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Council Proceedings

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[OFFICIAL.] COUNCIL CHAMBER, I Ann Arbor, September, 2nd, 1895. f J tegular session. President Hiscock being absent the Council was called to order by Glen V. Mills City Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent, Aid. Ferguson, Pres. Hiscook. On motion of Aid. Brown Aid. Butterfield was ehosen President protem. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR. City of Ann Arbor, Mich., Mayor's Office, Sept. 2nd, 1895. To the 'Honorable tfie Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen : - In accordance with Sec. 31 of our Charter I have appointed Daniel J. Ross a member of the Board of Public Works vice Jacob F. Schuh whose time of office has expired. To all of which I ask the approval of your honorable body. Yours respectfully, W. E. Walker, Mayor. Aid. Taylor moved that the nomination of D. J. Ross be confirmed by the Council. Adopted as follows: eas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady - 13. Nays - None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the President and the Honorable Common Council : Gentlemen: - In persuance of a resolution passed Aug. 5th, 1895, by your honorable body. We recommend the Austin Grader F. O. B. , Ann Arbor at $166.66 or two at $325.00. And we further recommend the American Wheel scrapers, Nos. 2 and 3 pressed bowls with whipple trees and yolk and end grates at $37.00 and $41.00 respectfully, F. O. B.. Ann Arbor. Board of Public Works, by A. M. Clark, President. Received and placed on file. To the Common Council: The undersigned company respectfully pctitions your honorable body to grant it permission to construct a three foot wide area way along the south wall of the newaddition it is now building to its factory situated on the corner of First and Washington streets. Said area way to be properly protected by secure railings and to extend from the building line three feet into the sidewalk. The Ann Arbor Organ Company, by W. M. Sturgeon, Treasurer. Refered to the Sidewalk Committee and Board of Public Works. To the Common Council : In the matter of the roof water being allowed to enter the sewers I would recommend that where roofs are so situated that they have no outlet except across the sidewalk that they be permitted to connect with the sewers in such a manner as shall eomply with the plumbing rules and to remain so connected until sewers for storm water are built or until such time as the capacity of the sewers shall be deemed by the Council to demand the noncontinuance of this arrangment. Respectfully, Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Brown moved that the recoir.mendation of the engineer be concurred in by the council. Adopted. Tü the Common Council: I herewith submit plan for location of Street Rrailway tracks on State street at the interseotion of the same with N. University avenue for your consideration. The scale of the drawing is twenty feet to the inch and shows the location gutters, sidewalks, tracks, crqselngs, etc. Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Maynard moved that the drawings and plans of the Engineer be concurred in by the Council. Adopted. To the Common Council: Gentlemen: - In regard to the matter of the claim of Herman Hutzel for damages and extra work done in Sewer District, No. 2, the Board of Public Works herewitt) submit a statement preparad from data furnished by the Engineer and by the terms of the speclfications and contract. The matter has been jone over carefully and they are of the opinión that the matter should be settled only on the basis of the Engineer's estimated herewith submitted. The data on Whioh this estímate is made is also respectfully submitted. The Board, therefore, recommend that - if Mr. Hutzel is willing to settle on the basis of his not being required to build the house conneetions on the High School and University Sevvers, and that he be allowed 50c each for (Si) extra Y's - the city settle. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. At this juncture the City Engineer explained the matter to the Council. Aid. Cady moved that the recommendation of the Board of Public Works as explained by the City Engineer be adopted. The motioned prevailed as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynerd, Snyder, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyuaan, (Joon, Cady - 9. Nays - Aid. Allrnendinger, Koch, Laubengayer - S. Aid. Butterfield not voting. By Aid. Taylor. Bessolved, that a warrant for the sum of $516.84 be drawn payable to the City Clerk, the money paid thereon to be tondered to Herraan Hutzel in full payment of balance due upon sewer contract in lateral sewer district No. 2. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Kooh, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Üady - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Butterfield not voting. A petition signed by George Spathelf, jr., and twenty-eight others asking for a fence around well on Broadway was read and upon motion referred to the Board of Public Works. A petition signed by W. W. Whedon and others asking for certain street improvement was read and referred to Committee on Streets. REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTFFS. FI NANCE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Pinance would respactfully report that they have had the followirg bilis under their consideration, and would allow their allowance by this Council, and warrants ordered drawn for the same. CONTINGENT FÜND. Olen V. Mills, siihiry $ 66 67 Charles H. Klein, " 85 00 Patrick O'Heam, " 83 31 (■liarles II. Mimly. " 8 :4 Marión Davenport, " ii 2. Olay A Green, assignd to J. L. Kose. .. 3 17 Hack & Srlmikl, rent 8 33 Dr. E. A. Clark, salary 25 00 MinnieA. Wells, typewrlting 8 65 The Aini Arbor Register, printing aigaá to A. A. S. H 13 60 Baile; low S Glen V. Mills, postage and expresa 1 30 Rlchmond & Backns Oo., dogtags - 14 7." Michigan Bell Tel. Oo., telephonfng... 96 Secretary of State, cert. copies 1 oo Irwin Vescelius, services 2 oo Nathan 1). (Jorbin."clerricil work 35 95 llaiiie Steward, typewrlting 2 00 The Aun Albor Register, printing 1" 59 The Ann Arbor Democrat, " 22 40 The Washtenaw Evenlng Times, printin_' 150 SidW. Hlilard, prlnting 7 00 ('liarles II. Kline. expenses 2 36 ■ 4 10 Jacob Ganshorn, rellows inspector... 56 98 Ann Arbor T. II. ElectrlcCo. llghtlng. 655 4 Moore & Wt'tmore. supplies 2 W Mra. Coleman, janltorwork 8 78 Total.... HO88 88 SIWER PUKD. Charles A. Ward, Inspector of plumbIng 8 40 "ii Glen V. Mills, postage 2.Ï Total 5 8 7.1 District No. 8. George F. Key. salar? $ 50OP Greorge II. Flscher, services 23 45 Krank Siit herlaiul. " 21 4.' E. W. Groves, assistaní engineer 43 30 ('liarles II. Spencer, office work s ' Wm. B. Stocklng, Inspectlon 65 00 J. Rice Miner. " 20 00 A. A. Terry. " 51 24 ParrisS. Banflold, " 62 ."0 Charles A. Ward, " 10 oo Earl Butler, " 1 ■' Henry c.illi iis. contractor 2878 93 Total 18273 ii2 Diatrici No. 4. QeorgeF. Key. salary 85 00 George II. Flsher, services 8 40 Krank Sunderland, " 8 00 Wra. ('. Fleteher, inspeel ion 22 .TO issiund to II. K. Krost, & Oo 15 00 Win. C. Fleteher, assigned to Ann Arbor Savlngs bank 82 SO A. A. Terry. Inspectlon 2:t 12 E. W. Groves, assistant engineer 18 00 Henry ('ollins. contractor 1898 4 ('liarles II. Spencer, ntlice work 4 4l) Total SiO+: Sfl District No. H. ('liarles 11. Spencer. otHce work i 4 00 Total ■. i 4 00 STKKKT UMI. Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, accounts assigned t hem : Michael Kuste.-, labor t 29 10 Willtam Knehn. ■■ 20 lo John Klttle, " 1 68 Lawrenee Hughs, " 27 75 Michael Hessfans, " 89 89 John McHugh, " 27 25 Michael Heary. " 14 BS Henry Marsh. " U 38 Wllllam Lamborn, " 1 SO John Oroff, " 1 63 I'. D. Rogers, " George Levler, " i oo E. Saddler, " 60 13 George Schalble, " (8 25 AlezanderSchlupe, " 2 86 Michael Williams, '■ 2.s 50 Charles Wlnkle, " 12 7:. 313 17 The State Savtnga Bank, accounfs assigned thetn: August Bochnke, labor 8 fto Frank Levier, " -to 76 William Enkerman, " 15 i illiatii Kretlow. " 88 70 William Lamborn, " 8 oo M, Lulppold, " 160 88 86 Baily&Dow, suppltes 2 l." Bnyaer & Sweet, gravel asstgued to Ann Arbor 8a vings 116 70 O. Eberbach, bell 46 00 Schnelderá Sel acher. services... i H Glen V. Mills, freight C. E. Godfrey.. :i" I, e, ni a ni Bassett, salary üti liti August Behnke, labor 3 00 Willis 1.. ciark. services 42 w Daniel Prench, labor 1138 George 11. Fis 'her, " 4 BS S. T. Sweet. " l'raíik Sumlerlaml " 4 O." Chas. H. Spencer, office work 8100 E. Saddler, teaming 8113 .enas Sweet. " 8 56 John McHugh, '■ 6 SO I lentv Marsh, " 6 50 M. Nagel, labor 88 01 l'at HfcCabe, labor :4 20 Barney Morrlson, lalxir : ih Aupust Schwerman, " 150 ('.Storm-., labor ( (H) George Schalblei labor Wllllam Enkerman, labor i 58 Christian .letter. " 34 50 William Lamborn, " a 00 (ico. l.e Ier, " 3 00 Michael Kuater, " 3 78 v, lillaro Kuehn, " 3 ki William Kretlow, " 3 00 Michael Hesaian, " 8 75 Lawrence Hugh, " 3 00 Joe Hutzel, " 31 95 K. W. Groves, assistant engineer ln ni (.'hurles Radke, labor 13 50 George W. Weeks, gravel 17 tai Williams M. Wallace, labor 7 50 .Michael Williams, " 3 oo Charles Winkle, " 2 25 A. Voorheis, teamlna 71 "l Matthew Bcnnierle, labor assigned L. O, Weiiimaiin 7 05 Jamee Donegan, repairs 1 l" ■ I'. Key, salary :i" oo Charles A. Ward, inspetion of sidewalks 10 00 Total % 1136 88 BRIDOE, CULVERT ASD CHOSSWAI.K. Btate Bavlngs Baak, accounts assigned thcm: Michael Bnkermao, labor .4 88 50 28 so Un Arbor Srvincs Bank, accounts assigned t hem: Charles Winkle, labor i 17 Sfl S. l'ike. labor 25 :X) 43 0T Mhe Tthens Brick (o. brlck 106 ''7 T. A. A. &N.M. Uy. ('o. freifjllt 4 2) ('liarles Wlnkle, laW 1 51 Wllllam Enkerman, labor 1 50 Total - 325 ir. KIHK FUN'D. I'tcíI Bipley, salury mi ík C. A. Edwards, " 50 00 V. II. McLaren, " 60 no Max Whlttlnger, " 50 00 Alhelí WOBt, " M 00 Runene "illiams. ■■ "i(0 I ouls llorlzi'k'. " 50 llrrman Kiin. " áfi 0 Samuel McLaren, " s i1 F.d. Boel " 8 (Ki v. l.. Schnlerle, " 8 08 ,M. C. Ryan. " - 00 Win. Rettlch, " 8 00 3eo. R. Kelley, hay (50 Kyer Mllllng tío. feed 88 Min, Kcam. washing 00 .T. Manan, hay 20 33 .1. H. Hand, paintlng roof 14 i5 James Donegan, horse shoeing i.' 0 i'. Eberbach, supplies li 98 Glen N. Mills, postage 1 0 Total $ HO 07 PÓLICE TUND. M. C. Pétenos, salary $ 98 00 " " " postage 100 David C'ollins, salary SO 00 George Isabel. '■ 50 00 Reuben Armbruster" 50 00 .John O'Mara, " 50 00 James Murray, special 24 C0 Balley & Dow, supplies 10 ( ('liristian Bruinier, llvery 1 50 Total $ 3-2 10 POOR FÜND. Fred Sipley. salary 10 00 Clarence Lumber (Jo. wood 5ti 4H T. A. A. & N. M. Ry. Co. f reight 36 18 Frank Burg. groeerles 2 03 C. Dwyer, " 2 00 Ed.Duffy. ' 8 89 JohnEtsele, " o 5 41 Mrs. Evans, ald 5 00 H. F. Frost & Oo. grooeries c2 00 John Goetz & Son, " 7 40 John Goetz, Jr., " 3 56 A. E. Munimery, medicine 'X 40 O. M. Martin. coHin 10 00 W. F. Lodholz. grooeries 10 29 Wm. H. Melntyre. " i3 44 O'Hara, Boyle & Co. groceries í 8' O. Riney , groeeries i 77 Rinsey & Seabolt, groeories 10 :t4 V. 1-'. Stinison. ' ; S4 Ö. W. 8now, livery 100 Wm. Salycr. groceries 2 00 e. Vogel, meat 0 v. Zeurn, " N Total ? 197 27 CEMKTARY FUKD. Newton Felch, labor S 7 .0 E.S. Manlv. " !i '0 William Midgley, " í 78 W. I.RadalI. " 17 25 Total $ 43 50 RECAPITULATION KEPORT AUGUST 1S!I". Contingent $ 1,068.79 f Generala 40.75 ) ■„.„, ! No. 3 3.273.62 I c .,,., .,., Sewer ; - 4 2,04:i.8fi 6J3 I " 6 4.00J Street l,i:0."2 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk 38! 12 Pólice :3 iu Fire ñSO.oT Poor 197.27 Cemetery l&w Total $,S854.55 Respectfully submitted, H. J. Brown, C. H. Cady, Emmett Coon. Committee on Finance. xVdopted as follows ; Yeas- Ald. Moore, Maj-nard, Allmen dinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengav! r. Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Buttei'field, Cady- 13. Nays - None. F1HE DKPAUTME.Nr. To the Common Council: A majority of your Committee on Fire Department wouldreeommend that this Council authorize the City Clerk to place the insurance on Fireman's Hall as follows: With Bach & Butler in the Detroit Fire and Marine, on building $2500. With Fred McOmber in the Home of New York, on building $2000, on furniture $500. Further yoúr Committee is of the opinión that $2000 on the building ought to be cancelled and so recommend to this Council. Respectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, W. M. Shadford, Committee on Fire Department. To the Common Council : As a member of the Fire Department Committee and being unable to agree with the majority of the committe on the subject of the insurance to be placed on the building and fixtures of the department. I herewith subruit for the eonsideration of this couucil the following minority report. That this Council authorize the City Clerk to place the insurance as follows : With II. .1. Mann in the .Ktna Í1600. With Bach & Butler in the Detroit Fire & Marine 11600. With Fred McOmber in the Home of New York on building $1500, on lixtures $f00-$2000. Respectfully submitted, John Kouh. Received and placed on file. Whereupon the majority report vat adopted as followi; Yeas - Ald. iSloore, Maynard. Brown, Taylor, Shadfoi-d, Prettyman, Coon, Buttertield 8. Nays- Ald. Allmendingci'. Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Cadj 5, UOBTIMO. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Lightiiig to whom was referred the lighting contract for the purpose of preparing tlie same, satisfactory to the Michigan Eleotric Company and Professor ('arliart. would report tbat Joseph [C Lockwood, President of the Michigan Electric Company tUWStetedtO your Committee bis willingness to accept the contract herewith submitted thé same being satisfactory in every respect to Professor Carhart. Your Committee would therofore recommend that the contract be entered into by the City of Ann Arbor. Your Committee would also submit the following second proposal made by the Ann Arbor T. & H. Electric Company. The Electric Light Committee, City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen :- We will enter into a contract for street lighting for two (2i years, at sixty-four ($04.00) dollars per year- 2(35 nights to 12:30 o'clock, 5 candle power, incadeseent lamps on basis of "Porter" bid, and all night lighting on basis of "Lockwood" bid, other provisions of contract to be as now drawn by Professor Carhart. Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Company, by W. F. Davidson, vice-president. Respectfully submitted, D. F. Allmendinger, C. H. Cady, Committee on Lighting. The report of the Committee was adopted and recommendations concurred in as follows : Yeae - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmennder, Koch, Brown. Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Cady - 10. Nays - Aid. Snyder, Laubengayer, Taylor, Butterfield- 4. REPORT OF CITY OFFICER. The report of the City Clerk, City Marshal and Chief of the Fire Departa was read and ordered placed on file. Aid. Prettyman excused. EESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Allmendinger. Resolved, that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract with the Michigan Electric Co. for lighting the city fora term of five years f rom the first day of January 1896 according to proposal made by them. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Coon, Cady -11. Nays- Aid. Butterfield- 1. By Aid. Taylor. Resolved, that the Board of Public Works are hereby instructed to purchase one Austin graderand two Amercan Wheel scrapers at prices quoted in ;he communication from the Board of the Common Council thisevening Sept. Aid. Maynard moved as an amendment that the resolution be amenied by cutting o at all that portion of the resoution relative to two scrapers. Yeas - Aid. Moore, Allmendinger, tioch, Snyder, Brown, Shadford, Butterfield, Cady- 8. Nays - Aid. Moore, Laubengayer, Taylor, Coon - 4. Aid. Koch moved as a substitute that the purehase of a road grader be postponed until next spring. Lost. WhereupOn the resolution asamended irevailed as follows : Yeas. - Aid. Moore, Maynard. Allnendinger, Snyder, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Butterfield, Cady- 9. Nays - Aid. Koch, Laubengayer, Coon - 3. By Aid. Allmendinger. Iiesovled, that the Board of Public Works is hereby ordered to put a tile culvert across Washington street in plae of the second, wooden bridge west of Third street. The culvert to be constructed of three two foot tile laid abrest, with a sufficient stone wall at each end to protect and keep the tile in shape. As the street is at present being graded and iilled it would be adviseable to lave the same done at once. The present wooden bridge needs constant reoairing and involves continual expense lo the city. Referred to Committee on Streets. On motion the Council adjourned. CityClerk.


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Ann Arbor Register