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? NO SECRET - ' IN THIS TVOMAN'S CASE. V Mrs. Campbell Wishes Her Letter Published so that the Truth May Be L Known. _. , , [srHIAL TO m;H LADT BFADIBS] ' """" "" Of the thousands of letters received froni women all over the world by Mrs. 2S&_ Pinkham, not one is trho is in ill health or ailing. Ifi the case of Mary E. C'ampbPll, ol Albion. Noble Co., lnd., her suffering was so severe, her relief so suddeniy realized, and her gratitude so great, that she wishes the circuinstances published, in the hope that others niay be benefited thereby. She says : - H 11 My physician told me I had dropsj and falling of the woinb. My stoniach and bowels were so bloated 1 eould not get a full breath. My face and hands were bloated badly. I had that dreadful bearing-down pain, backache, palpitation of the heart, and. nervousness. " One of my piiysicians told me I had SOmethin growing in my stomach; and the medicine that I took gave me relie! only for a short time. I thought I must die. I began to tak e Lyila E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, and it vorked like a chann. After taking the first bottle 1 could walk across the street, now I am ■well. I advise all my friends to take it. - Mary E. Campbell, Albion, JSobleto. A Magazine Always up To Date is the ono progres want. ïo help to cook, eat, soi-vc and live well is the chief aim of Table Talk the Araeviean authority on eulinary and houschold topics. It treats of the econom'es and neeessitiesof ihe tablo as well as its luxuriea and dainties. It givesthe iatest recipes and fashions: menus for weddings, receptions. dinaei-s. card partios, and all special occasions We havo made arrangemente with the manufactures of the gonuino and famous De Long Hooft and Eye, by which every tme of om readers may obtain a liberal SiítJplj for their use. The manufacturé! öesiring to introduce thisnewest invontion for the dreas into every city and town in the United States, have made it oossible for us to makc the following Liberal Offer We wlll send as a premium, oiir liii.-.s 12 dozen) oi these freauine and famous De Long Hooks and Eyes retail value, 90 cents) to evory ui'w Bubscriber to this magazine. Positiyely you have thegenuine DE L0NO Patent Hook and Eve ïf you see on the face and back of every card the words f See that , ? hump?N Richardsoti p L. & De Long Bros., , Q) Q) Philadelphia. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per. Year. Address, TABLKT.UKP Li:lli CO. 18 duatnut strect. p" ■.a The Leading Conseralory of America - - D Cari, Fabltcs, Direcior. itlíf('Founded n 1S53 by J-- TC tTÍVí1 ÏÏEW T Ofd'orP.osp.ctn, H 1l - R:v:r.L fuU iníormation. FgJ-FüANic W. Hai.k. Oei:cral Manager. KfeMSSi PARKER'S Plt-.c--;3S HAIR BALSAM gClcar.sot and beaotiftei the hair. Jfiï'lover falla to Restore öray t5m ti its Youthíul Color. o' - S ' f ''f -Ml ■ hair fiilliBg. t Oi'..'t-sd l-'lat ffrupgisls Et3h&L9tttSEi&1lillKWlJirÜ M l . i !■ J B-Ta -JB jhï !NCr.FiCORS.; J rorecuwjo Coma SR ( Vu h i. i' Knaiuh Diutnuii'l ïïrand. PENfíYROYAL PILU I l6iih Original anÍ Only Genuino. A J irr' sFE, alwaj'4 r.üaljle. ladics ask a! ,H V-'jÖ UruRíist tW C%lcJUMr Kngliah IaJ& &L$Mgtwd Braiut io Ked and i;.-W meullioCy T-V - -srSxi-s, scalc with b!n rihlwin. Tako y 771 í vtn other. ■"- iuf-o tftaíiítf I" Artinusaiut ümÜatioHM. Ai nrutfginti, orscnd 4c. I W W in íia:u.s fur articulxn, tvstimooUts n-i V C Lf M Ktllt-r Tor I.mUrf," in letter, br rel arn A Malt 10,000 T stimoniMa. yante Paper. X- rChIcherterChciniculCw.,Jtadloniiqiir, SW bj Ml LomI Urusauu. - . fkUwlB.. Ia Föfl YGflR OÖTIHS GO TO PICTOBESjJITt ÍHHGKIMHG ISLBHD. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDI AT SMALL EXPENSE. Yisit this Historical Island, which is the grandest summer resort on the Great Lakes It only costs about $13 f rom Detroit; $15 f rom Toledo; $18 f rom Cleveland, for the round trip, including meáis and berths. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the D. & C. floating palaces. The attractions of a trip to the Mackinac regicn are unsurpassed. The island itself ís a grand romantic spot, its dimate most invigorating. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for the upper lake route, costing $300,000 each. They are equipped with fvorv modern convenience, annunciators, bath rooms, etc., illuminated throughout by electricity, and are guaranteed to ba the grandest, largest and safest steamera on f rcsh water. These steamers favorably compare with the great ocean liners in construction and speed. Four trips per week bet ween Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macklnac, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, " Soo," Marquette and Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and Put-in-Bay. The palatial equipment makes traveling on these steamers thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illustrated áescriptive pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, G. P. A., D.&C Detroit, Mich. The American Hotel Under now management and everything new. Fine tablc board at moderate rate by the week. Take your meals here while your family is out of the city. Elegant Sunday dinnors. Central Location. M. STABLER, Prop CESS-POOLS" - AND- WATER CLOSETS CLEANED. ('ess-Pools 2-J cents per cubic foot. Closets 3 cents per cubic foot, or by the job. Good liiys, Satisfaction Guarentecd. JACOB BEX, Between M. Oa lepot ucl Kiver. Lumher ! Lumher! Lumher I lt you contémplate building cali at FERDON Lumber Yard COR. FOURTH AND DEPOT STS. And get your figures for all kinds of LUMBER! Wc manufacture our own Lumber and guáranteO VERY LOW PRICES ! ( Uve us a. cali wc wlll malte it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our asaertion. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KEECH, Supt. I FRANKLIN H0USÍ DETROIT MICH. It is well before leaving home, whether f or Business or pleasure, to decide upon a hotel ..n ' thereby avoid confusión. Wheu you visit Detroit we would be plrased lo have you stop at the ola ''Fraiikllu House," cor. Lamed and Bates Sts., where you willhaveagood meal and a clean bed at moderate rstes. The house has been renovated from top w bottom, and Is now in first-class conditlon. Kespectfully, H. H. JAMES. nieala, 35c. Lotlgings, 50. Fer Daj, 1.50. HUMPHREYS' Di . Humpkreys' Specifica are sclentiflcally ci carefully prepareil Remedies, used for ycans I' private prac-tlce a;-.d fr,r over thlrty years by W people with cntiru sucres:. Every siDKle SjXlflt a epeclal cure for the disease named. r Nn. ' l'IMi. 1- Fevcrs, Congestic-ns, ' It-Wormti Worm Fever. Worm Collo.... ■'■j 3-Ttíl'lhiuií! Collo, CryinK. Wnkt-falni ■' 4-Diari'hea, of Children or Adula 'ï 7-Cuuiilis. Colds, Bronclütto ■'-' 8-Ncuralgin, Toothacl - i". O-Headarlit-H, ck Bcadacho, Vértigo. 10 I)yp p:a. BUlomness, Coostlpatloc ; 11- SnpproM a orPalDfil Periodg ' lïi-White, Too Profuso Perioda ■ -jï 13- Croup. Iiiv niiiii. Eloarscneas ■'. 14-Sull HlK'iim, KrysiiKln?, Erujitlons . ■''. IS- RkenmaiUm, Bheumaöo Palns ' lO-malarta. Chilla, Fever andAgue... -'. 19- Catarrb, Inlliimza, Colü lu the Hca.l g t20-VVhoopin ( onch ',,5 27- Kidney Dixt-nsea 'Jo 88-Norvons Dcbility 'S 30-tTrimiry WeakoeM . 3-i-SoroTliront, Quim-y, l lcorat, 'lThroot.1 flb SFECIFIC FOR Ünir, i P11, u-Mcsm-ll b"tt!f-s of pleuant pellets, ! youl vast pocket. gold lv Drnutou, 01 -"t .r-r-"i '■■ '"-'-l'1 f" hlnmnfliaiu' !(■:'". Slllll"n!;l ,,1, ■CnrflMTB XK1. '■., 111 1IHIII... M . M}' SFBCIPIQÍo'


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