Real Estate Exchange
The following is a list of the real estáte transfers in this County for tvvo weeks ending July 27th, as reported by the Washtenaw Abstract Co., offioe in Lawrenee building, corner of Fourth and Ann-sts., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sarah E. Calvert by sheriff to L. Gruner, Ann Arbor $ 090 Caroline, Roas to Ilobert Ross, Ann Arbor. 300 Stephen Pratt to Wm, April, Ann Arbor 1 .loseph C. Preston by Administrator to Lida C. Preston, Ann Arbor 1 Chas. S. Smith and wife to Alice V. Palmer, Ypsilanti.. 3000 Halsey B. Jenks to 11. K. Lutjen, Ypsilanti G12.50 Minerva E. Worden to Mary I. (ardner, Ypsilanti 12lK) Clara N. VanCleve to lst, Nat. Bank, Ypsilanti 1 John A. Brown to Klizabeth Goodman, Ypsilanti 175 John Gilbert and wife to Margaret E. Gilbert. Ypsilanti.. 1 Abbie Cowie to Warren 1'. Walker, Ann Arbor 2000 James L. Palmer to Alice V. Palmer. Superior 10 Michael Weinkauf and wife to Chas. Harris, Augusta 52.1 J. Adam Klein to C hristian Schleh, Saline .'. 800 M. J. Lehman to George Irwin, Chelsea 100 John Burkhardt and wife to John A. Miller, Manchester. 1200 Caroline C. Seper to Jas. K.Curlett, Dexter :i2 A. Da venport and wife to Nancy Simpson, IVJ ilan 1000 George Lang to Fred Jaeger, Dexter (iOO H. A. Nichols to H. T. Nicnols. Saline 1750 Fannie Van Gieson to Lottio Van Gieson Wuerth, Pittefield 2300 Lottie Van Gieson Wuerth to Fannie Van Gieson, Pittsfield 2000 Beverley Bugg, who was Injured by the carsat Pittslield junction last Wedncsday had his left leg amputated tho same evening. His i-ight leg is also badly injured so that he may lose that also although the doctor hopes to save t. All things considerad Beverly was lueky to escape with his life.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Sarah E. Calvert
Leonhard Gruner
Caroline Ross
Robert Ross
Stephen Pratt
William Aprill
Joseph C. Preston
Lida C. Preston
Charles S. Smith
Alice V. Palmer
Halsey B. Jenks
H. E. Lutjen
Minerva E. Worden
Mary I. Gardner
Clara N. VanCleve
John A. Brown
Elizabeth Goodman
John Gilbert
Margaret E. Gilbert
Abbie Cowie
Warren E. Walker
James L. Palmer
Michael Weinkauf
Charles Harris
J. Adam Klein
Christian Schleh
Michael J. Lehman
George Irwin
John Burkhardt
John A. Miller
Caroline C. Seper
James E. Curlett
A. Davenport
Nancy Simpson
George Lang
Fred Jaeger
H. A. Nichols
H. T. Nichols
Fannie Van Gieson
Lottie Van Gieson Wuerth