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Fur I) xpepsia and Liver Complaint you have a printed guaran tee on every bottle of Shiloh"a Vitalizer. It nfiver fails to cure. For sale by all druggists. Tlie luromparable Chicago A VH. n In these United States of America at least, and it is hig-hly probable that throughoutthe entire vvorld, the official record for the safety and welfare of it passengere made and maintained by the Chicago & Alton Railroad cannot be surpassed if indeed it can be equalled. Over its completely rock-ballasted, dustless roadway between Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and St. Louis and St. Louis snd Kansas City, eighteen magnificently appointed express trains are run on uniformly fast time uvery day. But in spite of this heavy passenger traftic the official records show that f rom December 4, 1879 to December 4, 1890, eleven years, there was no passenger, who was in place as a passenger, killed on Chicago & Alton trains. Moreover there was not a passenger seriously injured, to the extent of losing a limb, an eye or a member of any kind during that time. During the entire period of the World's Oolumbian Exposition in Chicago, whn it was not an uncommon thing tofind the usual passenger traffic of the road increased two, three and four-fold, and special excursión trains were very many, there was not an accident oL any kind - a most remarkable record. Besides being America's most popular railroad, the Chicago & Alton is the Pioneer Dining Car Line, the Pioneer Pulían Sleeping Car Line and the Pioneer Palaee Reclining Chair Car Line. Be sure that your ticket reads over the Chicago & Alton Iiailroad, when its matchless and direct lines can form the whole, or even a part of your journey. James Charltox, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. 02 Chicago, 111. Mortgage Sale Default having been made in the Conditions of a certain Mortgage made by Louisa S. J. Johnson to the Ann Arbor Savings Bank dated the 5th day of Marob 1 S! H and recorded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the fth day of March, 1891, in Liber 76 of mortgages on page 220 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of seven hundred and six dollars and eighty cents (70(S.S0) and an attorney fee of twenty-flve dollars provided for in said mortgages and no suit at law or proceedings in equity having been instituted to recover the money secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now therefore by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the etatute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Friday the first day of November 1895 at ten o'clock in the forenoon the said Bank will sell to the highest bidder at public auction at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place where tbe circuit court "for said county is holden) the premises descibed in said niortgage or so much as may be necessary to pay the amout due on said raortgage and the expense of this foreclosure. The premisee to be sold being described as a part of lots 100 and 101 of R. S. Smith's third addition to said city of Ann Arbor frontiug 66 feet on Obervatory-st. and extending west on the north end of said lots 110 feet. The premises herein decribed being bounded east by Observatory-st. north by Volland-st. west by a line] parellel to Observator}-. st. and 110 feet therefrom and south by a line parallel to Volland-st. and 06 feet therefrom. Dated August Sth 1895. The Ann Arbor Savinos Baxk, Mortgagee. Thompsox akd Harriman, 88 Attys. for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the money secured by a mortgage dated 12th day of May in the year 1885 executed by Warren Babcoek. .Mary A. Babcock, Frank Babcock and Effie Babcock. his wife, of Milan, Washtenaw County. Michigan, to Margaret Kearney, of thé City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County and State of Michigan which said mortgage was re(rded in the office of the Urister of Deeds of the County of Washtenaw in Liber 64 of mort. on page 479 on the 13th day of May V. D. 1805 at 11:05 o'clocka. m, of said day. And whereas, the amount claimed to be due on raid mortgage is the sum of two thousand one hundred and six and twenty-seven hundredths dollars (B2,106.27) of principal and interestand the further sum of twenty-five dollars as an attorney fee stipulated for in said mortgage, and which is the whole amount claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage and no suit or proceeding having been instituted at law to recover the debtnow remaining seeured by said mortgage or any pait thereof, whereby the power of sale contained in saiii mortgage has becomo operativo. Now therefore, notioe is liereby given,that by virtue of tho said power of sale, and in pursuance of the si a tute in such case made and provlded, the said niortgage will e b foreclO8 il by a sale of Raid premisos theivin dcseribed al public auction. to the hit best bidder, at the west front door of tho Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw, (thai being tl:e i of holding the Circuit ('om-t for said County. on tbe 23 day of November A.D. 1895 at lOo'clock in 'the forenoonof that day; which said premlsea are leBcribed in said marttrage us folio ws, towit: All that eertain piece or parcelo! land sitúate and in the township of York, in County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan. Commeacingat the south-west corner of lot one (] of Edwai-cls plat in tho Villnge of MÍlan and running south sixty-one and one-half degrees east along the south line of said lot and on tho north line of Front street sixty-six feet, thence north twenty-nlne and one-half degrees parallel with west line of said lot onehundred feet,thenco south sixty and one half degreefl east parallel with south line until it comes within forty-four feet of the east line, theneu north-easterly to the north-east corner; thence north-westerly along tho north line to the north-wast corner; thence south : twenty-nine and one-half degrees west along the west line of said lot and on the ' east line of Tolan street to the place of beginning. ■ Dated this Sth day of the August A. D. 1895. Margaret Kearxey, 89 Mortgagee. Take ïour Slimmer Vaoatlon Trip to Colorado sitial Yellowstoiie l'ark. The Burlington route will run special car, personally eonducterl tours to Colorado and the Yellowstone Park. leaving Chicago June 26, August 7 and 14. Fiist-class service. Low rate, including all expenses. For descriptivo paraphlot, apply to T. A. Grady, Manager, 211 Clark St., Chicago. 81 Keal Kwlate Tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN I COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. [ Sbi In the matter of the estáte of Harriet Wright, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to Jerome A. Freeman, administrator of the estáte of said deceased, by thE Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the lOth day of July, A. D. 1894, there will be soíd at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the East front door of the Court Jlouse in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw in said state, on Wednesday the twentyfifth day of September A. D. 1895 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eucumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased) the following described real estáte, to-wit: Beginning at a point nine chaina and 8eventeen(l") links east of the quarter stake letween sections twenty-one and twenty-eight in township two (2) south range six (6) east: thence east along the line three (3) chains and fourty-two (42) links; thence south at right angles four (4) chains and fiifty (50) links to the north boundary line of the right of way of the Michigan Central Railroad Uompany; thence westerly along the north line of said railroad three (3) chains and sixty-four (64) links, thence north three (3) chains and twenty-eight (28) links to the place of beginning, containing one and one-half acres more or less, all being in said city of Ann Arbor. Also one acre off the west end of the following described land on secl.ion twenty-eight (28) in said city.bounded on the east by the Huron river, on the south by the Michigan Central Railroad's right of way, on the north by the riT9r road, and on the west by land deeded by Edwin Lawrence and wife to Chauncey (ï. Orcutt by deed dated March lst 1862, and recorded in liber 49 of deeds on page 356 in the Register's office of said County. All said land being in the City of Ann Arbor, in aaid county of Washtenaw. Dated Aug. 5tn, 1895. O. E. BtHTERFIELD, 82 Adininistrator de bonis non Mortssage Sal'. Default having been made in the conditions of payment of a certain raortgage made on the 13th day of May A. D 1891 by John Pfisterer and Mary his wife, to The Farmers and Machanics Bank; whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operative which mortgage was recordod in the office of the Register of Deeds in the County of Washtenaw on the 13th day of May aforesaid, in Liber Tliof Moi'tgages on page 273 and on which said üari! there is claimed to be üue at the date of this notice the sum of thirteen hundred and seventy-five dollars anc no proceedlngs at law or in equity havinji been instituted to colleet the saic sum of money or any part thereof. Nmt 'l'lu nore Notice is hereby given that on the 2d day of November 1895, a eleven o'cloek, a. m. at the south Iron door of the Court House, in the City o: Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, the saic mortgage vvill be foreclosed and the lands and tenante in the saiu mortgage mentioned and described will be sold al public auction or vendue to the h ighestj bidder to satisfy the principa! and interest of the said mortgage and the costs of and expenses of these proceedings including an attorney's fee ol thirty dollars providedfor therein. The lands teneraents and premises in the said mortgage conveyed and then to be sold are described as follows: All thatcertain piece or parcelof land sitúate in the 'ity of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to-wit: Commenoing at the north-east corner of land owned by Kugene Osterlin on the south side of Huron street betweenAllen Creekand Jewetts addition, thence south along Osterlin's land. eight rods to Mts. Kiseles land. thence east slodg Kiseles land four rods, thenee north eight rods to Huron street, thence west four rods to place of beginning, all on seetion twcnty-nine tovvn two south, range six east Dated, Ann Arbor, August lith. L896. ETABMBBS & Mkchaxics Bank, Mortgagee. E. I!. NORRIS, Attorney for Mortgagee. 88 .iioriïiiïf .ni' Default havlng bees made In the conditions of a, Mortsrage executed bv Thomas H. Geer to Philip Leonard. for the purchase money for the premises herelnafter deacribed, which mortgage - date September 17th, A.J). 1883, and is reoopded in tho olh'ee of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw county, Michigan, on the 20th day of September, A. D. 1883 In Liber(2of Mortgam page 565, by which default the power of sale oontalned Ln raid mortgasre became operatlve, and no suit or proeeeding in law or equity haviiijr been instituted to recover the debt se: by Ba!d mortgage or any pari thereof. and tho sum of twenty-four bundred aineteen and flfty-three onetiundreds dcllars ($2,419 53} being now claim ed to ba dae on saiil mortgage, notie y elven that sald mortgage wil] be foi by a sale of the mortgaged premlaes therein ibed or some part thereof, to-wlt: All of the following d land sltuated in the city of Aun Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in the of Michigan, vz: Lot commenoing at the north-east : of lot No. one (1), in blocK No. two(2) oorthof Huron streèt in ra No. four (4 east, running thence south thirty-flve (35) feet oa theeast lineof said lot, thence running rest sixty-eix 66) f' el parallel witli the aortb line of said lot, thence runnlne noi'th parallel with the east line of said lot thlrtj et, thence east on the north line of said lot sixty-six (00) feet to place of begjnnlnff, at public yendue on Prlday the Eleventh day of October, A. I). 1895, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the eist front door of the Court House in t'ie city of Ann Arbor. in said county of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court of 3aid county. Dated, July 8th, A. D. 189".. Phhjp Leonard. Mortgagee. Noah W. Cheever, Attorney for Mortgagee. oa SI: erin 's Sale. Notice is hereby giventhat by virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of I the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, In ehancery, in favor of the Ann Arbor Milllng Company, against the goods and chattels and real estáte of Hiram Storms and Agnes E. Storms insaid county, to me direeted and delivered, I did on the llth day of July instant levy upon and take all the rignt title and interest of the said Hiram Storms and Agnes F,. Storms in and to the following described real estáte, that is to say : Cemmencin in Brown and Fuller'ï addition to the village now city :f Anti Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State oí Michigan, twelve feet from the noherly sideof the cabinet shop as formerly located on the south bank of the rac e vvhieh now runs to the Ann. Arbor Milling Company's mili, thence up the line of the race forty feet, and extending westerly from said line at right angles with said line forty feet wide to the river. with the privilege of ereeting a bulk head thereon and the privilege of taking from said bulkhead seventy-two inches of water ; also commencing in said addition at the southeast corner of a certain piece of land lying on the south-west side of the mili race heretofore decided to Josiah Beckley, Samuel Doty, John Thomas, Heman Thomas and Zebul M. Thomas, running thence down said race sixtytvvo feet, thence at right angles with. said race to the river, thence up the river to said lands heretofore deeded to Josiah Beckley and others, thence to the place of beginning and privilege of taking from said race on said premises one hundred and forty-four inches of water, said water privileges being subject to the limitations contained in deeds recorded in Liber 296 and Liber J. page 129, in the office of the Kejnster of Deeds of said county. Said lands being all the lands owneá by the said Hiram Storms and Agnes E. Storms, upon the south side of tlie race of the Ann Arbor iMillingCompany's mili. All of wlnch 1 shall exposé tor sale at public auction or vendue to the hihest biddei-, at the south front door of the eoui-t house in the city of Ann Arbor in said county on the 18th day of September 1895 at ten o'elook in the forenoon. Dated, this 30th day of July 1895. William Judson, Sheriff LAWRENCE & BUTTERFIELD, Solicitora for Oomplainant. 81 ÍUortgage Sale. Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by Albert F. Vanatta and Maria A. Van atta, his wife, to Albert L. Walker, and dated the 30th day of December 1869 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washtenaw County Mich. on the 30th of December 1869,1 1 Liber 4.'i of Mortgages on page 11 4, which mortgage was assigned by said Albevt L. Walker to Alexis Packard on the 13th day of April 1871 and recorded in Liber 3 of assignments of mortgag-es page 90, and assigned by Isrpel D. Packard administrator of the estáte of Alexis Packard to Prudenco Packard by deed of assignment, dated April 26, 17!) and recorded in Liber 6 of signments on page 24], and afterwards assigned by Israiï D. Paokard, administrator of the estáte of Prudente Packard tqChloe K. Waters by deed of assignrnent, dated the löthóayof August L889, and recordad in Líber 10, assignments oi mortgages page 287, on whiuh morttage there is ulaimed to be due at tlie date of this notice, the sum of seven hundrcd and ninety-two dollars and fourtccn oents ($792.14) and the costs of this foreclosure and no suit or preceedingfl in law or equity having been instituted to recover tho moneys seoured by said mortgage or any pari thereoi. Now therefore by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notiee is hereby given, that on Saturday, the 2(ith day of October, at 11 o'clook in the foienoon of that day, the said morttrage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premisos at the east front door of the C'ourt House in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court of the said County.) The premlses deacribed in said mortgage to be sold are described a.s follows: Thirty-two acres of land from the west side of that part ot the eaet half of tte south-east quarter of section nine (9), which lies north and east of the trail road (so-called) and eight and one-half acres oommencinff at the south-wrst corner of tho KJuth-east quarter of said section nine (9) running thenee north torty two and one-half rods, thenee east thirty-two roda, thenee south forty-twi? and one-half rods and tlicnoe westto the place of beginning all in the township of Salem, Washtenaw County, Michiran. Dated, Autrust lst, 1806. ei i lok E. Waters, A-siijnee. Thompson & Barbiman, Attorneys ter Assinee. 87 t liani iy Sale, In pursnance and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for theCounty of Washtenau, State of Michigan, In Chancery, made and entered on the üfteenth day of January l.SS!) in a cer,iin cause therein pending wherein John E. Van Xa!a is complainant and Charles F. Conrad, Mary E. Conrad, Thomas MoComb, Maria MoC imb and Dennis are defendants, notice is h9reby given that I sluill Bell at public nuction to the highest bidder at the eaeterly entranoe of i he 'ourt House in the City of Ann Arlior. Slato of .Michigan, (that beIng the buildinii in which the Circuit Court for tht County of Washtenaw is held) on Wednesday the ".'5th day of September 1895 at ten o'clook in the fprenoon of said day, the followinjf described rea) estáte situated in theTownship of Dexter, County of W'ashtonuw :i ml State of Michigan and doscribed as follows, to-wit, Commenoing at the enst section corner conimon sections twenty-flve and thirty-six and running north on the soction line six rods to a stake, thenee west in the direction of a staKe standing thirty-two rods south of the quarter post between snid sections, until it intersects the section line between said sections, thenee easteriy to the place of bezinning. Dated August 5, [895. O. Elmer Butterfield, Ciruit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw County, Michigan. 82 W. H. BUTLER, 16 i:. Huruii-st., ANN AICHOH, ni(Hv I S'.crelary and Treaturer Nat. Savings aria Ze 08, Astociatin, MONEY TO LOAN.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register