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Among Our Neighbors

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John Kensler informs us that peaches are worth only from $1 to ïl.25 a bushei in Detroit, and that means best stock. T. W. Hunt, Esq., who took the census, reporta that there are 407 childret) of school age in this village; 210 females and 1 97 males. So many of our oitizens are suceessful in getting owing wells on there premises that but little has been said of late about water works. Jiut few places in the state are so fortúnate as to get an abundant supply of pure cold water. üAn aged woman was about town yestcrday afternoon and claimed that she had been put off the train while enroute. Chelsea Herald. The Glazier Stove Co's foundry is now running full blast. A. N. Morton and family, who have resided in Ann Arbor tho past year. moved back to Chelsea last week. The ladies of St. Paui's church will hold an ice cream social at the homo of Martin Widmayer, three miles south of Chelsea, Tbtirsday evening, September 5, 1895. Everybody invited. The carpenters began work on the Congregational parsonage this week. Saline Obsekver. Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Miss Ida Shepard, of Long Beach, Cal., to Mr. O'dnow of the -ame place, September 6th. Most of our readers remember Idaand will with us congratúlate her in her new life. A large tarántula was found in the marsh no:-th of town a few days since. The spider was of the original southern species, a id very active, showing that they may be expected to breed in this part of the country, which will not be a pleasing thought byany means. Pive tough looking forenigers with three bears gave quite an exhibition on our streets Monday afternoon. Someone tells us, of what benefit are they to this country - the gang? Miss Hattie Cook hasgone to Moline, TIL, to commence her school there next week, and her sister Rachel to Cold water in the state school. The remains of Mis Lura Avery was taken from the vault Tuesday and buried in Ann Arbor. Dexter Leader. Jedele & Cook are making preparations to engage extensively in the poultry business this coming iall and winter. Their first carload was shipped from St. Louis last week. If you have poultry see them beforeyousell it. Mrs. Jessie Parsons was before the Probate Court Tuesday ar;d given an order to Pontiac where sha was taken by Supervisor Ball yesterday. For some time Ivlrs. Parsons has been sufïering from mental, derangement and this was deemed best. The family has the sympathy of the entirecommunity G. A. Peters says his peach erop this year will reach 1.000 bushels. II. W. Newkirk displays a ve lic 150 years old in the Savings Bank window. He will give a three month's subsription to the Leader to the person guessIng what the relie is. Kev. A. B. Wood, formerly pastor of the M. E. churuh of this village, is arranging his household goods in a house near the University at Ann Arbor and will send for his family next week. All will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Wood is fully recovered in health. Ypsilanti Sentinel. About midnight Saturday, the motor crew discovered lire in a closet at the south end of the Presbyterian church sheds. They sounded an alarm, and the lire department responded in time to save the church, the Baptist sheds adjoining and C. L. Yost's barn. The Presbyterian sheds, however, and a barn on the Durry property abutting, were burned The origin of the lire is unknown, but in all probability it was accidental. A cigar stub, a lighted match, or any one of a dozen different causes might have been the one. The Ypsilanti Orchestral Society will open the Unity Club's lecture course at Ann Arbor, giving a concert about the middle of October. The Grass Lake is for sale. The present publisher. who has conducted the paper for eiyht years, is too modest to put his name in print, but he has succeeded in sending out the brightest local paper on our exchange list. The Sentinel hopes he may continuo in the profession. J. E. McGregor, of the firm of Trim & McGreger, has gone to Midland for a month, his family accompanying him. Chelsea standard. Work has again been commenced on ths trench connecting the Stove Works with the reservoir at the creek, and considerable úlfficulty is being causcd by the uumerous spring that are scattered in the patbway. But the men are able, vvith the aid of a pump run by an electrie motor, to lay about a rod of tile during a day. It is stated that the records in Michigan show that during the past tvvo yiars more farm mortgages have been diseharged in this state than for any similar period for 20 years. Proof that the husbandmanof Michigan are weathering the hard times gales about as well as any of them. Ann Arbor gets the next Germán Day celebi-ation. The law forbids any pensioner from bargaining, Bell ing or promisinjf his quarterly pension to any dealor, or other persons before it has become due and paid, and also on the other hand, all persons are forbidden by law to accept the same in any manner as securing for credit or othorwise. The fine is fixed at ilüO for any violation of the act, and is equal upon the soldiers and dealere.


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