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niLLINERY ! Was nevar prettier than xt w this season. Never chcapcr eithev than nme. We Icnow you cannot do better }or ■price, style and quality than at 10 E. Washington street. Cali and see if we are not right. J. IYI. MORTON, 10 E. WASHINGTON ST. OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Job work, such as lawn work, nía klnsr vegetable and flower gardens, cleaning and laying carpets. caning chairs, and repalring furnlture. Oall on or address, A. R, Gibbs, 92 E. Catherine st. 5tf FOK SALE. PU SALE-Or :tradefor a ladies' bicycle, a No. t Remington. E. P. Goodrich, at lourt House. __- _ I FOR House and lot, No. 103 S. State. At a bargaln if sold soon. For partlculars, apply to rooms 1088. State, 68 ÏT1ÖR SALE- Newspapers fiï quantitiês 1 sultable for putting under carpets. Wlll be sold cheap at The Register office. 64tf Ï1OH SALK OH. RENT- A new eight room house with good barn, good well, t wo good cisterns,lV4 lotsof land. Easy terms Enqulre at H Detroit street Ann Arbor. 68tf HOliSKS FOR SALE OR RENX-Real . Estáte boughtand sold. Fire Insurance in nrst-classcompanles, Oall and consult me befare deciding. I believe I ean accommodatc you. Mary L. Hamilton, room 11, Hamllton Blook. OTtf L'ÖK SALE OR EXCHANOE-A splenA dld 40 acre farm in town of Lodi: Wlll be sold cheap or exchanged for house and lot in Ann Arbor. Enquire of W. Osius. Box, 1561 C'ty 44tf FMR New Safe. Wlll be sold at a bargain. Enquire of S. A. Moran, Kegister Office. tf FOR SALE - Mrs. Perkin's iarm 80 acres, Z miles east of Saline 1 miles south of Ann Arbor. known as the Kellogg farm. Six acres goed bearlng peach orchard, house, barn, stock and well water in abundance, school wuliin !4 mile. Price reasonable, terms easy. cali on premises or 44 S. Ingallsst., Ann Arbor. 94tf tl' a Kil FOK 120 Acres oi Land ui miles trom city, or willexchange for city prop erty. Enquire at No. 3 B. Liberty-st. sitf J7AKM POK SA B.K:-The Bullock or Everett V farm. 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, coutainiig 109 acres house and barns, stock and well water in abundanc 'imber; school and churchwíthin a milelana naturally the best; all seeded down. Price aud terms. reasonable. Cali on or addres: Andrew E. Glbeon.80 Maynard-st., Ann Arboi, Mich. 45tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT- A house of 11 rooms, with 'lat h and all modern conveniences; or will rent part of same. Cali after 6 p. m. No 2 Fnller at. ,5 tTOR RENT-A new 12 room house, lust I ulxwt completed, and one of the best bmli bousea In the oity, one block from Main street, and 5 blocis f rom the court bouae In BOi d location, gteam lieated f ree, for rent on B ñve y ears lease foronly Ki3,St per month. Here is a rare bargaln for some business man. EnoulreofB. .l.Conrad, 18 S. Ingalls-st.. for ruil partlculars. gg HOCSES TO RENT-Several HouseswTth modero lmprovements, unfurnished rooms for small families, at reasonable prices. Callón J.Q. A. Sesslons, Real Estáte Aeent, ,. ','■■' N' 2nd floor, Resldence Tb h. Wllllam-st. (j [ O.nsforlighthousok'epingandfuriiislied rooms. Apuly to Room 3, third tioor, uamllton block. Modera convenieuces iucludingsteam heat. istf ■ August inc Sage wlm had Just rent" ed Clark Bros., farm at Saline of 233 acres, henee we want to rent It. A. M. Clark, Ann Arbor; A F. Clark. Saline. fi; LMU'Sil- dn II u ron street some days ago a ' silk umbivlla with a gold plated ring han ni. . uwner ma; have same by paylng fo this notu-e and provlng propwrty. tD' f DKESSMAKINO-By day or at home Erenchsygtem. Oall 7 south Brown st. or address E. V. P, O, Box 14SÍ, Ann Arbor. 68 MICHIGAN MINING SCHOOL &.VaiJïinT A liiirl. techóle) whool. Practli-al work'. Hrc.i v.. pi, -m nier i-i.uix.s. (lu.-.lwtso ■ mflPh.D. tAboratorie8. abops, mlll ■'' ■■■ OatalOKues fre. A.lrire Secretar]! Michino MlmugScUooi.HouKhtuu.Micii


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