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ST. VITUS DANCE. A Physician Prescribes Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.: My daughter Mattle, aped 14, was afflicted last spring with St. Vitus dance and nervuiisness, her entire risht side was nnmb and nearly paralyzed. We consulted a phyliclan and he prescribed Dr. Miles' Restorative Ntsrviue. Slie took three bottles before we saw auy certain sitrns of improvement, jut after that slie began to improfe very fast and I now think she is entircly cured. She has taicen nine bottles of the Nervine, but no other medicine of any kind. Kno, Ind., Jan. 5, '95. II. W. 1 1 ostetter. Physicians prescribe Dr. Miles' Eemedies bec&ose they are known to be the result of the long practica and experieace of oneof the brlghtest, members oí their profession, and are carefully compounded by experiencodchemlBta, inexact accordanc with Dr. Milos' prescript ions, as used in his practlce. On sale at all druggists. Write for Dr. Milis' Book on the Heart and Nerves. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhar' . Ind. k. Miles' Remedies Restore Health. ANDREW E. GIBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. A'o. 10 L. Uur on St. ANM AKBOR .TIK II. MICHIGAN RESORTS. ARE DIEE TI. Y ON THE T.IXE OF THE Grand Rapids & Indiana R. R. TRAVERSE CI1Y Ke-Ai-Tl-Wil-Tl Osera . Charfevoix Excellent fltcskey Bay View Service Rcaríng Brook Wequetonsing 1 MACKINAC CITY Harbor Point Oren-Oíen Upper Península Foinis - are on sale June Ist to Sept. 30tb, return limit Oct 31st. Maps and Descríptive THE NORTHERN MICHiEN FESCRT REGIÓN. Time carde mil ful] Information may ie had by application to ticket :ients ir addr il]■ C. L. I !' hWIIIII), .. P. A T. A. W. H. BUTLER 6 Ii. II111..11-.1., ANK AIIKOIt, IHK II. Trtatunr Xit. Savlngi ana Loa Astoetatiti , MOKEY TO LOAN. E. R. EGGLESTON, H. D. ■ S. .llnin-St., r. Ilurou-SI. (Unan] Praciice. 10:30 a. m. to 12m. ; 2 to5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p. m. 'PlKUir Vi. CHÍO CENTRALLLINES. T. í O. . I!!-1. ( M. By, Bolid through traine between Toledo, Ohio snd CharleetoD, W. Va., via Columbug, the Bhi ri and on'y direct route between Toli C.. O., ai il Mt, rir;Mi!!t. V. Va. Kindhiy. ( ., " Richmond, Virginia. Kentcn, O., " Petersbursr, ( olí mbus, O. ■■ Oíd Poini ( mfort.Vat Atin ís. ' . ■ v lUiamsbtirg, Va. Middlepoit,O " Ñewport, News, 'a. i ' n. i ■ . Ó. " Norfolk, Virginia, And all Bouth-eastern poluta. Klcjjarit drawiüg room cars on all through trtins. lor furthcr infoircatu n cali on your local ticket oí write, W. A. Peters, Mot im n Houk, Mi. h. Paw. Aat. Geni, la■-., Agt. Detroit, Mich. Toledo, O. CESS-PODLS -ANC - WATER CLOSETS CLEAN EB. ( ---'i - cents per cubic foot. .(! ! i. or by the Goed Iiivs, Satiffacticn (itiirIlltCtll. JACOB BEX, r [E el ween V.C. Drput and Itlver. i THE POPULAR ROUTE TO GRAND RflPIDS WESTERN MICHIGAtë. IS 3 D. L. & N. DETROIT, LANSING & NORTHERN, STATIONS. GO1M. 1 it Lv. 7 41 i in p D1 6 00 jat Plymouth.... " e 43 Smitli l.yon . . " 8 is i.) -94 Howel] Jnnc. " 14 7 2 Howell ■' 9 20 2 38 7 36 I ng " I" 24 :; 35 Grand Ledge. " IC 5S 3 66 0 Grand Raplds" l:;:'ipm 5 SA 1 45 Ionla " 11 48 a m 4 ?.') inu 19 00 Howardriiy.Ar. 1 id p m Jl 4Sps STiTKlNS. QOINOUKt. Howard city .Lv. 5 6O4,rn 4 )0pa Ionin " 7 o0 - 11 in B 0 Graad Raplds " 7'0 1 91 5 i Grand Ledg B i 2 43 os Lanslng " 8 M Howell - '.' 6a :j :. 8 2& HoweJl June. " B SB South Lyon. . ' in ït; í;u 59; l'lymoth " 10 51 4 41 S 3 ' Ilftroit Ar. 11 4(1 ;i r. 5 ij" p m W 10 p au Connections at Granel Kapids with tbfe Chicago nü West Michigan Hij. UuPetoskey, Bav View, Traverse Ciijr .Manintee. Muskegon, Grand Hatea-, Benton Harbor, und St. Josepb. T. A. A. L X. M. Mi mts SefS ntroiuli Tickets. Geo. D. Haven, G. P. A , Grand líapi'á'ai. niCHIGAN CENTRAL. UEXïRAL HTANSASB TTXL, THAINS AT ANH AKBOK. 1 (ding Effect May 19, 1SS;'-.. GOIXG EAST. Itail & Express 3 30 p. itÍÍ. T. Boaton Special 5 00 FastEastem 10 Atlantic Fx 7 47 W Uitrolt Nliht Fx 5 i Grand ItapkK Ex 11 05 GOING WEST Mai! k Express 8 43 A. j Boston, . y. & Chicago 7 30 North Bhore Ltd 9 25 Western Ex 2 00 p. . Grand Kpds & Kal Ex 5-67 Chicago Night Express 10 28 Pacific Ex 12 15 O.W. BCGGLE8, 11. W IIAYÜd, G. V & T, A., ChlOgO. AR't., Ann Ab&T Í0 RA CLEVELAND HÍÜ BÜFFÏLO, VIA C & MNE.1 fommendnf npmlngof iisïif:afon thfsi Aprl lsr. MrbiiíIU'1-ii' si.ip.heel steel steame7 "State "I Olilo' nmP M!e il New V rfc' D mi.v rmr IA] SI MIAY CNCLCJ i I.v Pleve'and. 6:80 P. m. I.v. Biflnlo. KSOT.m. Ar. Buffalo, 7:30 A. H. I.v. 1 veland 7 30a. m. ( i ii:ai,tanI'U:d il Takerhe'C. cft B. J.ii e" sttanurS ■■ nd enjoy rtfreshlDg nlht' ut hen cure ntfto Bnftn!o. Niágara KalN, Toronto, - ïuri, ItoMon, Alliiiuy, 1,000 IkIuikIm, or ui. s other Kust ru or Cüuadiaii poiut. Cheap Excursions Weekly to Niágara Flüfc, ■ 11 cents postage for tourist ;paraphlet, W. Y. Hekman, T. F. KlWMA, Geul. Vass. Agt. Gen.l. Manager. ( 'lvvcland, Ohio. STEAM AHDGÍS FITTING SEWEB COHHECTIOHS Made promptly and at reasonabl rat rs. All Work First = Classl GIVK MK A TKIAL. JOHN O 'BRIE2Ï, 30 IC. WASHINGTON ST, TUE BEST LINE TO TUE SOUTH er THE DIRECT LINE TO "% ! Cincinnati and the Soutl?, j 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from DETRüf 4 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from TOLEDO DAYTON, CINCINNATI and the SOUTH. The Best Line From MIGHIGflN flND NORTHERN OHtO TO FLORIDA and all the Southern State?. D. B. TRACY N. P. A.. Defrolt. Mlch. JOHN BASTADLE. D. P. A.. Toledo. O. O. G. EDWAROS. G. P. A.. Carew Bid. ClncInnaS'


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