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Best Route Southeast South Southwest is the Louisville and Nashville Railroad 1 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PROSPECTIVE SETTLERS. ' Full iniormation cheerfully furnished upon application to JACKSON SMITH, liv.Pass. Agt., CincinaaU, 0. C. P. ATffiORE, Gen'l Pass. Agt., LouisvUle, Ky. V-THE.. ELDREDGE "B" A Hrlctly high-grade Family Sewing Alachine, possestflng all modern niiirovements. SUARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST Friceg very reasnnable. Oljtain them trom jour local dealer and inake conijtarihuus. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURA CO, BELVIDERE. ILL. Uf are jAy ■FheelerU%1 il & 11 I lllLSON'Sll V SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY THCM LIRE THEM , AND TELL Hé'Sds. Many ladies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in theirfamily work, and are still using the original machines we furnished them a generation ago. Many of our machines have run more than twenty years without repairs, other than needies. With proper care they never wear out, and seidom need repair. We have built sewing machines for more than forty years and have cofistantly improved them. We build our machines on honor, and they are recognized everywhere as the most accurately fitted and rlnely finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, ène "No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In competition with the leading machines (-f the world, itreceiyed the ('.rand l'ri.-atthe Paris Exposition of 1889, as the best, other machines receiving only complinentarymedalsofgold, silverand bronze. The Grand Prize was what all soughtfor. and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. We want dealers in all unoccupied territory WHEELER & WILSONMFG.CQ. t85 4187 WALA5H MVE., GHÍCAQO. ■■T WILCOX COMPOUND T7NSYP1US m m:vARE of 01 ntkhi ris. H Thfiimlv nafe mil ilwaya reliahle Iteliel" ,H for l.aflfrs. Accclit u wortlilfhs and dan;H geruis lmitalluiis. t:ivi money aml guanl m nt-Hlth ïty takinc notliln lml tlie iily_gemim and origina. Wllcox i'iiniimiiiiil' Taiy m J Í lis, in uu-tal boxus hoarlug sliield trade MV nark. iirloi f2. (O, all drugRlsts. Senil ets. - for Winnaii'sSafefiiiard serurely nialleü. WILCOX NPKCIFK' O. SS Soulh lithCli MktI. IMill., Po, I EWIS1 98 % LYE Ik L K1"!!! AH PISITHtD Uflr (PATENTED) rLt TM I ron ■ I m1(] parelt I Ta M U Bne IKiwder and naíS Tcan are alway nwly lor use win nH .mií.e th ! lrtmnfl Hard Boan In 30 minutos wilboiit bolIInK KU II ta lli brt fi.niransliix w:Jt BI VH. iHslMfwlliin Slnk. clowt watlilng boules, palnts, troee, cU!. iÉhbfe- SALT M'F'Q CO. BUSINESS CAR DS. p K. WILLIAMS. '.VtUiriK-y at Uw, imian, Mlch. Money loaned for outside parties.All legal business giveo prompt attention. IV. S. MOOBJS, DENTIST! Work íone In all form of modern dentistry. Crown ai d Bridge work aspecialty. Saiisfactiou Guaran tt-ed. (U. op M. Gradúate.) 26 South Main St., - ■ ■ Ann Arbor WM. W. NICHOLS, Dental Patlois ! OYEIí 8AVING8 JiAXK OI'POS1TE CüVRT HOV8JS 8QUAME. ARTHUR J KITSON, Contractor and Bulder ! EBt'mates furnished on all kinds of Arehltec ture. Residence and Shop, 21 Geddes-are. Choice Meats "WBiisrifl:A.isrI3 iiir % iiiii!tui--i.. and Flf'tli-ave. Our aim íb to pleafe our custocners by always hand'ing the verv Chok'est Meats ihatthe iaarket I afford R W. BLAKE DENTIST Over Brown's Drug Store, S. W. Corner, Main and Huron-sts., Ann Arbor, Mich. Shoe Repairing ! None better in the city. All work promplly done. Moderate prlces. ÜDen all the year around. I solicit asharc of vour patronage. THOMAS SPEECHLY, Rast Liberty, Near Statp. Oil and Gasoline Brought to Your Door Without botheung to crdcr every time you are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali upon me at S. W. Corner of E. Washington and S Fifth-ave. ad leave your order and I will kef p you supplied at lowest rates. jn. .i i. i. ATTENTION! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ! When you A'ant anything in the line of ToHson'ffl Work You are Invlted tocall upon KELLY & JOHNSON, 13 E. ,1, ITBBET, Our work Is first-class. 'Sitisfaction Guarante id. JOHN BAUMGARDNER, Dealer Ld American and Importad GRANITES ! and all kinds of BUILDING 5T0NE! Cemetery Work A SPH 1ALTÏ Corner of Detroit and Catherine Hs. ANN ARBOR, MICH. Argus Book Bindery . BLANK BOÖKS OF EYERY DESCRIPTION Manufacturad on short notice. Collection and Pocket Wallets, Medical, Surgical and Opera Glass Cases Made and Repaired. We also make a specialty of repairing, cleaning and rebindingold booksof every deseription. W. H. BUTLER, 16 K. IIiirun-Ht., ANN AKBOK, MICH. S'.cretary'atnl TftatWêr Nat. Smttogt ai a Loa Associatin, MONEY TO LOAN. RINSEY & SEABOiT KO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have iilways on hand a complete Stock of in the GROCERY LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime Wticles bought for ash and (■un sell at low figures. Our frequent large invoices of Teas is a sure sign we give barj;ains in Quality and Prices. We roast our own coffees every week always fresh and good. Our bakerj turns out the very best of Bread, Cakes and C'r-ackers. Cali anü see ui.


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Ann Arbor Register