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Michigan Happenings

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.Tosepli Klnjr, of Capac, wasdrowned in Helle river. Nelsou Dewey, of Lapeer, died from in overdose of morphine. John Gillis, of Qwendalc, was killed by a living lever in a sawmill. Jere Wisler, of Mancelona, planted 140 acres to potatoes this season. .lulius Weike, of Riga, was thrown from his buggy and iustantly killed. Somebody has poisoned two of the Snebt horses of the marshal of Mecosta. Owlng to advanees in flour the priee if bread was raised at (Jrand Kapids. Mrs. Jie Grand Huell preached the funeral sermón of her husband at Holly. .Midland has a dog-poisoner, and .lead canincs can be seen on every -treet. An Iron Mountain little girl of 6 veáis was found beast)}' drunk on the reet. Co. C. Fourth Michigan cavalry held their nineteenth annual reunión at i'our-lle lake, near l'aw Paw. John Page was elected captain. The fainily of Ira Leuger. four chilIren arnl wife, were severely injured in a runaway at .laclcson. The sixA-eks-old baby cannot live. Herman Dyer got a divoree from his rtifc at Ann Arbor, then walked itraight down stairs and took out a ücense to marry another lady. Swedes of Muskegon, I.udington, Manistee. Cadillac, Frankfort, and Tther places in the upper península, iield a celebration at Manistee. J. McTavish, aged 28, was drowned iu the C'ass river, near Cass City, while bal liiug-. The Free Methodist camp meeting at Clarksville was the bet one ever held there. The sawmill and barn near Marlette belonglng to M. i. Brabb, of Komeo, were burned. T!ie ncvv Amazon hosiery factorv at Muskeg-on ia to be TM fèet 'and stories high. W. M. Vaw. a (alien farmer, his disappeared. Foul play is feared as he carried over $;U0. Albert Cavan, an employé of Alrer, Smith & Co., was killed on tne Á. ot N. railroad at Alpena. Albert W. Tourgee will address the Michigan Iiqual Kights assoeiution at Jackson, August 1 and 2. The three-year-old daughter of Uwis Carinan, of Millbrook, was fatal ly kicked by a horse. The St. .hun Baptiste societies of i-opper country held their annual ceiebration at Lake Lin.len. Richard Sinith. assisting in excavating i well near Kuu-ler. feil head first in o it and was instantly killed. Miss Amanda Hlack was found dead near the railroad track at Lakeview. lier body was terribly mangled. (!eo Hayes, a prosperous farmer near Carsonville. was thrown froxn his wagon and instantly killed. The Hallard brothers' milk house and creamerv at Xiles. were destroyed by (ire. entailing a loss of ï".()üü. Saulte 8te. Marie gets the first ! branch of the state library established : in accordance nith the new luw. The shingle mili of the Kalkaska Shingle Co. was destroyed by iii-e. Ls about $1,000. No insuranee. 1'. I). Sampson, a clothing merchant at lienton llarbor, attempted suicide by taking aconite. Family troubles. An eight-months-old child wasfound bnried in a small box in a grove near Benton Harbor. It had been stranuled. The infant daug-hter of Wm. A. Case, was drowned in a cistern at Sag-inaw. The raother had gone to a neighbor's. The eornerstope of Berrien county's new coui-t house at St. Joseph will be ! laid en July 4, with imposing ! uiouies. Field firea near Britton ,urned Tri ' corda oí wood lelonging to Amos McIntrye. Miles üf feuoes were destroyed. I rhieves entered,the house of Alfred Robinaon near Masón, and tinding no , mouey. cut off the hair of Flossie Robioson. Port Hurón pólice were fired upon by a of trampa and Chief Stod(lard narrovvly escaped. Four hobos were collared. The Michigan Women's Press association has presented the University with a portrait of Mrs. Lucinda II. Stone. ('has Willis, ag'ed 3", was convicted ut Detroit of assaulting1 4-year-old Hessie l'erry. Judge Chapin seutenced him to Jackson for life. The Mc.Morran Elevator company has let the eoutract for a larger and üner elevator on the site of the one ; recently bui-ned at Port lluron. The oats. corn and wheat on the farm of John Wynn, near Miles, have been ruined by mvriads of grasshoppers. Other farmers also suiïer. Anthony J'.urney anil Emma McKenzie, alleged to be niarrietl elopers fr.nn Marinette, Wis., were arrested at lonia and taken back to VVisconsin. The Saints of God, in camp at (rand Junction have baptized about 100 ! verts and claim to have healed several persons aitlicted with grievous diseases. I A rein of coal five feet thick was struck at a depth of 150 feet near ; Estoy. The new mili is about completpd. and several building-s are '■ ."unger, a painter. fe] 1 f rom a scaltold, near Sclioolcraft. His left i arm was fearfully mang-led and it is feared tliat he has reeeived internal injuries. The home for feeble minded at Lapeer will employ about 25 persons, ! two-thirds oí them women; 1,941 men and women have already offered their i services. Ansel MitchelTs team rau away at ' Coldwater, him from the I wag-on and him fatally. fSeveral ribs were broken and his lung-s punctured. Krank Grang-er and Frank Doyle were arrestad at Tekonsha charg-ed with flshinff uith a net. Deputy ; man made eight arrests in ten days in that vitinity. Mik. Mary Hess, who complained of aaaaulted by May Allen, of lialesbur?, has disappeared. It is reported she left n-ith a coinpany of horse traders. Deputy Slieriff Brink thinks he has good clues to the murderers of James Kent, an old resident of (ireenville, who was murdered near Lakeview four year ago. A speeial election was held at Battle Creek on the question of the ;-ity for .',0,00(1 for the extensión of the water works. The result was: Yes, 458 no, 10f. John Minnie, of Cottrellville, was ilrowned in the St. Clair river. His tiorse K"t cared and upset the rig, roing over the channel bank, drownng the horse alho. The ïemperance hotel of Charles Mcliilvrfty was gutted by fire at Jackson. and all the contents were de?troyed. The Hotel Ituhl was also damag-ed about $1,AO(). Jacob Hoffrner. au alleged horsehief. cut u hole almost through the (rail oí the Ann Arbor jail with a nisty old jackknife. bat was discov3red before he could escape. Vhile foo.ingr with a pistol, Louis Schweitzer acoidentally shot and probably fatally iujured lii.s young friend. Verne ()rton, at Uang-ór. The ball .jassed througli ürton s ribs. Hazel, the 4-year-old daughter of John VV'atkins. feil from au open winJow at Kei:d City to the sidewalk. itrikinjf upon her head. Although -.eiiously hurt. the physicians think ihe wil] recover.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register