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Heart Disease Kills Fuddenly; but nc ver without warninsr pyraptoms. suchas Faint, Weak or Hungry - Irri'irularor Intermittent Pulse. Fiattering or Palpitation of the Heart, .'hokinr Í tions, Shortncss of Breath, Swelling of Feet aml Ankles, etc. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, Cures Heart Disease. Mr. Geo. L. Stuith, of the Geo. L. Smith Mantel Co., Louisville, Ky., writes Fob. 26, 1894: "For about a yoar I was a terrible sufferer f mm heart trouble, which got so bad I w;is ooliged to sit up in bed to get my breath. 1 had to abandon business and could hardly crawl around. My friend, Mr. Julius ('. Vocht, one of our leadin? pharmaCists, askod me to try Dr. Miles' Ileart Cure. I had used little more th.m a bottle when the pain ceased and palpitntions entirely dlsappeared. I have not had the slijrhtest trouble since, and today I am attending to busim ss as resularly as ever." Sold l;y drngglsts everywhere. Book on Ileart and Nerves sent free. Address Dr. Miles Medical l'o., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health. Ani;" Is scarcely less attracr'aillOrnia tivcthan the Winter I i _ seasdii there You ÜUIUUICI ..xplained and verified in our illustra-ted book- "To California and Hack." Por free copj' addre.s, i. T. NICHOL8ON, U. P. A., 88 'liiiiiulniirk Illdi:., liicno. ANDREW E. GIBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. A o. 10 E. Uur on St. AKIIOK .TIKH. riïCHIGAN CENTRAL. "The Xtagi.ra FaUs Boute." VJWj'HAL STANDARD TIME, THAiNS AT ANM AISieOK. láking Effect May 19, 1S95. going'est. IV.ail & Express : :o p. m. N. Y. Boston Special g oo I'usi Eastern 10 Atlantic Ex 747 u Detroit Nlghi Ex g 4 Grand Baplds Ex 11 05 GOING WEST Hall & Express s 4:i A. 11 üost N. V. ,v Chicago " 30 North Sliorc Ltd a Fast Western Ex 2 00 P. H. Grand Kpds & K :il Ex 5 S7 Cliloago Nlgbt Express 10 2ü PaclfleEx ■ la 15 ü. W. KÜCGLES, H. W HAYKS, G. I' & T. A., Chicago. Ag't., Jnn Arboi E. R. EGGLESTON, H. D. 2 S. .Iliiii-M.. r, Hnrou-M. Genend Fractice, Hours:- 10:30 a. m. to 12 ra. ; 2 to5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p. m. Pbone3S. P1ÜMBÏNG STEAM AND GAS FITTING SEffERCONNECTIONS Made promptlyand at rca.'onable ratea. All Work First = Class ! GIVK MK A TRIAL. JOIINO'BRIEN, 30 B. WASBinGTOH vr. Invalid's IDEAL DrinkiDg Cup. ANrwiilul I Mt'iil Artille I''or Uk' Bleki Tl, Patiënt Need Nol Bt Düturbed, Drink, Liquid Food or Medicino administered to the slck or attlicted in a recumbont position with case and satisfacción. i'i.-K :. 26 e: i:ts. I'or Sale b 1 J)nifjjist$ TFkinrn ■ ""■ ■"■ i ia I flMIIrK ".""' y'D'ni of rheumaI LIlUUII ticjoiuts. Rhematlsu be cured only hy mrIng lts cause, preventlng the fornmtion and ■ iiniil:i)iiiii wlthin tliesystei of deleteriona substances. To do Un-, ase Dr. Whitetialls Rheumatic Cure. tt relieves inflammatory rlieumatisin in a rew hours. the pain reasing and swejlini? dimlnlshing froni the beginning of ilie tre;ttqn of thls paper. ."( eenta ■ box; ; boxen, i.SO. Ir. Whlteball OTeif. ■., Soutt Benei, Tná THE POPULAR ROUTE TO GRAND RAP1DS AXD WESTERN MICHIGAN. IS THE D. L. & N. DETROIT, LANSING & NORTHERN. STATKJNS. OOrNG WKST. Detroit....... Lv. T W íliipñi "00 pm Plymouth.... " 8 28 I is o 43 South I.yon.. " 8 48 "i.; 704 Bowell June. " ü 14 7 "ii Howell - 820 2 36 ' 7 :!6 Lansing " 10 24 8 37 Grand Ledge. " IC 53 ::.-.-,■ 90e Grand Baplds " 2pm 5 30 10 46 onia ■' 11 48 a m 4 4ipml0 00 llw:ird-lty.,Ar. 1 20 p m 11 45pm STATIOSv. OOIKG EAST. Howard city 1 , 5 ft a m 4 10 p m lonla ' -, 80 1 :::, ,, ,,, g 00 Grand Bapids " T0 1 2Ü 5 25 Grand Ledge ' 8 :: :; 4:; 7 02 Lanslng " B 64 3 08 7 25 ""'■1I- " 63 3 6S Btt ll(iwc-ll Jane. " ii M South Lyon... " 111 ::r, 1 gg ss" l'i.vniDtli " 111 U 47 ..1 ■'!) Dt trolt Ar. 11 40 u m 5 30 p m 10 10 p m Connectionsat Grand Iiapidswith the Chira f o and West Michigan Hij. for Petoskcy. liav View, Traverse City, Maniates. Muskegon, Grand Haven, Benton Harbor, and St. Joseph, T. A. A. A Jr. M. Agenta Sell Through Tickets. Geo. D. Haven, G. P. A , rand Rapids. C0 f( CLEVELAND VIA "'. Jk H. L.IMC." omm4DClDjrvltli pning of nevigaton abont Ann Is . .MHiri.ifïfejir. sirtf-w heelteel steamer ' 'State ulOlii 'himI' Male oINcnïork," 11AII.V TIMK TADI.E. M'MIAV J.NCIA'EED. I.v. fleve'and, 6.80 p. m. I.v. Buffalo, 6S0P M. Ar., 7:30 a. i. Lt. i 1 veland 7 30a. h. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, Taki rhe ' C. & B. I.ine" steami r8 end enlov s refreBhiug niht's lest when enrouteto Kullaio, Madura FiiIIk, 'l'oruiiio, IVeAV York, Boston. Hum) . 1,000 IsIuikIk, or any otherKasfern or Canadiau polnt. Cheap Excursïons Weekly to Niágara Falls, SeDd 4 cents postage for tourlst ;pamph]et. W. F. HkrmAn, T. F. Newman, Gen'l. l'ass. Ak(. Gen.l. Manager. Cleveland, Ohio. WURSTER & KIRN. ' Want yon lo cali i' 'ten ycv are m w.ed oj a CARRIAGE OR BÜGGY Or '■' n'l' i' tort of a r, kich . Thí ir uork SPEAKJB8 FOK ITSKLF. BEPAIBINQ NEATLT DONE Al MODKRATK BATES. . Horse Shoeing . JiY K.Xl'KUIKSCKI) BASD8, WE eCARARTKB iU OIK 1VOKK 21, 23 and 25 N. 4th Ave.. Ann Arbor. Mich OHIO CENTRAL UNES. T. ií O. C, By-K. l M. Ry, Solitl thi'oueh trains between Toledo, Ohio anú Charleston. W. Ya., via Columbus, the sho7-t and on'y direct routo between Toledo, O., and Mt. Pleasant. W. Va. Findlay, O., " Rlchmond, Virginia. Kenlon, O., " Petersburg, Columbus, O. " oíd Point Comfort, Va Atln-ns, O. " Williamsburg, Va. Mlddleport,O " Newport, Newa, 'a. Pomeroy, O. '■ Norfolk, Virginia, And all south-eastei'n point?. Ele gant drawlng room cara on all through traína For further information cali on your local ti('ket or write, W. A. l'K'l Kl.s. MOtlX-TON HOÜK, Mich. Pase. Agt. Gen'] Pass., Agt. Detroit, Mich. Toledo. O. THE BEST LINE T0 THE SOUTH mm P THE DIRECT LINE TO IL Cincinnali and the Soiitfi. I 3THR0UGHTRAINS DAILY f rom DETRM 4 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from TOLEDO, DAYTON, CINCINNATI and the SOUTH. The Best Line From MICHIGAN flND NORTHERN OHIO TO FLORIDA and all the Southern States. D. B. TRACY N. P. ., Detroit. Mlch. JOHN BASTABLE. 0. P. A.. Toledo. O. 0. G. EDWARDS G. P. A„ Carew Bid. Clnclnna


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