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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN, W ANTES. [TTANTB- Three or four unfurnished VV rooms for the coming year. Rooms on gruu..d Hoor witti outuide entranee and in th enii-al part of the city preferred. Address, K. W. care The Beglst er. 60t f A youiijr lady wh o wishes t' f secure a few weeks work al a nice business can learn of sueb an opportunlty by addressing, H 2. Care The Register, city. T.i TTITANTEI - A lady who contémplales VV spenrtingtlie coming winter in Florida would like a lady com pauion. W'lll rent cottage and keop house. Ëxpe ts to remaln about t months Good opnortunity forsomeone who wishes tospend the winter in the souih at a very small expense. Address, Y. care The Register. 75 - 1 gentlemen who expects to remaln In the city durlng the entire suninier would be wllllnjf totakecarti of some home the oceupatus of whlch expect to spend the vaeation out of the city. Adúlese l. Drawer 1 Uity. " 7U loit saci:. FR SAliB GHEJJP- Two aood young mllk cows. J M. Wtigner, 1H miles west oí city limits, on Jackson avu 71 1oic SAL.E - Kext ysar tlie lower floorof 5 ■- rooms furnisiicd. 'i blocka from campus. [nquire at 13 WUlard st. tw UOK Copies of the Public Acts x of Michigan fur K6 187, 1S.H9, ltM and 189:i l'or sale cheap at Tlie Itegistor Office. Ta LMHl SAL.W -Copy of "Coin Oolleetor's 1 Hand Book" for nale cheap at The Register office. 72 1iOK SAUB- Newspapers In quantitles ' sultable for putting under carpeta. Will be gold cheap at The fieglter office. (tf HOISK I.Oit SALK UU KENT Eteal Estáte boughtundsold, Fire Insurance in lirst-cUisscompanics, Cali and consult me before dücidliif?. I believe I can accommodate you. Mary L. Haniilton, room 11, Hamilton Hlock. OTtf Lj"OK SAlTïC-New Safe. Will be sold at a f bargaln. Enqnii-eof S. A. Moran, Registcr Utlice. aaif FOK SALE - Mrs. PerklnV arm, Ni acres, 2 miles east of Saline 7 miles soutb of Ann Arbor, knuwn as tlie Kellogs farm. Six acres nood beartng peacli orcliani, house, barn, stock and well water in abundance, school withln ', mile. Price reasonable, tcrms easy, cali on premises or 44 S. Ingullsst., a nu Arbor. im f b1 it. !■. .a S-. - i2u Acres ui Luna, mx miles trom city, or will exchange tor city prop erty. at No. 3 E. Llbert)-Bt. 31tl j,AHTt VHK S.M.f.:- The Buïlock or tvefett P larm. 3 milei west of Kalem station aud 11 m'les from Ann Arbor, conuivii g 109 acres house and barus, stock anrt well water in abunduc '■ mber; school and church within a müc lana nat .rally the best; all setded down. Price and term reaionable. ('all on or addres: Atidrew E Glron.30 Maynard st.. Ann Arboi, Mich 45tf FOK KENT. IiOIt KUNT - Suitable for r, omers and boarders. as fine a lucation as is In thiscity. lmjuire at 47 S. Dlvlslon-st. 72 ÍUH KUNT- A liouse oí (4 rooms. wh 1 bttth and all modern genvenlences; or will rent part of same. Ctrfl after 6 p. m. No. 2 Fuller et. ,;r,tf HOI NI io RBNX Bever! Housee wlth modern Improvements, unfnrnlshed rooms forsmall [amlltes, al reasonable prices. Ualluu J.Q. A. Sesslons, Real Estáte Agent, Office No. 5X. Main-st. 2nil door, Eesldence ■IK K. William-st. 'sstt I K,ïl K for 1 ightliousekuepliiKandfurnish it ec! rooms. Apply to Koom 3, third Hom i Haruilton block. Modera conventences, In clndinu steam heat I8tf lIMUTrn Goood rellable men to sc W&I1 I tij om-flioi.-e tiiil llardy Nur i ■■nu ■ kW S1.,.y stocii, siu-li as frui trees, roses, nhrubs and ornamentals. Ladte tnake tliis business a succeas. Easv work pleasant. llght and profitable. Outtlt l'ree ' Apply at once, witli rel'erenres, and secure cholee oí territorv. F. N. May Oompany Nursfiymen and Seedsmen, Bochester.N. V 89 KICHIGÁN MINIH5 SCHOOL JWÖSSS!. A íiiL-ti pmde iddinWal Kbool. Prmetteal vork. Kd-r'i vc e" si cm . SiininiriL-nirss. fiivfs ileprtt-so S. i., F. ï.. ndPh. V. LAhoratnrirs. shops, ruil), plc., well f;u.p)K:. ' nlalofftiea iree. Addrea BttcreUry Mu-liifno MíiUuLLc)ioei,HoiiLhtoD,Mlcli


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Ann Arbor Register