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Michigan Happenings

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John Block. a laborer, feil from the new city building at Lansing and was ratal)y lnjured. Iloggish tliicves stripped several jeach orehanls near Adrián. They ïad a horse and wagon. Geo. Iawson. of Lansing, tried to suicide at Sheridan uith laudanum because his vvife left hiin. The wife of l'hillip Schuerman, of tlougl ton, has mysteriously disappeared and foul play is feared. Ella Jones, aged 86, was asphyxiated íy gas leafcing through a defectiva jet n her .sleeping room at Detroit. The barn of Allen Shaw, near Kingston, was burned, together with nis stored erops and farm implements. ■ John Hollinan, aged 00, a wealthy farmer near Sturgis, hanged himself while despondent because of ill health. A íew York dispatch says that Andrew .Storey, of Grand Kapids, suicided by shooting himself at lirooklyn. Geo. C. p;aton, an engineer on the Luke Shore road for 3u years, feil dead on his engine as he pulled out of White l'igeon. A tumor weighing 114 pounds was removed from Mrs. Louis lirown at Saginaw by Dr. H. M. Leach. She will probably recover. Errors in favor of Wm. Erratt, extreasurer at Cheboygan, amounting to S3.000 have been founcl. This reduces the shortage to 510,000. Irvinjc Kutler, of Cooper, had his face so badly lacerated tliat 40 stitches had to be taken. He was knocked agaicst a wire fence by a falling tree. At a session of the Loyal Temperance Legión of Wayne county, held at Northville, an experiment was performed showing tliat root beer contains alcohol. The body of an unknown man was found in the woods near Ludington with nothing about him to show his identity. He had evidently been dead several weeks. The Albion college exploring party liave returned, liaving had to abandon their canoes at Ombabika river, Ontario, and take the steamer from Port Arthur to Detroit. The wire shovel works of W. A. Reddick, at Miles, the only factory of its kind in the United States, was partially dest.royed by fire. The loss is 83,000, fully insured. It is stated that the records in Michigan show that during the past two years inore tarín mortgages have Deen discharged in this state than for any similar period for 20 years. Three furnaces in the Calumet & Hecla smelters at South Lake Linden have been fired upafter several inonths i idleness. Therer is a heavy demand for copper, whieh warrants resumption. A passenger on board the F. & P. M. steamer No. 4, f rom Ludington to Manistee, jumped overboard 10 miles out of Mihvaukee and was lost. His gold watch and baggage was left on board. The members of the Ladies' Temple society of BayCity, being wives, sisters and daughters of Masons, served as conduct'irs on the street car lines all of one day and make a good large sum for their society. Chief Justice McGrath has granted a writ of error in the case of Mrs. Nellie W. l'ope, the Detroit woraan in Jaekson prison for murdering her husband, and the case will be reviewed at the üctober term of the supreme court. Patrick Quinlan, who was so prominently connected with the Holmes "Castle" in Chicago, has moved to his old home at Lacota and says that he was persecuted by the Chicago pólice. Frankenmuth people celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of their village by holding religious services, concerts, a big parade, and giving picnics, games and iireworks. Thousands were present. The trial of John R. Haven, the auetioneer of Holland, who was arrested ■ at Muskegon for selling R. Mueller's jewelry stock at auction, which is j trary to the city ordinance, resulted in a heavy fine. Mueller will appeal the case to test the ordinance. Goorge W. Love, awaiting trial for murder, and Oscar Schuit., doing timo , for larceny, eseaped from the county jail at Bellaire. Love murdered a squaw nained Solomon iu cold blood j near Elk Rápida last June. A reward of S300 is offered for Love. During a brawl attheannual church festival of the Germán Lutherns at Frankeninuth, Charles Corington, of Arbela. struck a man named Thomas j on the head with a stone and jumped on Mm, injuring him so that he will probably die. Corington fled. Frank N. Clark, superintendent of the Michigan itations of the U. S. commission, is just now locatèd on the main streaiTi of tlie Au Sable riyer, about sevon milea east of Grayling, estatlishin(f a government fish hatchery for the propagation of brook trout, of which he expeets to produee about two millioii this year. A. L. Lakey, of Kalamazoo, secretary of the National Sportsmen's association says that the next congrcss will be urged to take steps to stop the j trafile in the eggs of wild dueks and , geese in Alaska, as the nests are j ieinatieally and persistently robbed and the extinction tf these two species of fovvl is threatent'.l. There is a prospect that the digging and shippingof marl from several west Michigan tmvns to Chicago wilt grow into quite an iudustry. Marl is found in large quantities in the marshes along the prncipal streamsof western Michigan, is kilndried and ground and used for the adulteration cif paint, In fact it is the principal ingrediënt of the cheap grades. A moveinent is on foot by prominent citi.ens Irom Minneapolis, Ashland, St. I'aul and several north Michigan cities. who own fishing club houses along the Brule river, to buy up the entire river from source to mouth and make it a private stream. The Umie isa famooa gtream for trout, andjs controlled now prineipally by the big logging cornpanii'S. Spencer (!. Millard, lieiiteiKint-overnor of California, who lias been visiting his old Ionia houie, was called back bv the criticál illr.ess of Gov. Budd. Mr. Millard liimself is very fee ble from lung trouble.


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