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Among Our Neighbors

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D C Griffen had his carriage sniashdinarunaway, Friday evenii ra Letch is Binding b tortnight Webster, S. D ,w has propfty and business intereate. Mrg Dr. McAndrew and T. W. McvXew-and family reached home. from rooklyn, X. V.. Thursday evéninji: Mrs. P. W. Glanlield, while crossing Washingtoni-at. on COn$ress, oa her whee] Frlday evening, collided with a drivsn by E. Ü. Pattison. The Ie was wreofeed but Mrs. Glanüeld fortunately escapé serious iDJury. V lady in this city watehes the reportsoftíie health of Qaeeo Victoria with great interest. She is a nativo oí Englándi was Doró the same dy the Enlish aöuvereign was, and has fully linde up her auna that death will come to herself at the same tima the Queen dies. Both are now 77 years of age. Dexter L,eades. Commenoernöntexercises willbe held in the Opera House next Thursday evening and promotional exeroises on t?riday eveninu-. Conductor Wm. E. Sloan had the hon0" to run the Free Press new tast mail train on its tirst trip out fro:n Detroit. Sunday morning;. A number of people f rom this village attended the annual sale of pure bred short-horn eattle at the iiome of W. k. Boyden at Delhi last 'ihe sale was in every way a sueeessful one. Stookmen were present froin all parts oí the state. Saline Observer. The Arbeiters have deeided to celébrate the 4th with a picnic. B N. Smith has purcha?ed the interest of his sisters iu the old homestead and is now fitting up the old house. O. M. Kellsey has purchased from AM Humphrey the Bridgcwater stock of mèrchandise and will close the same out at once. Mr. liobert Austin, of Morrice, has been engaged as principal of our school or the coming y ear. Mr. A. comes to ua well recommended and we trust his work heremay prove a success. A quiet wedding: took place here last Saturday evening. At thfl loine of the bride's mother, Mrs. Armiuda Tripp, at eight o'elock, oocurred the marriage of hor daughter Maude, to Fred Sehmidt. Manchestek Enterpeise. Alumni exercises 011 bYiday evening of next, wek ut Arbeiter Hall and banquet at the Goodyear house. .V special train of íive cars containing the Lewis art eoilüction passad througü here yestei'day trom Coidwater to Aun A.rbor. Our popular young lawyer, Jamas Waters, did a vory clever act on Sunday. Bavlng been siu-cessful at court hedeoided to take immediate possesBion, but to do it in a qutet vvay. A .■a oí bis immediate frieads were led i'ito the secret and when the Sunday morning services at the church in Xorvell were over. the organist began playiag u march and the plueky .lames and Miss Cora Halladay, daughter, of .Ur. and Mrs. l B. Haüaday raarched up the aisltï arm in arm. The minister tied the knot in as few worda a.s possibleand Mr. and Mrs. A. Jamea Waters left the church for the bride's home of town, where a dinner was id to invited guests. Moaday mornlog the happy pair took the train Eor Detroit. Ofoourse they wül reside in Manchester. Chelsea Her.ld. Diod, at hie home on west Miiille-st., Suuday, June 9th, 1895, Mr. Joseph Beacb, aged about (i-t years. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon Erom the house. Hev. C. L. AdamsotBciating. l'hüip Keusuh has a hand saw that money cannot buy. Twenty-nine years ago Mr. Keusch helped to Imiid the bnck house which B. Elawley reeently vacated mi railroad street, and while at work there lost his saw, but Bupposed Bomeone had taken it. Last week when tbe (lasier Stove Company had the building demolished to make room tor fietory, the workmon found the saw in the cornish and relur.ied it to Mr. Keusch. Chelsea Standard. .V veiy charnüng wedding was solem nized 'fuesday, June 11, 1!. at !t a m., iuSt. Mary'g ohuroh, when Mr. Anthony Neckel and Miss Margaret h. both respectable young peo])le o( Chelsea, were united in the holy lionds of matriinimy. Mr. Webster is a member of the K, O. T. M, bami and went with the Maocabees to Jaokaon on the excursión Tuesday. The band was just starting out trom the Michigan Central depot to the fair grounds when a horse driven by ;i woman became uamangeable and van throueh the band. the horse striking Mr. Webster several times. He was carried into a hotel and a physician I called. On examination no bonea were broken, but liis back was Eound '.■■■ badly injared and he was considerable brulsed otherwise. Be was brought to Chelsea on the special train in the ivenIng, and is oow resting quietly a' his home.


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