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Best Route Southeast South Southwest is the Louisville and Nashville Railroad SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PROSPECTIVE SETTLERS. Full infórmation chccrfully furnished upon application to IACES0H SMITB, DiT. Pass. Act., Ciscinnati, 0. C. P. ATMORE, Gen'l Pass. Agí., LooisviUe, Ey. .-THE.. ELDREDGE "B" A striotly hiKli.Rrade Family Sewing Machine, poMassing all modern improrements. GüARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST Fricpg very reasonable. Obtain tliem from your local dealer aud make comparisons. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDERE. ILL. íxnpiexicn Preservad rm. DR. HEBRA'S &V4ÍSfci VIOLA CREAN fff Removes FrecUea, Pimplo '' öf' Liver - Mobs, Blaelchcadsi -v i?f Sunburn and Tin, and rel _ tores the sLiu lo iia ., -,,SL2' E&l írcshr.css, proauci::ri i É&v'VlíJyíSÍ Ciear aud heslthy coia-MÍfe VÍS'1' plexion. Superior toaUiico - - ' ' preparations and penectly hiTm'cs!.; At all öruggists, oi mailed lurSOcta. Send ior Cüculw. VIOLA SKIN SOAP ii Imply IncompiMbw „ , kin purlfjlnp Sop, un.„.,, r-ir Oio tollot, mi wia Mit G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo. O tHMiimnt)l)))tM Ripans Tabules.; Ripans Tabules are compounded from a prescription i widely used by the best j cal authorities and are '■ sented in a form that is { coming the fashion t where. i Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, : stomach and intestines: cure } dyspepsia, habitual I : ! : ache. One tabule taken at the : : first symptom of indigestión, I biliousness, dizziness, distress i after eating, or depression of i spirits, will surely and quickly : remove the whole difficulty. í Price. 50 cents a box. i Ripans Tabules may be obtained of nearest druggist; or i : by mail on receipt of price. For free sample attdres i RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. ftSW VORK. J WWi W BUSINESS CARDS. 1 1 K. WILLIAMS. 'jLttorney at Law, .ïliluu. KUch. Money loaned for outside parties.All legal businesa given prompi W. 8. MOOIiE, DENTIST! Work i'oiie in all forms of modern den'istry. ni n ai d Bridge work a specialty. smisikciion Guarauteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 26 South Main St., - - Ann Artar WM. W. NICMOL8, Dental Patlors ! OVEB sa VINQ8 BANK oi'PO8ITE COUBT Hoi se 8QUABE. ARTHUIi J KITSON, Contractor and Bu Ider I Estimates furnished on all kinds of Architec. ture. Residence and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats Oor. Washlngton-st., and Firth-ave. Onr aim is to pleate our customers by always handhng the very Choicest Meats thatttie ma ket aflbrd. F. W. BLAKE DENTIST Over Brown's Drug Store, S. W. Corner, Main and Huron-sts.. Ann rbor Mich. ' Shoe Repairing ! None better in the city. All work promptly done. Moderate prices. ODen all the year around. I solioit ashare of your patronage. THOMAS SPEECHLY, Et Liberty, Near State. Oil and GasoÏÏne Brought to Your Door Without bothe ing to crfler everytime you are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or C811 upon me at S. W. Corner of E Washncton ana . Filihave. and leaye your order andl will keep you supplied at loivcst rates. M. fiOOUALE. ATTENTION ! LADIES ANFGËNREMÊN ! Whe you ant anything in the line of Tonsorial Work You are invlted tocall upon KELLY & JOHNSON, 18 E. .43VN STHKKT, teeïr Wrk 1S Satisfaction GuaranJOHN BAUMQARDNER, Dealer in American and Iraported QRANITES ! and all kinds of BUILDING 5T0NE! Cenietery Work SPECIAL.TV Corner of Detroit and Cattaerine sts. ANN AKBOR, MICH. Argus Book Bindery - ♦ - BLAHK BOOKS OF EYERY DESCRIPTION Manufacturad on short notice. Collection and Pocket Wallets, Medical, Surgical and Opera Glass Cases Made and Repaired. We also make a specialty of repaii-ing:, cleaning and rebindingold booksof every deseription. IvThTbutler, " 18 E. Huron-M., ANN vil hok, THCH. Stcretary and Treaeurer Nat. Satinge ana Loa Associatin, MONEY TO LOAN. ■ - ■ LOOK HERE. Is your property mortgage? If it is and you shoulddie, what will your famJy do with an inheritance of debt? V ou can protect your loved ones with '"V 'wTw-f1" -l'v%'" Mutwü U, m ,NO EXPENSE to cali on our Agent, investígate our tPraactSsx"fell.XamÍlle thi Va'Í0US COn" O. R Looker, James H. Ccm kins t'resident Secretary. B. ,1. Conrau, Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. WHEAT FEWD Kor stock raistrs. sheep feeders, poulti-y men and dairy men, sold at a bargíln,í-a11 on or address, cai-e of Anchor orks. PA1JÍE BROS. & (O„ Klver Rouge, Hteha 4 CHOICE ROSESlSte Cm .and Cultural Dlrecttona SO wSu 1 Bom Ahraysmenüon thls paper when you write


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