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Adtlitional Local on Page Fo'ir. Work has commeneed on the Hill-st. lateral sevver. The Athletic field will be extensively iinprovod this summer. Thomas Godkin has opened a paint Bhop on the Xorth Side. Prof. Frank Wagner will erect a $6,0011 house this summer. The L. O. T. M. social Tuesday night was a very pleasant alïair. A new boiler will be put in tht Hign School building this summer. The summer normal school opened up Monday with a good attendance. The Beethoven Quartette will sintr at the Brighton picnic, Aug 15th. The Y. M. C. A. excursión has been postponed UU til Thursday. July 25th. The lady maeeabees gave an ice cream social in their hall Tuesday evening. Mail carrier H. E. Coffin took third prize in the novice race at Fenton - time, 2:34i _____ The Arm Arbor Demoerat has just moved into new offices over the First Natonal bank. The printers will have their great ball game on Monday, the 15th, on the athletie grounds. Prof. F. M. Hamílton will erect a fine dweiling at the corner of S. Fifth-ave. and E. William-st. Several hundred Ann Arbor people spent the Fourth at Ypsilanti, and witnossed the races. The Y. M. C. V. wül yive a lawn social at the home of Rev. W. W. Wetn.ore tomorrow night. Elmer E. Beal and Miss Minnie Boylan were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride. Phillip Baeh and (ieo. W. Moore have been appointcd oxecutors in the eotate oí Aretus Dunn. Leonhard Gruner has beun appointod epeoial adrainistrator in tho estáte of the late Thomas Leonard. Some ot our peacb growers report that so far the terrible dry weather has not affeeted the peach erop. .lack Loney has sued Patrolman Armbruster for $1,000 damages upon an action for false imprisonment. Louis Rohde is having tho cellar built for a large house at the corner of W. Washington and TMrd-ets. The excursión to be uiven by the Y. M. C. A. to Detroit on July 2"th, will be the popular one of the season. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson, of Hilt-st., entertained nearly one-bundred invited guests on the evening of the Fourth. Last Sundny was one of the hottest and dryest days that has been experienced in Ann Arbor for many a year. The Eberbach Hardware Co. has reeeived the contract for all the fralvanized iron work on the new Pratt block. At the races in YpsllaQti, last Thursday. Harvy Stotllet won the müe bicycle race, and A. Dutïy the KRi yards dash. The street car people are now sellhifr ten ticket for2öoenta, good between f) and 11 p. in. during July, August and S-jptember. The Ann Arbor Gis Co. are layint; eight inch mains on Bjakes-st., to N. Main ani up thaWstrect to the business part of the city. . The daily Courier is fitllng its colurans these dry times ly running nearly whole pages at a time of reprint i the Michigan Alumnus. An ii-e-cream social for the boncüt of the M. E. Church' of Webster, will be held at the re.-iüenee of Mr. Stearns Wheeler Friday evening, July lüth. The board of directora of the Y. M. C. A. held a business meeting Tuesday evening. A runaway team on S. State-st. caused the breaking of two iron hitching posts in front of Dr. Vaughan's residenee last Monday. A slight blaze in the rear of the factory of the Ann Arbor Organ Co., ealled out the fn-e department Monday afternoon. Fire alarms are numerous these days. It would be a serious thing just now for a fire to get a start in the business portion of the city. Kev. W. C. Huil will preach at the Church of Christ next Sunday morningHis subject will be "Doubts, and What to Do With Them." The water works company have received new pipes and will begin at once to lay them on Packard, W. Liberty and Maynard-sts. The Germán members of the Y. M. C. A. have challenged the English raembers for a game of baseball and the challenge has been aceepted. The latest in baseball circles is a trame to be arranged between the employees of the Michigan Furniture Co. and those of the Ann Arbor Organ Co. Rev. J. M. Gelston is taking his summer vacation. There will, therefore, be no morning services at the Fresbyterian ohurch until after August lóth. L. Rohde and H. Richards have the contracts for furnishing coal for the High School next year. The bids were about 75c per ton lower this year than last. ' Earl Fingerle. a young son of Mra, Mary A. Fingerle, of S. State-st., shot himself in his lcft hand at Whitmore Lake Tuesday. The wound is not serious. The Water Co. object to the indiscriminate sprinkling of the lawns and streets and are watohing sueh people. Better stop on time if you do not want your water turned off. G. W. Sweet had a sllght blaze in his feed store Monday morninglue to a damaged smoke pipe. Only tne prompt response of the fire department pi - vented a disastrous firc. Work has been started upon the Huron-st. lateral sewer. Cóntractor Collins says that he is unable to secure in Ann Arbor all the labor he needs, so must send away for men. Dr. R. Copelnnd, of Bay City, was in the city last Wodnesday looking over homoeopathic prospeots. He will accept the poeitlon in the de])artment tendered him by the regents. Willis .1. Moore, of Chioago, at the hcad of the signal service station at that point, has been appointed as ( 'hief of the Weather Bureau, in rf Prof Harrington who was removed. Monday the Ann Arbor Organ Co. receivod two orders for Ann Arbor Ürg-ans from Australia. Evidently the reputation of the company is eneii-euling the world. Mrs. Bertha Luebke, of the North Side, died Monday of consumption at the age of 32 vears. An infant son died the day before. Both were buried Tuesday aftornoon in the Fifth ward cometery. Ann Arbor people at the Denver convention are being heard from through the reporte of the meetings givon in : large dailics. Evidently thoy are able j to make themselves heard and inll.iciicc feit. The new hosiery for ladies' wear must be very cool, for it is -utncicntly transparent. - Courier. 'ontributions touar.l a fund to buy George a pair of bhie glassei will be giatefully received. The new steam roadroller and stono ei usher have arrived. They will prob.ihly be put in operation soon- that is unlesstheir purcha-e stirs Up a general rumpus betweeu the bDard of public works and the couneil. I The Bethlehem church Sunday I School scholars will give an excursión to Whittnore Lake on Wednesday, July 17, to which their friends are invited. The f a re for the round trip will be 50 cents; children 25 cents. Sunday school seholars free. Geo. Craig's livery barn on Hill-st was entirely burned at 2 o'elook last Saturday morning. The loss is about $3000 witli Insurance of $2600. Mr. Craigthinks it is the work of an 1 cendiary. He will rebuild at once and I open up again about Sept. 1. Somebody's neglect is oausing the I death oí many of the beautiful trees planted on H ano ver square by the city a few years ago. It is a shame that this ground has not been sprinkled during the past few weeks and thus save these treesj - We anderstand since the above was written the square has been sprinkled. Althoug-h the county officials were rlefoated in the greatbase ball game by the city officials the former smile now and intímate that they are not so slow after all. The defeated nine was to Furnigh a supper to the victors. but no speciñeations were made. Now the county fellows say ttat the supper will be given whenever wanted at tne hotel de Judson. Miss Hedrick, of Saginaw, who is a a teacher in the High School and a soloist in the choir of the Episcopal church in Sairinaw, is visiting her parents on S. Ingalls-st. She sang two most delightful solos at the Presbyterian chureh last Sunday. Miss Hedrick has a well trained voice and for sweetness of expression cannot be surpassed in this city. Avery Floyd, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. IC. E. Calkins, died of congestión of the brain at half-past nine o'clock last Saturday morning. The ohild was sixteen months and twelve dayi oíd. Funeral services were held at the residence on Porest ave. Sunday afternoon, Rev. Coburn, offi'ïiating. Mr. and Mrs. Calkins have the deep sympathy of their many f riends in their aftliction. A prominent citizen made serious complaint lo The Register this wek because tho fire department did not indícate more clearly, when an alarm for lire was sounded, what ward the tire was in. This matter does not receive the attention it deserves. The bellsindioatinjr the ward should be repeatcd several times so that all might be able U) ascertain without mistake just what ward the fire is in Kqv. .1. E. Sterling-, pastor of the Scotton-ave. ehurch of Detroit, will eonduet a two day's meeting for Bible study and prayer at the Conyregational ehureh, July 11 and 12. Meeting Thursday at 3 p. m. and 7:30. All day meeting Friday, at 10 a. m. Bring your Bibles and lunch and spend the day praying for' and expecting an outpoui'ing of God 's Holy Spirit. ('OMMITTEK. líoss G. Colé, of the Conservatory of Musió at Iowa college, Grinnel, Iowa, is home for the summer. Mr. Colé attended the National Music Teachers' Association in St. Louis, Mo.. 'ast week and read a paper on "llelation of Musió to Education."' There carne near being a general row at the board of public works last Wednesday night. It was due to the appointments of sewer inspectors. The inspectors appointed are Paris Banfield, Wm. Stocking, Fletcher, and John R Miner. Jr. Wesley Hicks was appointed manhole inspector Somebody dropped a eigar stub through the grating in the sidewalk in front of the Kberbach hardware store last Thursday atternoon. The charcoal in the basement had caught fire when Frank O'Neil discovered it. A few pailsof water promptly applied prevented what tnight have been a serious fire. Yesterday morning at H o'clock fire was disaovered in the barn of Addison Corryell, about five miles east of the city. In a very few minutes Mr. Corryeirs entire stock of hay, grain. farm machinery, and many of his cattle and hogs were burned. His loss will be about $3 000. He carried $1,900 insui-anee in the Washtenaw Mutual Ins. Co.


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Ann Arbor Register