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Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fray are visiting relativos in Superior. Mr. James Burnett is very low, Dr. Sraith is attending bhn. Air. líoach. of Lansinjr. is the g-uest of his ancle l'eter Galliger. John Todd and family are entertaining friendsfrom Diamondale. Tickets are printed fer the Catholic picnic to be held here .Tuly 4th. The musical given liy Mi-s Stiles and her pupil was a Buccesa in e very way. Dance at C'lifton Saturday evening, June 15th. Bill 50 cents. Áll invttea. Mi's. Henry and EarlTodd her grandson, left for Bay City to spend the summer. Mr. C. L. Pratt, of Lanslug, is the ruestof bis Bister, Mrs. L. .1. Stüesand other friends. Fire bi-oke out in the sa--inill here about 7 :.'!() Monday evening and hurned it to the tri'inuid. Xo insuranee. W. B. Rane has moved his stock of - in the old blacksmith shop and everjthing isgoing at coat, cali am him. The L O. G. T's. will glve an ice cream social at their hall on Priday, June 21st, and dispose of their quilt. All the cream you can eat for a dime and a grand program will be rende red. -Mr. RertCornwell, of the paper milis, Ann Arbor, has purchased a lot on the bank of the lake and is erecting a new cottage. Miss Francés Lumbard also talks of erecting one in the grove. Let the good workgo on. (Crotvded out last loeek.) Miss Margaret K. Kelly, of this place, and Jos. D. Stackable, of Pinckey, were married at the Catholic church in Northrield on Wednesday. The following is a list of presents they received. Lady's gold watch presented the brido by her father; an elegant satin finish castor by Mrs. P. Kelly ; toilet set, ten pieces, by Mr. and Mrs. Rob't. Stackable; silver cake dish by Miss Jennie Grogan :set of ornamented tea dishes, by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Wall; a handsome quadruple ■tea et, six pieces by Messrs. R. C. and E. R. Stockable ; butter knife and tea spoon, gold finish, by Mr. and Mrs. James Huney; picture drape, by MissLibbie Grogan: counterpane and pillo Mrs. R. Stockable; set of cut glass dishes, Miss Mary Leonard ; set silver table and desert spoons Mrs. Wm. Fultz, towels, Mr. F. Leonard; setsilver knivesa id forks, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCluskey; card receiver, Wm. Spencer: towels, Mr. P. Grogan: set silver knivp.s and forks, Messrs. T. ?. and W. H. Stockable; vases, Miss Kate Leonard; elegant satin finish rocker, by Mr. and Mrs. .Tas. Boy Ie; parlor lamp, by Mrs. J. B. and J. S. Stockable; Messrs. Thos. Grogan and iobert Stockable, leaving it to the ■aste of the newly married eouple to seect suitable gifts made, their offerings n the yellovv metal ; rattle-box, by laster G. G. Starkable. The bride and groom left on the evening train for Deroit, Charlotte, and Jackson. Mr. Frank B. Gilbert, of Detroit, is he guest of his cousin Carrie. Mr. Fred Shuart, and Miss Cora atherly, visited Dixboro friends Sunlay. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dodg-e, of Laingsburg, ai'e hls brother, Henry anti wlfe. Mr. Lawrence, Pratt, of Lansin is the sruest of his sister, Mrs. L. J. Stïles, of Green Oak. The ice cream social on the Lake House lawn netted the pastor. S15.86 and a splendid time for all who attended it. The Temperance sermón Sunday evening delivered by Rev. O. J. Blaekford, of Brlghton, was splendid and listened by a large attentive audience. AVlL,t,IS. Milo Hammond is very sick. [l■s. Mai-y A. Russell is quite poorly. Mrs. Adolph Waach is building a new ïouse. Mr. C. W. Alban has a sister from Iowa visitin? him. Elijah Darling made a business trip to Detroit last Friday. Rolph is home ag-ain after an absence of several weeks. Quite a number of people in this place have been having the pink eye. Mr. Mead, of Ypsilanti, closed his suuooi ai r.atons ;iius Jast Friday. Martin Dawson, of Ypsilanti, made nis parents a short visit last Sunday. Jafce Payn, of Oakville, is up spring chickens for the Detroit market. Mis. George Alban. of Adrián, was visitinar at Charles W. Albans last treek. Mr. and Mrs. Honeywell have ?ot a nice pair of twin boys, they were bom last week. Mrs. Henry Hammond was viisitinowlth .Mrs. .1. H. Ambrose and family ast Friday. Born week before last to Mr. and Mrs Fred Kolierts of the Island District a nice little hov. The banana social at the residence of Mr. James Waltere last Friday eveningwas well attended. James Bunton has g-ot a plaining mili in operation plainingoutthe lumber for VVill Ballardg barn. We were informed last Saturday evening that Mvs. Webster Childs had a shock of paralysis. John Lawson, of Whlttaker, will start uphis saw-mill this wenk, he has alarga bilí of lumber to cut out. The Colored people of Whittaker held a quarterly meeting in Qeorge Moore's woods last Sunday. They baptised about 15 new memoere in "Paint Creek. Miss Stella Horns closed her term of school in the Morgan District last Friday, and on Saturday stai-ted on her I for Ann Arbor to visit with frlenda there. Mi', and Mrs. Will Dawson and their little twïn boys, Harry and George, of Detroit wre visitine with Mr. and Mrs, Miohael Dawson last Sundav. Mis. Dawsod and the twins will stay some (i or 8 weeks. WKST P1TTSFIEL. Cone E. Sperry and Eaton Bros., spent a few days and öshing at Eorseshoe Lake, last week. Mrs. W. H. Hanford gave an after noon tea toa number oí Eer lady M last Weönesday afternoon. All enjoyed themselves Immeneely. The Sunday School of this district wlll give a lavvn and ice oreara social at the home of Geo. Sperry next Priday evening, for the bemant ot the tíundav School. The board of inspoctors of Ann Arbor, ield and Lodt were petitioned to divide fractional district three of the abovo towns. Petitioners were defeated five to throo. Mr. Porter waspresented with a g-old chuin and charm by Sunday School in token of appreciation for being a faithful superintendent to our small school thfi past vear. He will be bucí by Mr. Krapf aurlng the summer vacation.


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