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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. WAMTED. V gentlemen who cxpects to remaio In the city during the entlre sumnier would be willing to takc care of some home the occupanta of whlch expect to spend the vacation out of the city. Addross H. Drawerl). City. 70_ WANTED- Agents, Exclusive control oí your county. The artlcle imd price are right. :uvk & Co., Station lt. Chicago 111. 6S i olí SAJbK. UOK SAIiK- Xcxt year the ower floor of ö ■- rooms furnished. 2 blocks from campus. Inquire at 13 Willard st. BU_ ïH)K SALE- Copies of the Public Acts r of Michigan for 185, 18T, 18t9, 191 and lsiW. For sale cheap ut The Keglstor Office. 72 LH)K Copy of "Coln Collector's - llsind Book" for sale cheap at The Register office T2_ FOR SA1.E- A good family horse for sale cheap, J. F. Schuh, m_ FOR SALE - House and lot, No. 102 S. State. At a bargain if sold soon. For partlculara, apply to rooinsioss. State, 68 FOK Newspapers in quantitics suituble for putting under carpets. Will be sold cheap at The Register office. 64tf HOI SI'.S FOU SALK UR BENT- Real Estáte boughtiind sold. Fire Insurance in tírst-classconipunit's, ('all anti consult me before decldlng. 1 belieye I can accommoti;itc you. Mary L. Uamilton, room 11, llamllton Block. 07tf tjMUt KAJLK- NuwSafe. Wlll be soM at a bargaiu. Enqulre of S. A. Moran, Reglster Uttice. 39tf F O SAUE - Mrs. Perkin'p farm, 80 acres, 2 miles east of Saline. 7 miles south of Ann Arbor, known as the Kellogg farm. Six acres beatíng peftch orcliard, house, barn, stock and well water in abundance, school wjthln 's mlle, Prlce ireasonable, terms easy, cali on premises or 44 S. Intfallsst., Ann Arbor. 94tf . uit Ath - ru Atíam ui LuuU.hix miles trom city, or wlll exchange forcity prop erty. Kuqüire at No. 3 E. Liberty-st. 31tf jjiAKll I'OK NA5.K:- The Bullock or Kverett 1 farm, 3 miles west of Salem stattuu and 11 miles from Aun Arbor, contamii g 109 acres, house and barns, stck anrt well water in abundanc '.mber, schooi mid churcb wlthin a mile; lana iiaurnlly the best; all seeded down. Price aud term- reasonable. Cali on or addres: Andrew K. íitbíon 30 Mayuard ., Ann Arboi, Mich. 45tf FOK KENT. UOU Residenee No, 4 Maynard st. A New modern house. Enquire 5U E. Liberty st reet 68 FOK RUNT- A house of 11 monis, wlth bath and all modern convenientes; orwill reni partot saine. Cali after tip. m. No. 2 Fuller t. t iistf HOISES TORENT everal Ilouseswitíi modern lmprovementa, unfurnished rooms for small families, ai reasonableprices. Callón J.Q. A. Besslons, Beal Estáte Agent, Office No. SN. Main-st. 2nd Hoor, Residence :6 E. William-st. XW f RKO.tls for 1 ght boosekeeplns and f urnlshed rooms. Appiy to Koom 'i, tliird Boor, Hamllton block. loderaÉconveniences, inrlndlin.' steani lioat lStf rvRESSIHAKING- Hv day or at home. U Frenoh sv-tcni. Cali 7 south Brown st. or address E. W P, U, Box Um, Ann Arbor. 68 MICHIGAN MINING SCHOOL ft;! A hleh-gnde technlOftl schoot. Pracfk-al work. iuniiHrcnirBfS. Givesdefcreefta S. 5., K [.. uii.ini.P.riiboratorlcs, shops, mili, tur., well eíjuippeíí. Ontalofrnes ftee. AIrtrc8t Sccrctiry Ulcbieu MloliigScLjüOi.Houghtou.Mlch


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Ann Arbor Register