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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organizcd 1869, iimlcr the General Banking Law oltliis State. CAPITAL, $50,000, SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $1,000,000 Buaimst Men, Guctrditins, Trustees, Lodies and otlier persons will find this Bank a Safe and Convenient Place to mnke Deposite and do Interest is allowed at the vate of k PER CENÍ1, on all Savings Deposito of $1.00 and upivards, aceordiny to the rules of tlu bank, and interest compounded scmi-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. Secured by unincumbcred real estáte and otlier good securities. D1REC1 ORS: Christian Mark, W. D. Ilamman, William Deuhel, David Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock, W. I!. Smith and L. Gruner. F FICERS: Christian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman, Vice-President; Clim E. Hisvock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, July Ilth, 1895. RESOURCES. J.IABILIT1ES. Loans and Discount 1490,298 33 Capital Stock paid in I 50,000 00 itocks, Boads. Mortgages, Surplus fund 150,000 Oü etc öüï.Sl 72 Undivided profits le-s CurOverdrafUi 2(iUu 38 rent ei pens s. Interest Banking house 20,500 00 and Taxes Raid 5,786 8 Furniture, and Fixturc.s unpaid tij 00 and safety rteposit vaults 8.917 32 n_„„. Otlier Real Esiatc 6,497 07 ' El OrITSBanks and Ranker $ 6. 030, fifi CASH. Commercial rtcposits 170,83142 Savini? Ceitificaiee of deposit 95.919 14 Due from banks in reserve Savingsdeposits 699,413 'J8-Ï 977,519 20 . ,;ities t 85,020 65 Duü from other banks and bankere 2 260 55 Total $1,183,60104 Cheekf and cash items. . 683 09 Goïd'eoin1"1 ""' 30 OW 00 State 0f MichI(3an' Cou.nty of Washtenaw, h lfiW I, Chas.E. HiscocK.Cashierof theabovenamed Hotes 22, 3:W 00-814.' 211 22 Ba" solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. ïl, 183,691 0Í Correct- Attest: Christmn Mack, W. D. Harrjman, L. Griinf.r, Directora. Subscribid and sworn to bef ore me tMe 22nd day of December, 1894. MlüllAEL .. FRl TZ, Notary Public.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register