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Miss francés Lumbard is visiting her sister in New Hudson. Mr. P. R. Smith returnel from bis school work in AnnjArbor, Friday. Master Harry Tobin spent Sunday with his uncle Torn in Mt. Pleasant. Last Saturday evening, Co. A. presented the lodge with a beauttul nevv oak finish table. Our two popular hotels are having a a nice run of custom and the tourists aro as jrlly a lot as ever struck any town. The I. O. G. T's. divided into two eompanies and held a contest. The side losing to furnish some articles for the hall. Farmers are now wearing long faces on account of the drühth which has been disastrious to many crops especially the timothy hay erop. There will be a Graphophone concert under the auspicea of the Epworth League in the M. E. church next TuesJ day evening 25th. Admission 10 cents. The ï. Ó. G. T. social in their hall will be on Saturday 22, instead of 1' riday as. stated last week. Don 't miss it. A large crowd and good time auticipated. By special request the Rev. Gibgon jreached a ermon for the Macoabees a the M. E. church Sunday evening. [t was on the occasion of the 14th anniverfcary of the establishment of the order. Th 3 church was crowded with an appreciátive audience. The Rey. gen tlemen handled his text in a masterly manner and convinced his audience irst of the necessity of providing or hïs family and second that the order of Maccabees was on'e of the cheapest and safest ' investment, His argumenta were based on Scripture and decidely convincing. After the general collectiqn was taken up. the finance keeper ot the Maccabees ,ook upa special collection amongst the members of the order and realized a ïandsome sum which was presented to ,he minister. During the past year two rothers of the Maccabees"Shutiiled off this Mortal Coil," and their families ealized oneof them $lÜOoand theother $2000 and all they had paid into the order was $800. Hl JUAN. Paul Newcomb is quite 111Mr. and Mrs. H. Sill and family visited Saline Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bra.y are visiting riends in Nebraska. Prof. Geo. Dennison bas the Dundee school for next year. The ory for rain is universal and earnest in this vicinity. Mrs. G. H. Williams visited relativos U Aim Arbor last week. Mr. and Mr. C. Patterson are visitng relativos in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and son, will moved to Tecumseli in a few days. Mrs. C. Kelsy is avvay vssiting f riends n the northern part of the state. Mrs. J. Burnap is visiting her son, Dr. Potter in Ohio for a fow day. Mrs. A. B. Smith attended the Wonan's Assoeiation at Lansing last week. Mrs. E. Waitc was the guest of hor sister, Mrs. J. C. Harper, the lastof the week. Mr. and MrB. T. Lacy, of Toledo, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Gauntlett. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fuller are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Markham, at Ann Arbor. Mrs. Simson and daughter, of Nebraska, are the guests of Miss N. Simson for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. Barnes and son, of Dundee will move into the house vacated by Mell Barnes and faraily. The baccalaureate for the elass of '95 was delivercï Sunday morning at the iaptist church by Rsv. J. Ward Stone. Mrs E. Bennett and daughter, of Fort Dodge. Iowa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Hack for a few days Mr. M.Vincent has one of the flnest artesian wells on his place on E. Mainst. The pipe is sunk 15 feet and the flow of water is constant and pure and clear as cryatal. The dynamo for the Milan eleetric io-ht is here, and soon this beautiful vfllage will be ablaze with lights.There are several ot the business houses whicn uive wired Iqi' the lights. MANCHESTER. Childeen's Day at Sharon Center church last Sunday. Frank Rowe. of Dunkirk, N. Y., arrived homo last Saturday to make his Prenti a visit. District No. 6, of Sharon. had a picnic ot Wamplers Lake last Saturday. All enjoyed themsalves. Commencent exercises tonight and Alumni tomoiTOw night. AU are cordially invited to attend. Dr. Kapp has brought suit against Geo. Heimandinger for 82000 damages. We wonder what the damage was. Sehoolteachers of Sharon have more trouble this yearthan ought to be their share. One is disliked because she said She got poor board wherever she went and had to tend badies, another because his childrèn do not learn others becuse married people shouUl retire from the forcé and give Borne unmarried ones a chance. What we want is somo philosopher to teil the reason of all this trouble. .1IIL.L.S. Miss Ella Dt-ake, of Delhi, is vlsiting in Detroit. Mpb. Fred Abele and little son are visiting at Mr. Abele's. Mrs. Samuel Durant, of Toledo, is visiting at his fathers John Roost, Water in the river is getting low and the mili orly runs days and the cooper's are laid of for a season. Next Sunday is Mr. Watson's last Sunday with the Sunday school. He would like to see a large attendance. Mr. Norman Cowdon, of Jackson, and Mr. Milton Smith of Grass Lake, took a trip on their wheels a few days since. Mr. Foster Litchfield and wife, and Mrs. L's. mother, also Mrs.W. VV.tubbs attended the Fioneers' meeting at Dexter last week, SAfcH.M TOWIN. (Ccoicded out last week. ) Mrs. John McLaren will entertain the Ladies' Aid Society Priday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Packard, of Detroit, visited relatives here the flrst of the week. Misa R. A. Perkins is entertaining her cousin Miss Blauche Warner of New York. Miss Fannie Bailey will return this week Saturday from Benzonia where she bas bwta atteading school the past year. Delbert Gole viaited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cole Saturday and Sunday. He has employment in the Asylum at Pontiac. ,i , ' [ f -. ni( HKVI'KH. (Qroipfed out hist week.) ,Why does it not rain? DavidB. tíose is v'ery low. Childreh's Day exercises next Sunday at thè Sha'ron Centre church. District No. 6, of Sharon, will picnic át Wampler's Lake next Saturday. TheK. O. T. M. will have memorial exercises at the cemetary next Sunday. There were no services laat Sanday at the Baptist church on account of the pastors absence. The Sharon Athletic team met the North Sharons at a game of ball last Saturday and defeated them 18 to .'52. mxttótto. Mrs. J.. L. Newkirk is spending the week visiting {rienda in Farèwell. It is roported thatthesaw mili of Mi-. J. Hanby was burned one day last week. Mr. Lavender and .Miss Lydia Hanby, of Whitmorá Lake, spent Sunday in Dixboro. The Dixboro school closes tomorrow and Miss Carrie Wright the teacher, will return to her home near Willis. SAliEIM. The Aid Society was entertainfd at Mrs. J. D. Melaran 's last Friday afternoon. S. B. Winaus. of Ann Arbor Town, visitad lus son W, H. Winans last Wednesday. John Stevens wtio has been living on the farm of C. Walker has returaed with his family to Laphams' ( 'orners.


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