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Michigan Happenings

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The hay erop is an utter failure near Galesburg. Mac Xorwitz's cigar factory burned at Alpena; loss 2,000. Muskegon has an Iudian lavvyer. Geo. B. Clark, recently graduated. Tlie grand lodge of the order of Red Men of Michigan niet in Kalainazoo. Olivet college graduated 18 pupils. Over l,üOüpeople attended the exercises. Plans have been prepared for % woman's building at Hovvell, to cost 815,000. The Buckley stave factory was destroyed by tire at Maneelona. Loss $i:i,ooo. Ex-Patrolman Adolpli Michelsou, of Saginaw, lost both legs iu a saw inill at Duluth. Claude Harrison, a Hay City burilar, received the extreme penalty of the law, '.'5 years. Ypsilanti is going to have au opera house to replace that destroyed by the cyclone of 1893. The 4-year-old child of Charles Martin was burned to death iu a house near Cheboygau. The last spike on Grand Haven's new street railvvay has been driven and cars are running. The Miehig-amme mine at Miehifaiiimc may resume soun af ter tvvo years of idleness. Two hundred delegates attended the meeting of the Michigan Arbeiter Jiiind at Salzburg. Mand lirooks, aged 16, of Avoca Stalicm, St.. ('lair couoty, attempted Euieide on the streets of Detroit because she eould tind no employment. Darius Thompson, of East Tawa was killed by a train at Prescott. A train on the C. & W. M. killed fou valuahle coivs belonging to Georg Snddess, near Alden. The Woodward Avenue Baptis chureh, Detroit has celebrated it tliirty-fifth uuniversary. Chas, l'fander, of Bedford, com mitted suicide by taking morphine Failure of crops the cause. Herman Jordán, a teamster at th Detroit Sulphite Fibre works, wa drowned in the lüver Rouge. Lewis S.ilumon was fined 8100 anc costs at Port Hurón for Ilegal fishin with nets in the St. Clair Kiver. Charles Friedman, married, aged 2] employed at Cooper's pavilion at Reed' Lake, was drowned while bathing. Forest fires are raging in the vicinity of Round Lake. A lartre amount o timber has ilready beendestroyed. J. R. Spooncr was arrested at Grane Rapids charged vvith catching trout by using dynamite. He was fined 810. Albert Weisgarver was caught in the water works excavation cave-in a Northville and died from his injuries Matthew Mackison, an Ohio printer had his leg broken at Howard City while riding on the bumper of a freigh car. James Doosenburg, of Lacota, wa drowned while bathing. He wa found with head and shoulders buriec in the mud. The first class graduated from the U. of M. just 50 years ago. The only member now alive is Edmund Fish, of Ilillsborough, 111. Jesse Angelí was thrown from his uf?y at Kalamo, paralyzing one side and brealring seTeral ribs. He is in a critical condition. Sarah Corbett, of Saginaw, was convicted of keeping a young girl a prisoner in a house of ill-fame, and was raerely fined 88.50. Chas Willis, aged 35, was convicted ut Detroit of assaulting 4-year-old liessie Perry. Judge Chapin sentenced hiin to Jackson ior life. Rev. J. Bergman tried to suicide with a table knife at the dinner table while visiting his mother at Grand Rapids. He will recover. Benzonia college, founded in 1863, has a uraduating class this year, for the flrst time in ito history. The "class" consista of one g-irl. Calvin DeForest was acquitted at Saginaw on the charge of manslaughter. He was on trail for the killing of his brother George. Frftnk Cpbb, agkA seven years, was drowuea In Fisk's Lake near Grand Rapids, by falling out of a small boat in whieh he was riding alone. Mrs. Henry Gcetz. a young woman, received fatal injuries at Saginaw caused ly the explosión of gasoline, with vvhich she was filling a stove. The American Seed Trade association held its thirty-first annual meeting- at Detroit, discussing matters of interest to seed grovvers and dealers. Charles Kinney got caught in the capstan while at a rollway at Thompsonville, and hisentire elothingwas torn off. He was not mueh injured. The seventh quarterly of the Saginaw Valley Spiritual association will be held at Chesanittg on June :-'.'-■.■::. Many noted mediums will be present. Rev. Lewis O. Archer, the parsoa who kÍBSed Mrs. John H. Walters in Johnstovvn. Barry county, will medítate over the breach of etiquette for Cü days in jail. a ball guarne between Allegan i and Otsego, at Ütseg-o, Will Sutliard was ii 1 1 by a ball just above the eye I and was severely injured. ï'erris, the Allegan catcher, waa run into and also seriously hurt. Vas:sar officers discovered a gang of 10 or Yi g-irla of respeetable families w ho have been systematieally shopliftiofar froin the jewelry and dry goods stores of that place. Large quantities of goods were found. Kobert Smlth, a factory hand, res; cued the three-year-old child of Gustave Jacobs f rom the seeond story of a burning building1 at Owosso aud was seriously cut and burned. An eastbound freight on the D., L. & N. , broke in twonear Sunfield and one ! section crusted into a westbound train i at the depot, smash ing two cars and i damaging a lot of furniture. A committee sent out to T. P. Steadman's farm near Manistee, reported large quantities of oil in sight, and there are prospects of a $25,000 stock company to sink a test well. The trustees of the school for the deaf at Flint has reappointed Snpt. V. D. Clarke, about whom there has been such a kick recently. and raised his salary írom Si, 500 to 81,800 per year. Grand Rapids people liave formeel a scholarship association to assist high school graduates in petting an education at the state L'niversity. Members pay S".ü in annual installments of 810. Will Carleton. the poet, attended a reception at bil old home, Hudson. The high school alumni assembled to do him an honor. In the evening1 he gave a lecture and later there was a banquet. Judg-e Burlingame says he proposes to do all he can to stoD bicvele thefts. which are becoining prevalent in Grand I Rapids. John Hayes, Henry Dou dor and William Isbell got two years each at Ionia. Mrs. C. F. Reed. of Traverse City, threw gunpowder in the stove among the sweepings. Her face and hands were painfiilly burned and her liair was singad off, but she is not dangcrously injured. The Michigan synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church, at Saginaw, elected l'rof. Sperliny, of Saginaw. treasurer of missions, and J. Bettmann, treasurer of the Saginaw seminary. There was u serious split on the question of turning the theological seminary at Saginaw ioto a college. The Southern Florida Lanricompany was fornially 6rganized at Port Huroo, with CcngressmaD W. S. Linton, president; Ilcury Ciaillard. of St. Augustine, l'la.. treasurer; and D. D. AiUcen, Fiint. seeretary. The eompany owns 340,000 acres between Fort Pieroe and Discayne líaj', and vviil at once colonize the land.


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