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High School commenoement tomorrovv. The hospitais will close June 30, for the suinmer. Circuit court stands adjöürned until Alonday September 2. Evart Scott will "probablyerect two new houses this summer. The erection of the Bethkln „i (Uttrch is progressing rapidly. Thei'o was a large attcndance at the X. M. C. A. meeting last Sunday afternoon. The senior reoeption of the Hih School was held last evening in the nhapel. The Bigh School will spend 12600 for musio for commencement exercises tomorrow. Mr. and m"i-s. Henry Allmand are rejoicing over the advent of a son who carne Sunday. The glight shower early Wednwday mornlng was very aoceptable. We need ten times as much. The Chequamegoii oruhestra has the ontract to furnish all the oommeooement music this year. Work has been be-un on the threc story block whioh Stephen Pratt of Detroit is to erect on S. AUin-st. Work will begin on the sewere in a v.t.v .hort time. Thei-e ahould be no ïdle laborei-s in the city then. Cai-1 W. Jones has sined a contract wnt) the Second Regriment band, of Ivalamazoo, as bai-itone soloists ílh f;,h.Soh001 Alumni banquet wül be held in the ehapel Friday ÜVünInsr at 8 o'clock. Admlssion, 50c. Randolph Cook, of Sharon towwhlp, had hls barna burnedlart Sunday mornln-- ihe work of a trami) vcry likelv. 'üunty School CommUsioner W W Wedemeyer wül deliverthe Foui-th of lll'y orattonat Salem station thia year. laeAnnArbor Lijrht Infantry will celébrate the Pourth of July at Monroe where thero i8 to be a oelebratton. V. N. Scott will be the firrt colored tudent to arraduate from the dental de Partment. Jehasbeenagood student. 1 '"Hins, whihaTS.,. to con. rtruotthe lateral Bewéri y8 that he rntendB to employ only Ann Arbor The Knighte Templar who went to Howell Monday night report a magnificent time. The board of education has decided to make use of the building next to the fir8t ward school for school purposes. Mrs. Mingay, of Toronto, Canada, mother of T. W. Mingay, of The Times, died at her home in Toronto last Friday. Theowuersof the Argo Mills have decided to build a feedmillalongside of of its spur track north of the roller mili. I lie Bach & Koath store has been leased five yeai-s by outside parties. It uill be eontinued as a dry goods house. A "Mum Sociai" will be given this evening in the parlors of the Church of Chrlst by the Y. P. S. O. E. of that church. Miss Catharine A. Orrand Mr. Frank H. Campbell wei-e united in marriage last Wednesday evening by Rov. J. M. Gelston. The society will celébrate the 4th of July at Relief Park. On July 5, their state convention will be held in this city. Rev. J. W, Bradshaw, of this city was chosan Moderator of the Michigan Congregresional Associatioa which met at Olivet last week. Dr. O. R. Long, of Ionia, who was offered a chair in the Homoeopathic department by the regents has declined to accept the place. Miss Emma E. Bower was re-etected president of tho Womans Press Association of Michigan at the meeting held in Lansing last week. The High Suhool base ball team gave the Det.-oit High School team a trouncIng last week. The seore stood 5 to 14 in favor of the foriner. The janitor at the conrt house disposed of a large quantity of legislativo reporta last week totha old paper man at a few cents per 100 lbs. Mrs. Angelí g-ave an ice-cream social at her residence Tuesday The proceeds go to the Woman's Boavd of Missions of the Interior. Th9 Lyra Singing society will attend the dedieation of a (iag in Lansinn-. July 4, and have chartered Green wood 's private car for the trip. Alfred C. W'einmann, ajjed 21, died Monua.v morning after aearly a year's lUness, bezinning with the grip and iumuiio-ynt(J onöumption. It scems that fnere was an error in the report as to the nurober of High Schooi graduates tomon-ow and that there will bo 100 instead of 8. The Ann Arbor ÖralTco. received last Saturday an 01ler for an oran through their New York house, to"be shipped to New London, Afriea Burt Sohumacher will put in a new front and extend his store in the rear thtesummer. Thiswül make himone of the nicest hardware stores in the city. ana Mw. J. T. 8underland wil] give a reoeption and lawn picnic to the bunday School scholars and teachers,of the Umtarian church, tomorrow afternoon. i ne senior lavir elass last weok paraed some vory complimontary rowlutioDB expressive of their regard for dean Knowlton upon his retirement as dean ot the law departmont. tf. Webster, of the Chëlsea high school ■ouKhthisdassn o Ann Mrbor last Saturday to ño wme nvestigatmo: in tho muS(3Um_ here theyont to YpaüantL Dinpnan, the drayman,"! was arrted a few weeks afio on the charge "-''ultuponHnincy.urcldneiee up before Jueöce Pond Tueaday ihe caw ru posponed for two weeks' The Odd Pello ws Mutual Aid and Ac cident association has paid Anson vVright 1,500 for the loss of his left arm sustained two tnonths . ago. Mr Wright is now the agent for the society here. Rev. Mr. Ollinger, late Missionary to Corea will give a lecture on China with magie lantern illustrations, tomorrow vening, June 21, at the M. E. church. Admission 10 cents. Doors open at 8 'cloek. DeanKnowltoi sjttled the row in the senior law class about the plate for the Cooley bust by offering to procure a new plate himsetf and have it suitably engravecí and placed upon the pedestal of the bust. Nathan Pierce, ef the Xorth Side, became insane again Tuesday and attempted to take his wife's life. Help came in time to save her. After a struggle he was capturad and locked up in the jail. The Ann Arbor Agricultura! Co. shipped IS hay tedders to Germany Monday. The superintendent. Mr. Eli Moore, says the dry weather is injm'ing the hay erop and thus hurting the trad e in agricultural iraplements. Chas Fox, colorad, was arreted last Saturday morning upon the complaint of another colored man by the name of -Marshall, for adultery with the latter's wifo. Befove making the complaint Marshall g-ave Fox a s 3 veré poundin-. rourmgn School boys went to Detroit last Saturday to witneas the game of the Ann team with that of the Detroit High School. Before returning they imbibed too rouch of the flowing bowl, and as a consequeuce vvere suspended Monday. The courñy offlcïüThave challenged the members of the common council to a Same of base ball. The railroads will probably make a special rate, and a forcé of surgeons will certainly be needed on the occasion. Admlssion fee will probalily be not less than 15. The Register is in receipt of acopy of the directory of the law elass of '90 Thls is the thlrd edition of this directory and has been corapiled by Geo A Katzenberger, a member of that class Ihis classis to have a re-union at 10 a. m. Judo 20 at law the building John Baumgardner, proprietor of the Ann Arbor Electric Oranite Works, re; cexved two earload of stone from Ohio last Saturday. ün one car there tere five block vveighing 57,600 pounds, boinan average weisfht of 11,520 lbs. each One of theblocks vveighed 13,500 lbs. It is ostimated that the atteodance at the Summer School will be nearly -00 this year, or auout doublé what it was ■iW '"mmer. The fact that credit UI be given on regular University coursea tor work done in the Summer School will tend to lacrease the attendance considerably. Both the Journal and Globe, of Flint Mloh., speak in the highest terms of the lectures recently ffiven in Flint on Strasburg and other European Rev. Wm. H. Walker. Mr. Walker is well-known in Ann Ar oor, and bis many friends are pleased to hear of his success as a lecturer. The street committee of the common council presented Prof. M. E. Cooley with a fine leather mounted arm chair last Wednesday night. The committee took this pleasant way to show the professor how much they appreciated his willigness and self-sacrifice in aiding them to select a road roller and atone crusher tor the city. Miss Mertie Mills, who recently eompletted a course in Shorthand and Typewwriting at the Stenographic Institute has secured a good position as amanuensis with the Cole AdvertisinoAgency on S. Main-st. This inakes at least a dozen young men and women who have recently completed the course at this school and secured good sositions. The Summer Normal School, which wul be eondueted by Mr. M. J. CavanaUfíh, vvill open July 8 and continue four weeks. Mr. Cavanaujrh will be assisted by Mr. A. D. Ohisholm, of Newberry, Mich., and Mr. F. L. Keeler. There -Í11 be several other instructors toassist. Mr. Cavanaugh will furniah full paniculars to all who apply either in person or by letter. A rumor that a certain person in 1 psilanti who ia seriously ill has signiíied his intention of confessing to the murder of Jay Pulver for whieh Jesse Hand was convicted and sent to states pnson for life a year ago last Januarv ís reported to be without foundation. I he dying man has told the officers that he desirea to relieve his mind of a matter that has nothing at all to do with the Hand case, but is about some parnés arrested for arson.


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Ann Arbor Register