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4s IN HALFM To the South The Loultvllle & Nashvllle Rallroad will eeïl tickets on dates aud under conditions as below mentioned, at One Single Fare kor the Round Trip, and one-way tickets at about oce-half the usual rate. I) JITC C for the sale of tickets will be June U " u, July 5, August 7, September 4 end October 2, 1895. Tickets will be sold for the Regular Trains starting from Cincinnati, Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis, and from Btations of our Connecting Lines in the North to connect with those trains. Tickets good to return within 20 days. POIMTC to which tickets will be pold are rU.II I w the princjpai cities, Towns and Villages in the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to JACKSON SHITH, Div. Pass. Agt., Cincinnati, 0. C.P. ATMORE, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Louisville, Ky, ..THÉ.. ELDREDGE "B" S. strictly high-grade Family Seiving Machine, imssessinp all modern iiupryveiiieuts. 6UARANTEED EQÜAL TO THE BEST f rices very reasonable. Obtain them from jour local dealer and make com pari gons. ELDREDGE MANUFAGTUR1N6 CO, BELVIDERE, ILL. f Wilsons II # SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LAt)IES BUY THEM LIKE thei AND TELL Kes. Many ladies have iised our machines twenty to thirty years in theiriamfly work, and are still usin the original machines we furnished them a generation ago. Many of our machines have run more than twenty years without repairs, other han needies. With proper care they rever wear out, and seidom need repair. We have built sewing machines for more than forty years and have constantly improved them. We build our machines on honor, and they are recognized everywhere as the ïiKjst accurately fitted and finely finished sewing machines in the world. üur latest, the "No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In competition with the leading machines of the world, it receiyed the Grand I'rize at the Faris Exposition of 1889, as best, other machines receiving only complimentary medals of gold, silver and bronze. The Grand Prize was what all soumin fqr, and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. We want dealers in all unoccupied térritory, WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO. 85 4187 WAt ash Ave.. CHICAGO. ■■WI1COX COMPOUND B RKW tBE OF rOTKTEBFEITS, .H The "iily tafr and always nllaWc Rellrf , flH for Ladfe. Accept no woralaM aiul uan, H genniK linitatinns. Save mnney aiul Ruanl 'H In-allli ly takliigiiotlilngtmt the enuM ■ and origina. Vilcc.x ('omrounil Tansjr H l'ü'.s. in 1111t.1l boxes l..arliiii slileld trade tg mark. vrlce all drvi(!glsts. Send 4 ets. lor Woman'8Safe Guard iecnrely mailed. IM(I Sl'llllll CO, 328 Soul li EiKblU Slrri'l, l'hil.. Pa. I EWIS; 98 LYE UMP (l'ATENTÏD) ■A U a nue powd.r and iÉd In a ci5 Mi'it remoïaWe ui the cuotrms ■ ■ re always ready K,r u. "vin IB make the beat perfumM Hard Buap Mg li, 31 inlnal.s vrllhunl l..illi,R. Wm vH'-k, HMnr.-tlng tuk, ïlosetlL wasMng bottleA ralniy, treea, eUï PENNA. SAXT H'F'O CO. ■HDa Hen. AïU., rula., f, , BUSINESS CARDS. i 1 K. W1LLIA U 'Attornej at Laiv, Hilan, TIIcli. Money loaned for outside parties.AH legal business given prompt attention. W. S. MOORE, DENTI5T ! Work rione in all forras of modern dentistry. (ron n ai d Bridge work a specialty. Satisfactiou Guaraoteed. er M. Gradúate.) 26 South Main St„ - - - Aun Arbcr WM. W. l( HOLS, Dental Patlois ! OVER 8A fINQS BANK 01' POSITE COUBT HOVSE SQVAKE. 1 ARTHUB J KJTSOK, Contractor and Bu Ider ! Estjiaates furnished on all kinds of Archltec ture. Kesidence and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats wei nsr iL jjst !3 Tor. Wasliington-st., and l'iitli-a vv. Our aim is to pieste our oustomers by always haudling the very Choice Meats ihatthe maiket aObrds. J. J. FURGUSON, Jobber and Bullder. Etimati' Blven on Bhori Notlce, Eepairing, Rebuildiug and Juhbing 'i SpeciaMy. ALL ORDERS l'ROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHOP AND KICS1F.( i:, 16 W, Sumtnit St„ Ann Arbor, MichOil and GasoJine Brought to Your Door -Vithout bothering to crder every time jou are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali upon me at 8. W. ron r of E. Washington and 3 Filih-ave. aud have your order and I will Reep you (upplied at U.wcst rales. 71. .OOUALIÍ. JOHN BAUMGARDNER, Dealer in American and Iraported QRANITES ! and all kinds of BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work A SPE0IA1TÏ Corner of Detroit and Catherlne fts. ANN AKBOR, MICH. ü. OF M. SHAYING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. Ladies' Artistic Kair Dressing and Bath Rooms UP STA1RS. 30 S. State SU, Nexl to Shechan's. yin. c MUS. J. R. I HO I WOW SK I JL Hard ÍI YJC Luck e The man who can t eZC J not ■s'('u''e money s J7s)a S enoufrh to buy onc ' TW ofour Sia.aó Tmrf ported Clay Worstƒ 1 1 ('ataway Coat S and Vest. Made to il)) I youroider. ' I Pants frotn 83 up 1 i The PLYMOUTH i ROCK CO., Successors to the (, IMymouth Bock Pants Co., ' Ca Aun Arbiir,JIIIi "■B JOHN mms. RINSEY & SEABOLT HO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have alwaya on hand a complete Stock of everjfthing in the GROCERYLINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime articles bought for cash and can salí at low figures. Our frequent Wge invoices of Teas is a sure sign we ive bargains in Quality and Prices. AVe roast our own coffees overy week always fresh and good. Our bakerj turns out the very best of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see uu. HASKÏNS' LIVERY Feed and Boarding Stable. 6 W. A XX STB EET. ut, fforêeë boarded at rtfuonablt rat". in nood COME AND SEE VS


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