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Miss Alice Hunt bas yone to Boston on a viait. Earl Ware has resumed lus dutles as mail carrier. Dr. A. K. Hale has returned f rom Adams. X. V. A. E. Jennings, of Detroit, was ia the city Tuesday. Mra. Penny has returned from her visit to California. Prof. Herman Zeitz has gone to Europe for the summeiv Col. Dean's family have gone to Old Mission for thfl sumraer. Mail carrier O'Kane spent his vaca cm in Detroit lat week. Sam Kinne has returned from an extensivè trip through the west. J. A. Brown is again behind the counter. He is clerking for Aid. Cady. Samuel Krause has gone into the northern part of the state on a business trip. Dr. James F. Breakey. of the asylutn. at Pontiae, visited his parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Waterman, of 66 E. ,Vashington-st., have gone to Bay View for the summer. Miss Alice Cramerhasreturaei from shpemin where she has been teachng- during the past year. Henry Walker is home from Andover heologieal Seminary to spend the ummer vvith his mother. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Lyman Cate. of Milford. peot Sunday in ttie city the guests of li'. and Mrs. V. K. Childs. J. A. Dibble. who has resided at No. 3 Detroit-st. for geveral yeara has removed to Salem, tbis county. Miss Anna O. Robinson, teacher in ;he High School, has left for Cl and, O., to spend the sümmer. 1 'rof. George S. Knight, of Ohio State University, vvith bis family, is isiting his father, J. W. Kniirht. Dr..n. A. Macijachlan has been electd one of the vice-presidents of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. Frank Sessions, lit '88, of Columbus, ■)hio, is spending' the week with his arents, Mr. and Mra. J. Q. A. Sessions. The Board of Edu catión has reapjointed Samuel F. Osborne assistant to rof. Chute in the physical laboratory. Mrs. O. A. Critchett, of Monroe, is making a short visit with her sister. Iva. Wm. Dansing'burg on Washtenaw ve. Mrs. Frazier and family, of Chicago, re visiting Mrs. Trfpp and other tela ives and friends in the city for a short une. Fred. C. Wetmore, of Cadillac, visitd his psrents, Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Vetmore, of VV. Huron-st. for a few ays last week. Mrs. Julia Mack. who has resided ïere for three or four years, left last week for Canyon City, Colo., where she will reside permanently. Prosecuting Atty. Randall is back rom Troy, Öakland county, where ho ttended a reunión dinner given by ne of hisold war comi'ades. Charles O. Hill and wife. of Knoxille, Tenn., are the guests during ommenoement week of Air. and Mrs. b. R. Greeory, of N. Univ.-ave. Mrs. F. G. Smith, nee Miss Mary loore, has gone to Phoenix, Arizona, vhere her husband is employed by a arge land and banking syndicate. Miss Carrie Britten, who is one of tie teachers in the Jackson High School has returned and will visit her arents on E. Liberty-st. for a few days. A. C. Schumacher left Monday for Star Island to altend the meeting of tie State Board of Piiannney, which ras in ses3ion there Monday ank Tueálay. Miss Louise Jones, lit '89. professor f English Liiterature in the State Normal school at Kmporia, Kansas, is the uest of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Q. A. Sessions his week. Geo. Alcxaiuler. deputy register of eeds, suffered a gavere hemoi-rhage of tie lungs Sunday pight. At one time t. was thought ne could not recover. Ie is much better now and is aboat gain. Fred. W. Blake, who has had dental ooms orer Brown's Drug Store during he past year, luis decided to remoi Vlp'iui. ' Uis family will not go for aotne woeks yet, Mr. Blake'a deparj ture loses a gooi citizen to Aim Aroor. H. B. Dewey, lit. '88, spent ;i few days in the ciiy this week. He bas been in Taooma, Washington, ince graduating, oxiïopting the past six ïuonths whi''h he spent traveling ín Europe. Ho Will return to the Paciflccoast in a short time. While there he has been engaged in the newspaper work.


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