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Among Our Neighbors

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Hou. A. J. Sawyer and famüy, h A. Howlott and family, H. M. Woods and famüy, of Ano Arbor, will take p siou of at Cavanaugh Lake about July lst. The Olazier Stove Co. will doliver the bost Lehigh Valley Coat at. your for 84.9 per ton, any time befor'e August lst. Saline Obsbbver. Onr dealers of late have been making money in tho butter business, They have been paying 10 and 11 conts and frora 0 to 9 cents is the bjst they can get for it and slow at that. Mrs. .T. H. Davidson, after a aifcl painfnl iliness. died at her home in Ypsilanti yesterday rnorning at two o'clock. The funeral will be held there tomorrow at 10 a. m. and the remains brought here for Interment. The regents of the U. of M. are awakened to a sense that to keep1 the llornceopathio college in Atin Arbor requiros gome active work and engineering. At a recent meeting they made a selection of Professors all Michigan men They doubtless reeognize the fact that that branch of raedicj.1 profession has been let go long enough. Ypsilanti Sentinel. A. L. Nowlin made a trip to Missouri last week. ,T. B. Colvan, wlfe and daughter, have gone to Atlantic city. The Ypsilanti Ochestral Society furnlshed tie music for the Milan school com-.nönjemju: M mday evening. Two barns near the Hay and Todd Mfg. Co. 's establishment were burncd carly Sundiy morning. Neither was oceupied unlesa by trampa. David F. Moore was stricken with paralysis Saturday evenin. The attack was very slignt. Rev. E. W. Ryan pointedly alluded to the suppression, or rather, failure to prosecute, charges made against certain saloon-keepers for violation of the liquor ordinanee on Decoration Day, tnus giving pub! ie expression to the claim that the saloon influence was sufficiont to prevent the chief witness fronp testif.ving for fear of losing his position in one of our manufacturing concerns. The pharges by Dr. Ryan are serious, and should be fully investigated. Chelsea Standard. G. Ahnemiller has a pear tree that has a arge number of peara on it. and ! has started in on a S3cond erop, being ülled with blossoms. One of the very pleasant oeci3ÍQQS of the season was the banquet given by the Spare Minute Keading Circle on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. (j. W. Palruer. [t was the closing meeting for the year and was delightful in every way. Frtenda were invita 1 to be present. A program was given eonsisting of music, readlng and impromptu poems. About thirty sat down to bo refreshed by ice-cream, cake, strawberriea and lemonade, after wliich toasts were in order. A tally-ho party frora Jackson stopped at this place a Few bours Saturday last. The people were supposed to be members of Jackson's '-4(WJ."' but from some the actions of seme of the young people, we should judge that they were not on their good behavior. Will soine philosopher explain why a crowd of young people froui a city willactlikea band of ïndians from a wild west show, when they are let loose away from home. Dexter Leader. All persous iaterested in forming a choral unionin this place are requested to meet at the Baptist church, Satupdav evening at 8 o'clock, thatan organization may be elïected and arrangeinents made for a weekly chorus rehearsal. All who want such an organzation please be there. .Mrs. R. B. Honey was quite severely bruised by being thrown from har earriage last Monday, In company with Miss Agnes Pratt she was driving to Aun Arbor. About a mile and half this side. of the city the horse stumbled and feil, jerking the reins from Miss Pratt and throwing Mrs. Honey over the dashboard at the horses' heels, the carriage passing over her and Inflicting a luufscalp wound. Miss Pratt was con;ilerably shaken up by jumping from tlie carriage. The hoi-se was caught a short distance away. Mrs. Chas. S. Millón, of Ann Arbor. and her guest Mrs. Magoftin, were with Dexter friends one day last week. The latter's husband was once rector of the Kpiscopal parish of this village.


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