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Commencement Program

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The official program has been completed and is in the niain as follows : SATURDAY, JUNE 22. 9:00 a. m. Examination for candidates for admission to the lit. department. SUNDAY, JUNE 23. 8:00 p. m. In University hall. Discourse to the graduating classes, by President Angelí. MONDA Y, JUNE 24. 8:30 a. m. Examination of candidates for admission to the lit. department. CLASSDAY, DEPARTMENT OF LAW. 10:00 a. m. ín University hall. DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS. 8:00 p. m. Promenade on the Campus. TUESDAY, JUNE 25. 10:00 a. m. Meeting tf the Board of Regents. CLASS DAY, DEPARTMENT OF LITERA, TURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS. 2 :00 p. m. Under the Tappan Oak. History by Robert Oliver Austin. Oration by James Summer Handy. Poem by Francés Potter Daniels. Prophecy by Mable Colton. Address by the Class President Richard Roswell Lyman. Memorial Exercices. Presentation ol the bustof President Angelí. Presentation address by Ann Loomis Richards. Acceptance of the bust for the University by Regent William ,1. Cocker. 9 :00 p. m. Reception by Senior Class at the Gymnasium. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, ALUNMI DAY. Special Reunions of Literary Classes ol '70, '85, '87 and of other years. Special Reunión of Law Classes of '83, '90, and of other years. DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS. 1:00 p. m. Alumni Banquet at the Gymnasium, to celébrate the fiftiethanniversary of the first Commencemont. 3 :00 p. m. Businnss meeting of the Alumni Association in Tappan hall. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINÉ AND . SURGERY. 2 :00 p. m. Address by the President of the Alumni, WUliam F. Breakey, M. D., at the Medical Building. DEPARTMENT OP LAW. 2:00 p. m. Law Alumni Busineas meeting, at the Law Lecture room. Oefajrtment of1 dental burgery. 2:W p, m. Meeting' of Dental Alumni Association, at the Dental Amphitheatre. SBWATE RECEPTION. 8-30 p, as, ín the Watertüan Gymnasiu.- Universlty Senaïe Reception ior Graduaten, former rtudents and f riends of the University, THVÜSiyjiy, JVNK 27. THE FIFTV-FIRST AMNUAL COMt&'M a. m. In Üniversri-y hall. Commencemeni Ejwcises. Oï'ation by James Holwes CantieM, LL D., Cbancellor of the' Univeriïity oí Nebt'aska, and Presióirtit-istecl tcf the J 1 1 State


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