minimum, were agreed to in committee of the whole. House.- Bills passed: Relativo to the placing in certain cases of insurance in foreign corporations not authorbed to do business in this : amendiug the law relativa to student labor at the Agricultura! college: authorizing the boai'd of county highway commissionery under the good roads act of J8'.i;i. to pay their clerk a salary not exceeding $l!00: relative to the división of villages and townshlps into electlon district; providing that contractors shall have three months in which to begin proceedings for the enforceinent of mechamos1 liens. and that laborers and those who furnish material on suuh contracta, shall have siity tlays in which to begin similar proceedings: aiproprlatlng $185.000 for the asylum at NVw providing for the i-sue bv railroads of mileage books to be used interchan.reably on the several railroad unes of the state, by purchaser or any member of liis famlly: amending the local option law so as to provide that those who sign the prelirainarv petition must be ors whose names appear on the poll list of the last preceeriing election. The U. of M. appropriation bill, which had been reported favorably the urevious day by the committee of the whole. was a;;ain the cause of ;i struggle, and after being ent down to -(KUKW failed to pass. The vote was reconsidered and the bill tabled. Sknate.- 87th day.- Bills passrd: Grand Eapids charter bill amending the truancy act: relative to the accounting by state o Sneers for purchases of post ps; Detroit street opening amendnient: for the incorporation of labor organizations and providing that they maysueand sued: providing that bonds tor the support of private patlents in state insane asylums, shall be given in the probate court in the county frora which such patu tits are sent: amendinK act relative to dfsorderly persons: relative to proceed ags o compel the production of books and persons. House.- liills I: Providing that improvemenis in rnan on the township unit plan muy be made where the county as a whole refuses to avall itself of the local option good roads law: appropriating Ï12.000 íor genial improvement at the prison in Jackson; providiug for condemnation proceedings against toll roads by boards of supervisors; for the better protection of union making felices composed wholly or in part of wire a legal fence: authorizing the disposlup of and licensingof as nomestead of state tax lands which have been in possession oi the state for three years or more: prescribing that not more than $■ per oar shall be charged for switching charges where the distance is less than two miles and punishing exactions for alleged overweight of cargoes where such overweight is found not to exist: relative to sale of state tax lands; prescribing the minimum number of brakemen to be carried on passenger trains. SENATE.-88th day.- No measures of importance were disDosed of in the Senate. House.- Bills passed: Protecting llsh in Saginaw bay: protecting flsh in Saginaw rtver amending the act relative to the adoption and change ot name of minors; for the relief of the family of Lieutenant. John Cordon, deceased: codifying the statutes relative to wurehouses and warehousemen slien: autnorizing proceedlngs for determining the title to the St. flair Fluís; amending act of 1893 relative to an advisory board in the matter of pardons; relative to proceedure in taking evidence in chancery cases: relative to the retirement of Detroit school teachers on a pension after 25 years' service; authorizing a tax for the naval reserve eiual to one-eighth of a cent for each inbabitant of Michigan; providing that security and benellciary companies authorized to do business in thls state may be accepted as sureties for public ofneers and parties to civil cases and als in other cases in which bonds are required Senator Thompson's bill for the purpose of facilitating eviclions by providing that il shall not be necessary to serve any notice to quit on tenants renting by weekly, bi-monthly and monthly periods, was killed in the House Mr. Thompson s bill making changes in the method of enforcing claims againgt water craft was also defeated. as was the bill prohibiting the use of young lish for purposes of fertihzing. and the bill prohibiting corporations from compelling employés to patronize particular insurance companies and rendering vola contraets which employés may be compelled to sign agreeing to patronize such companies. Both House and Senate united in exercises in the evening in honor of the late Senator Stockbridge. Ray, the 13-year-old son of Clark 1!. Rodish, near Adrián, waskicked in the head by a horse and instan tly killed. Robert M. Jack & Son, of Jackson, have been awarded the contract for finishing the governinent postoffice at Columbus, Ga. Gov. Rieh has appointed Gen. R. A. Alger, of Detroit, and (en. U". H Withington and Dwight Smith of Jackson members of the commission to select the design for the (10,000 monument to ex-Gov. lilair to be erected in the state house groumls. Edward Conley. an eastern syndicate, has negotiated for the purchase of the water power at Lower Quinnesec falla, on the Menominee river. It is a valuable water ppwer, worth 850,000 or $60,000. A paper mili will probably be built upon it. About 35 workmen at the yards of the Consolidated Kriek company at Grand Rapids struck for higher wages. Foreman Sprague ordered them out of the yard and told them they had been discharged. The workmen threw mud at hun and then dumped him into the pond before pólice assistance arrived Sprague was nut seriously injured.


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