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LOOKING BACKWARÜ. Look after the Back : A Fall, n Struin, a Constant Sitting or Stooping Position Brings Backachc- Do Yon Know This Means the Kidneys are Affected 1 IIow few peoplc realize when their back begins to ache that it is a warning prorided by nature to teil you that the kidneys are not working properly. You have u sevcre fall, you strain yourself lifting or perhaps you are conipellcd to maintain a eitting or stooping position for long intervals at a time, your back begins to aclie, Uien your head, you become listless, tired and weary, but do you understand the real cause? We think not, else you woukl not use piasters and liniinent on the back, which only relieve but do not reach the cause. If you would rid yourself of the pain and cure the root of the trouble, at he same time save many years of suffering and perhaps life itself, you will take a kidiicy remedy that has been tried and proven that it will cure. Mr. John Robsoin of 661 Russell Street, Detroit, says: "As a result of exposure during the war I have suffered ever since with rheumatism aud kidney trouble. Pains would start in my hip and go around to my back. Highly colored urino denoted kidney disorder. The pain in my back was often so bad I had to givc up work until the severity of the attack passed away. I have used many liniments and other things, but received very little relief. Some time ago I started uring Doan's Kidney Pilis and they have workecl a wonderful change in me. My back is all right aow and I owe it all to the almost magical inSuence of Doan's Kidney Pilis." Mr. Robsoin was a member of the Fiftyfirst Illinois Regiment, which served through the war with honor and distinction. Doan's Kidney Pilis are for sale by all dealers - price, 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole flirents for the U. 8. Rememberthe name.. Doan's, and take no other, THE POPULAR ROUTE TO GRAND RAPIOS AXD WESTERN MICHIGAN. IS THE D. L. & N. DETROIT, LANSING & NORTHERN. STATIONS. GOINfi WW. Detroit Lv. 7 41 1 10 p m 00 p m l'lymouth.... 8 25 14 6 43 Sou Ui Lyon.. " 8 48 2 ( 7 7 04 Howell June. " 9 14 7 29 HowelJ " 9 20 2 ; 7 36 Lansing " 10 24 :t 36 8 87 Grand Ledge. " 10 66 3 85! 0(1 Grand Raplds " 12 :)■ p m 5 20 10 45 Ionia " 11 48 a m 4 45 pm 10 00 Howardelly-.Ar. 1 20 p m 11 45 p ra 8TJTION8. QO1NQ EAST. Htward city .Lv. 6 50 a m .......... 4 10 p m lonbt " 7 i 1 :p m 6 00 Grand gaplds " 7 '0 l SU : 86 Grand Ledge. ' f 91 2 13 7 Oü Lansing " 8 54 3 06 7 25 Howell " 9 63 3 59 8 25 Howell June " 9 U South Lyon... " 10 2t i 88 8 58 PI y moth " 10 61 4 47 9 20 Detroit Ar. 11 40 a ra 5 30 p m 10 10 p m Connecuons at. Grand Rápida with th Chicago anA Went Michigan . fo Petoskey, Bay View, Traverse City Manistee. Muskogon, Grand Haven Benton Harbor, and St. Joseph T. A. A. f; ir. M. Agenta SeU Tlirough Tickets, Geo. D. Haven, G. P. A , (i rand Rápida. D0 RA CLEVELAND ËLH BUFFALO VÍA "C. & B. EJNK. i ommTiclnc witb cpiningof naviRat on abom Apri lsr. Maffiiifioen' side-wheel steel steamej "8tatc ol Olilo'and'Matc olINcwVork." DAILY TIME TABLE. 81 MIAY INCI.l'EKD. Lv. Cleveland 6 30 p. m. Lv. Buffalo, 6:S0p.m. Ar. BuH'.ilo, 7:; a. m. Lt. ' 1. veland 7 30a. m. CKNTRAL STANDAHD TIME. Taka rbe ' C. & B. Line" sUam r8 rrd enjov a refreehlng nlvht'a i.-i when cnroutoto Hiiflalo, Niágara Falli Toronío, New York, K(oii. Albauy, I,OUO Inlaiids, or huj other Eastt ru or Cauadiau point. Cheap Excursions Weekly to Niágara Falls, Send 4 oeutl poslage lor tourist jiamphlet. W. F. HermAn, T. F. Newman, Gen'l. Vass. Agt. Gen.l. ManaRer. Cleland, Ohio. WURSTER & KIRN. Want yoit (o cali u hm ycv art w nttd. oj e, CARRIAGE OR BÜGGY Or any othtr tort oj avehiclt. Ttitirwork Mi:.Ki:s FOB ITSELF. BEPAIBING NEATL7 DONE AT MODERATE BATES. . Horse Shoeing . JIY EXPERIENCÊB 1IAXDS. VI .l llltMII. ALL Olu'wOKK 21, 23 and 25 N. 4th Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich OHIO CENTRAL LINES. T. l O. C,JRy-K. l .1. , Solid through trains between Toledo, Ohio und Charleston, V. Va., via Columbus, the short and only direct route between Toledo, O., and Mt Pleasant. W. V;l. Findlay, o.. Richmond, Virginia. .in. o.. " Petersburg:, " Columbus, O. " Old l'oint Comfort, Va At hens, O. " Williamsbur. 'a. Middleport,O " tiewport, News, Va. l'omeroy, O. ' Norfolk, Virginia, And all south-eastern pointe. Elegant drawing room cars on all through trains. Por further Information cali on your lot-al ticket or write, W. A. Peters, Moul.ton Houk, Mich. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Paas., Agt. Detroit, Mich, Toledo. O.


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Ann Arbor Register