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Mr. Chas, liirth and famüy, spen Sunday i Munith. Judge Smitb, of Ionia Mich, ia visit ing bü riephew Chaa. Sinith. Orla Wood and Earl Lowery are camping at Cavanaugh Lake. Marriípd, Wedaesday Juno 19, .Tacol j Klein and Nellie Wedemeyer. Mr. Chas Smith's daughter Irina gradúate of Cadillac, is now home with her paronts. Mrs. A. (.'. Mass and two littledaugh ters, of Chicago, ia Wslting her - Mrs. E. 1!. Preer. SBDDES. The district school closed on Fridaj with very interestiuf exercises. Mr. S. Botsford's stone house is proffressins; rapidly. The -alisare nearlj completad. The farmers have commenced haying. 'i'he erop will hardly pay for cutting. The drouth is unprecedented. The School Bjard have hired Miss Mildred Tretnper, of Ann Arbor, to teach the school the coming year. The Geddes base ball team gave the Dixboro team a trcunoing last Saturday. The score stood 13 to 35 in favor of the farmer. (HKL.SU A. .Miss Mattie Stapish was a Jackon viiitor last Saturday. Mies Cora Wurster, of Webster, was in town Saturday last. Truman Flinn, of Jackson, spent Sunday with hia parents. Charlie and Jeptha Spaars, of North Adama, are visitiny in town. Herbert Poster a fornser Chelsea boy, is calling 011 frlenda in tovvn. Mrs. Clara Geiger and son, are the guestsof Sam Guthrie and family. Miss Grace Billino-s, of Toledo, is the guest of f rienus' and relatives here. Miss Agnea MeKune. of Detroit spent iuuday with her parents here. Miss Fannie Hoover visited fi-iends in Ann Arbor the latter part of last week. Several from here attended the graduating- exercises at last Ihuraday nig-ht. Mrs. Watts and daughter. Miss May, of Jackson, were guests of Mrs. D. B. Spurks and family a few days last week. DELHI mUUh DcLoss Davis and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. E. Davis. Mra. A. C. Turner and family visited in Dexter over Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Roost is in Ann Arbor visiting f riends and relatives. Mrs. Sickles, of Jackson, has been a guest of Mr. Abele 's family. Dr. Belser, of Ann Arbor, was the guest of Mr. Abele' last week. Mrs. Fred Abele bas returnad to her home in Jackson and Miss Llly went with her. Mr. Samuel Durant made a flytng visit to Delhi and returned to his home in Toledo Sunday niffht. His wite went back with him. Delhi school district No. 6 closed last Friday with a picnic in Mr. Abele'a grove. The picnic was well attended by scholars and citizens. Kefreshments ice cream and lemonade were the order of the day. Last Sunday was the last day that Mr. Stonemañ and Watson will take charge of the Delhi Sunday School. There was a special exorcise tor the occasion and the Suuday School is adjourn ed till other arrangements are made. SA LINK School closed Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. P, Weiunett are i ing in Detroit. Prof. Fred Sturm is home from Iowa for the summer. M-s. E. (iordon, oí Sherwood is visiting (rienda here. Mrs. Larzelere is entertaining gnests from Ann Arbor. Miss Linnie Posdick is Xh: po3sessor of a new Waverly bl(JJ Mr. tnd Mrs. B. t Davenport spent lu-t Sunday with (rienda ia Ad rain. Mr. Tódd, oí Springfleld, Ohio. spent last Sunday with Dr. and Mra. Sheeder. Mrs. Patten and children. o ton, K. Dak, ai'o visitiDg Mrs. R. Glasiei'. Mr. Robert Auatin, 'f Mowtée-, is to be principal oí the schools here next vaar. Of the 122 gradillas of the Hiirii School -2 have graduated ander Prof. The body of Mr. H. Davisnn. of Vpsilanti. was orought liere Friday for intertnent. Kev. Geo. Brovvn, of White Pijjeon, delivored an address at the Alumni recept ion Thursday evening. Kev. l'.bling. of Ypsilanti, ]reaohed at the M. K. church Sunday morninaf and evening in the abeence of Rev. ï"ager. The Alumni reception at School Hall Thursday evening was a decided uccess. About 14D were present and all enjoyad a pleasant time. The commencement exorcises Friday evening werelargely sttended. Theflve gradúate rere Misses Minóle ('ook, Grace McMann, Minnie Baty, Florence Brigys and Burnell DePuy.


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